P.S. We have a few more tweaks we're going to try before using the mission in a tournament alongside the Grand Tournament Scenario:
TriumphsThe force with the lowest number of activations in their list (not the one that finished deploying first) will get to choose who goes first in turn one. This is because the number of formations deployed normally doesn't have any direct correlation to activation discrepancies, especially for aircraft-heavy or teleport/drop pod/air-assault-heavy lists.
GarrisonsWe're planning on either:
A. Each player can garrison one formation (following the usual limitations) off the objective totally in their half of the table.
B. Each player can have as many garrisons as they want (following the usual limitations) off the objective totally in their half of the table, but the formation must be completely within 30cm of that objective.
Probably option A. We looked at allowing standard garrisoning off the near objective, but but a fairly limited number of scouting screens could easily make it near-impossible to reach the far objective in the first turn or two.
'Only Contesting' UnitsCount as half the number of units (round down) when counting up opposing force units to hold an objective. Basically so that my Plague Zombies don't get insanely good.
WraithgatesAre more problematic...
Possibly have them placed midway between that player's near objective and their table edge, as having it replace either the near objective or a midline objective could be extremely powerful.