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Eloi Thread.

 Post subject: Re: Eloi Thread.
PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 11:43 am 
Brood Brother
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I already ordered 3 of these.

Plus a few more Eloi I need for my Eldar armies.

6mm wargaming is just like 25mm wargaming with more units fitting on the same size table. Thus bigger games to get lost in and avoid the hassles of everyday living, and offerings for the dice gods.

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 Post subject: Re: Eloi Thread.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 8:07 pm 
Brood Brother
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Many thanks Deb I appreciate the business.

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 Post subject: Re: Eloi Thread.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 11:15 am 
Brood Brother
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If you can find the time to also design one with a very Psychic head and weapon, and also some smaller Knightly Eloi, especially the centaurish ones I know I will buy them as well. I kknow many people asking around for the centaurish and 4 armed knightly Eloi type models. Also do you have an artillery turret for the Tempest hover tank a smaller cousing to the Typhoons trinity plasma mortar turret.

That should round out most of the models I am looking for for Eloi, perhaps a proxy for the smaller version of the Tempest. One that is a garrison LV in the Yme-Loc army list that buzzes around but not a wasp but similar. I already have my proxies for the Eldar Wraith lords, and wraith guard as my Iyanden army is complete, but others would like the model I think.

6mm wargaming is just like 25mm wargaming with more units fitting on the same size table. Thus bigger games to get lost in and avoid the hassles of everyday living, and offerings for the dice gods.

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 Post subject: Re: Eloi Thread.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 10:30 pm 
Brood Brother
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I have many items on my to do list.

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 Post subject: Re: Eloi Thread.
PostPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2022 9:19 am 
Brood Brother
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Most likely the final two 6mm releases for this year are up in store now, both for the Eloi Federation.

Keres combat drones and the Sirens a specialist close assault infantry detachment consisting entirely of female warriors.
Find them here, https://vanguardminiatures.co.uk/.../de ... ederation/

The Sirens include troopers, squad leaders, casualties and two detachment commanders with banner bearers.


Please note that unfortunately the optional swords for the combat drones ended up a little fragile. I will be getting them beefed up and remoulded as soon as possible. I was going to delete them from the set but decided to leave them in for now for those that may want to make use of them.

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 Post subject: Re: Eloi Thread.
PostPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2022 12:05 pm 
Brood Brother
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Damn Banshees and Eldar knights or you could use them as Wraith Lords.

I definately want the Banshees, and would use these lovelys as knights, and I already have a lot of the forumware from the old australian manufacturer who got the GW IP hammer big time. Pity he is not around anymore.

6mm wargaming is just like 25mm wargaming with more units fitting on the same size table. Thus bigger games to get lost in and avoid the hassles of everyday living, and offerings for the dice gods.

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 Post subject: Re: Eloi Thread.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2022 5:17 am 
Brood Brother
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I ordered a heap of stuff you recently released and some I have planned on to complete a few armies.

Eloi Federation - Keres Combat Drones 2
Eloi Federation - Sirens 1
Renegade Militia - Ogroid Razor Hound Handlers 1
Renegade Militia - Ogroid Work Gang Berserkers (Improvised Weapons) 2
Renegade Novan Elites - Heavy Support Weapons Booster 2
Skinners - Engineers and Apprentices 1
Tribal Skinners - Finback War Beasts 1
Tribal Skinners - Giant Finback War Beast 1

I plan to use the Kheres Combat drones as Eldar Knights rather than a Wraith Lords. I already have a large complete army for my Iyanden Eldar army. I am currently building a YME-Loc Army. and I am missing Eldar Knights.

I am currently using your Harpies for Eldar Titans, and the Banshees for Eldar Revenant Titans.

6mm wargaming is just like 25mm wargaming with more units fitting on the same size table. Thus bigger games to get lost in and avoid the hassles of everyday living, and offerings for the dice gods.

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 Post subject: Re: Eloi Thread.
PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 9:10 pm 
Brood Brother
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Many thanks for the order Deb.

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 Post subject: Re: Eloi Thread.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 11:29 am 
Brood Brother
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Your flitter tank range was perfect for building Fire storms. Unfortunately these are discontinued . Now with your new grav tank range, the only things missog are an anti-air turret, and an artillery turret. The larger or super heavy grav tank is missing the warp gate transport tank. The larger walker is missing the psychic head and weapon.

Rather than spend time modelling and moulding complete new tanks, and walkers, conversion kits could be released which will save both time and money for people who can buy the basic tanks and walkers and then just swap the turrets on their tanks and head and weapon for their walker. Just an idea that I thought would be easier for your online shop.

6mm wargaming is just like 25mm wargaming with more units fitting on the same size table. Thus bigger games to get lost in and avoid the hassles of everyday living, and offerings for the dice gods.

