Tactical Command

Vanguard Miniatures
Page 80 of 81

Author:  moredakka [ Tue Sep 14, 2021 7:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanguard Miniatures

Yes that is an automated email sent by the site when I close an order, completed means shipped.

Thank you for your order.

Author:  moredakka [ Sun Sep 19, 2021 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanguard Miniatures


I am again accepting orders, thank you all for your patience.

Author:  Deb [ Thu Oct 21, 2021 7:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanguard Miniatures

I was looking at the 3mm crushers and thought that they make perfect 6mm scale ork dreadnoughts. I know you have the ironclads, but I use them more as the gobllin Killa Kanz, and the 6mm tramplers which are supposed to be the ork dreadnought proxies, look more like an ork version of the Greyknights dreadknight, or the sisters penitant engine as it has the ork riding in the harness in the front similar to the scene from aliens where Sigourney Weaver fights the Queen alien in the power loader.

The scale should be about right and be slightly larger than the Ironclads. Giving me 6mm Crusherrs for the Stompers, 3mm crushers for the dreadnoughts, and ironclads for the Killa Kanz. Now all we need are suitable proxies for the larger Eloi Mega Walkers and Psychic Mega Walker. I love how both ranges are expanding. Slowly building up the armies on my end.

Author:  Mr T [ Thu Oct 21, 2021 3:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanguard Miniatures

I have done similar using the 3mm Novan Elite Gladiator Armentum models as 6mm Chaos Obliterators. They are of a similar size to to Tainted Elites in Heavy Armour (Chaos Terminators - these are absolutely superb models btw) & are bristling with different weapons & attachments fitting the Obliterator theme.

Author:  moredakka [ Thu Oct 21, 2021 7:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanguard Miniatures

Mr T wrote:
I have done similar using the 3mm Novan Elite Gladiator Armentum models as 6mm Chaos Obliterators. They are of a similar size to to Tainted Elites in Heavy Armour (Chaos Terminators - these are absolutely superb models btw) & are bristling with different weapons & attachments fitting the Obliterator theme.

Interesting use for the 3mm gladiators.

Author:  moredakka [ Thu Oct 21, 2021 7:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanguard Miniatures

Deb wrote:
I was looking at the 3mm crushers and thought that they make perfect 6mm scale ork dreadnoughts. I know you have the ironclads, but I use them more as the gobllin Killa Kanz, and the 6mm tramplers which are supposed to be the ork dreadnought proxies, look more like an ork version of the Greyknights dreadknight, or the sisters penitant engine as it has the ork riding in the harness in the front similar to the scene from aliens where Sigourney Weaver fights the Queen alien in the power loader.

The scale should be about right and be slightly larger than the Ironclads. Giving me 6mm Crusherrs for the Stompers, 3mm crushers for the dreadnoughts, and ironclads for the Killa Kanz. Now all we need are suitable proxies for the larger Eloi Mega Walkers and Psychic Mega Walker. I love how both ranges are expanding. Slowly building up the armies on my end.

It has been and still is my intention to do heavier ironclads, they have been on the to do list since before the light ironclads came out, so a long time. They keep getting pushed down the priority list.

The 3mm crushers are around 20mms tall and a lot bulkier than dreads so may be to big really, up to you of course.

I always have loads of new stuff under development for various factions as well as new factions, its only a matter of time before I get to larger walkers etc. If I had more designers to commission I could speed up releases and get more of those army list slots filled.

I have released 86 vanguard specific products this year, that's not a bad effort for such a small company. And I still have quite a few more releases lining up before the year ends.

Next up will be some printed scatter items from TMG and the new Eloi grav bikes from vanguard.

Author:  Mr T [ Fri Oct 22, 2021 11:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanguard Miniatures

moredakka wrote:
Interesting use for the 3mm gladiators.

Hopefully I’ve managed to post a pic below.

6010F201-4F8E-4391-B7E1-8240309CCC59.jpeg [ 937.42 KiB | Viewed 17511 times ]

Author:  moredakka [ Sat Oct 23, 2021 11:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanguard Miniatures


Author:  moredakka [ Tue Nov 30, 2021 11:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanguard Miniatures

A GIFT CERTIFICATE option has been added to my site.

The purchaser can choose the amount for each certificate and will receive a coupon code redeemable against future orders.

Its not a physical certificate just a code to enter at checkout but its the best we can do at present.

Author:  Deb [ Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanguard Miniatures

I need to save up some money first, and after Xmas new years, I intend to fill out the remainder of infantry and some vehicles needed for 4 different armies I am working on building up to full strength.

Imperial fists, White scars, Alpha Legion (heresy) and Alph Legion (Chaos - cultists, and some Teminators and marines).

