Hi there!
Just a quick post to offer my assistance with Latin names for your titans and knights! I studied the language for seven years at school up to S-Level and it's always a pleasure to put that education to direct use!

There are three basic options that work nicely for titan names:
1. nominative noun plus nominative adjective (e.g. Vastitas Basilica - Magnificent Desolation)
2. nominative noun plus genitive noun (e.g. Dies Irae - Day of Wrath)
3. nominative noun plus nominative present active participle (e.g. Invidia Ardens - Burning Hatred)
Here are some of the names I've already generated in response to requests:
Lux Exoculans - Blinding Light
Ferrum Fulmineum - Lightning Blade
Adamanteus Micans - Flashing Steel
Ultio Vocitat - Vengeance Calls
Ventus Lugens - Mourning Wind
I'd recommend the website
https://www.latin-is-simple.com/en/ to search for vocabulary and check your grammar. I'd be very happy to check any drafts. If there's anything else I can do to help out, please don't hesitate to ask.