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 Post subject: Re: Eloi Thread.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 11:53 am 
Brood Brother
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The AA turret should be prioritised for release sooner over the other missing options too ideally, since it’s basically essential for a competitive army whereas the other missing things Deb mentioned are only occasionally used in armies.

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 Post subject: Re: Eloi Thread.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 8:06 am 
Brood Brother
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The artillery turret is used a lot in most armies that do not get access to the super heavy artillery tank. I know most Eldar tournament armies I have seen have atleast one squadron of Night spinners. Everyone has had falcons or prism cannon tanks with fire storms, and when a YME-Loc or Fir Iorlarion Clan army is used one Warlock titan is usually present.

I admit YME-LOC and the Eldar Titan Clan lists are not present in many tournament list we see, but they are collected by many of the eldar players (including me). Which is why I was hoping further along the track after the basic necesary units we get to see more archiac units like Eldar knights, Shining spears, other Aspect warrior types and the Hornet.

6mm wargaming is just like 25mm wargaming with more units fitting on the same size table. Thus bigger games to get lost in and avoid the hassles of everyday living, and offerings for the dice gods.

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 Post subject: Re: Eloi Thread.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 12:22 pm 
Brood Brother
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Actually there was an Yme-Loc army at a tournament I went to a couple of months ago and Epic UK have Eldar, Ork and Nid titans lists coming out in the next few months do that could see more Eldar titans being used here.

It would be good to see all the things you mentioned made and I’m not intended to argue against that. I’m just commenting that the AA turret is essential to actually have a playable craftworlder army whereas the other units are more optional depending what you want to field, so if there’s a priority list of what gets made sooner and what gets made some way down the line in a later release then the AA should get done first.

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 Post subject: Re: Eloi Thread.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 10:39 pm 
Brood Brother
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Then the artillery turret should be done second, followed by other aspect warriors including shining spears, then the hornet, then the mod kit for the warlock titan, and then the Eldar knights.

6mm wargaming is just like 25mm wargaming with more units fitting on the same size table. Thus bigger games to get lost in and avoid the hassles of everyday living, and offerings for the dice gods.

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 Post subject: Re: Eloi Thread.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2023 10:57 pm 
Brood Brother
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GlynG wrote:
Actually there was an Yme-Loc army at a tournament I went to a couple of months ago and Epic UK have Eldar, Ork and Nid titans lists coming out in the next few months do that could see more Eldar titans being used here.

It would be good to see all the things you mentioned made and I’m not intended to argue against that. I’m just commenting that the AA turret is essential to actually have a playable craftworlder army whereas the other units are more optional depending what you want to field, so if there’s a priority list of what gets made sooner and what gets made some way down the line in a later release then the AA should get done first.

I always thought the YME-LOC craftworld was based on grav tanks and super heavy grav tanks as the core of the force with elements of the other general eldar armies as the troupe choices. Super heavy artillery, aspect warriors, guardians in transports, hornets, Night spinners, windriders. I alway though the titans were part of the 1/3 contingent along with spaccecraft and aircraft.

I never understood why they had different specialist tanks not used by other craft worlds. units like the Kestrel, the Lynx and the Warp Hunter. Perhaps to allow the older models made by GW in the first edition to have a place. The Kestrel is better than the Night spinner by a large margin and they cost the same price. The only difference being the night spinner hs indirect which doubles its range, while the Kestrel has ignores cover with a far longer base range but after you use indirect it has less range, but no minimum range.

I think a lot of the tanks in the army need to be stream lined so there are only a core of choices. Less rules to have to contend with.

The Fir Iolarion army list is the Eldars designated titan army list, with no troop choices in the army at all. Just Wraithlords, Wraithknights, aircraft anrd spacecraft as their support choices. It core are Phantom, and warlock titan, single or paired revenant titans. An expensive army with low activations, but a lot of firepower and they ignore damage from AP weapons, even though you get the single blast marker for being shot at by AP, and -1 armour from other weapons due to cross fire. Not an army I think I will build as they need to release some knights and a phantom titan, as the old GW ones are hard to come by aand cost too much.

6mm wargaming is just like 25mm wargaming with more units fitting on the same size table. Thus bigger games to get lost in and avoid the hassles of everyday living, and offerings for the dice gods.

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 Post subject: Re: Eloi Thread.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 19, 2023 11:54 am 
Brood Brother
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Any idea when the Harpies from the Eloi range will be back in stock?

I am holding off an order until they arrive, as I want to finish off 2 of my Eldar armies.

6mm wargaming is just like 25mm wargaming with more units fitting on the same size table. Thus bigger games to get lost in and avoid the hassles of everyday living, and offerings for the dice gods.

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