Here is what I plan to order , especially one they get back in stock:

Novan Elites Recon Teams x 2 (for scouts)
Novan Elites- Specialists x 2 (for techmarines and Thunderfire cannons)
Novan Elites - Missile Launcher teams x2 (for Devastators)
Novan Elites - B Affray Squad x 1 (fot Tacticals)
Novan Elites - Heavy Seige Armour x 1 (for Terminators)
Novan Elites -Forfront Maniple with jump jets x1 (for Assault)
Novan Elites - Sentry Guns x 2 (for tarantulas)
3mm Novan Elites Gladiator Armentum (for Assault Centurions)
Novan Elites - Heavy Seige armour Supressors ( for Devastator Centurions)
Novan Regular - Warrior II Scout x 11 packs (for Chaos cultist light transports)
Nonan Regulars - Centurion Engineer Tanks x 8 (for light transport to tow Thudd Guns for Cultists light artulllery)
Novan Regulars - Siege Cavalry company x 1 for Cultist Rough Riders.
Novan Regulars - Tribune Heavy Tank (Hector) x 3 for cultist Macharius
Novan Regulars - Warrior II (AA ) x 3 for Cultist Hydras
Tainted Novan Elites - Specialist x 2
Tainted Regular - Specialiists x 2
Tainted Novan Regular - Infantry x 4 for Chaos Cultist

If I can afford it some extra stuff fo my Eldar and Skitarii armies:
Cybershadow - Heavy Grav APC x 4
Cybershadow - G2100 Gunship x 4
Cybershadowe - Combat Drones (energy Rifles x 1
Eloi Federatoin - Scouts x 2
Eloi Federation - Typhoon Heavy tank x 2

I have yet to calculate cost, but it should be about 3 months worth of hobbby budget.

Author:  moredakka [ Mon Dec 20, 2021 8:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanguard Miniatures

Hi Deb, that's quite the list.

Note that early in the new year my new renegade regulars with gas hoods will be released, you may want to consider them for your cultists forces.

Author:  moredakka [ Mon Dec 20, 2021 8:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanguard Miniatures


Seasons greetings, its that time of year again and I thought I’d make a final brief news post for the year.

First up please note that I have now disabled ordering on the site for the holiday break, this will free up time for me to prepare for the holiday as well as clear any backlog business wise. I will of course let you all know when you can order again.

What can you expect to see coming early in the new year lets see, in 6mm we have more metal vehicles and new infantry sets for various factions at various stages of manufacture. Also for 6mm we will see more resin vehicles and aircraft with 3D printed models also seeing further expansion. From Troublemaker Games we will see the new plastic terrain sets from their last successful Kickstarter campaign arriving, and perhaps some expansion on their 15mm range at some point too.

3mm, there are more new sets coming for the 3mm range but nothing is imminent.

Battle Group Helios, the Helian Battleship, design work is complete and we will be releasing this long awaited ship in the new year in one form or another. Likewise the Zeus pattern grand cruiser and a few other capital class vessels will be ready to join your fleets as the year progresses. Plenty more ships to come next year.

I would be remis if I did not mention and thank my incredibly talented design team, all commissioned volunteers and mostly working in their own spare time to bring you the customer such wonderful miniatures. And not to forget of course the mould makers and casting services that manufacture the physical models, without these numerous people and companies operating in the background vanguard would not exist so please join me in raising a glass to them also.

All that remains for me to do is thank all my customers both old and new for making 2021 another very successful year for Vanguard Miniatures, your custom, support and enthusiasm is well received thank you.

Happy holidays everyone see you on the other side, regards John

Author:  moredakka [ Tue Jan 04, 2022 7:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanguard Miniatures


Happy new year everyone I hope you all had a great seasonal break. Its back to business here at Vanguard minis and we are once again ready to accept your orders, thank you.

Author:  Mr. Average [ Mon Mar 14, 2022 3:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanguard Miniatures

I’ve noticed a number of classic pieces going out of stock or off the website - 6mm warstalkers for example, and the Churchill retro-style tanks. Are they being discontinued? I know they are probably not the big sellers that the newer Novan tanks are but I still love them and hope they don’t go away completely - maybe down the line you’d do custom runs?

Author:  moredakka [ Fri Mar 18, 2022 12:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanguard Miniatures

Mr. Average wrote:
I’ve noticed a number of classic pieces going out of stock or off the website - 6mm warstalkers for example, and the Churchill retro-style tanks. Are they being discontinued? I know they are probably not the big sellers that the newer Novan tanks are but I still love them and hope they don’t go away completely - maybe down the line you’d do custom runs?

The churchillians may well return as printed models, turn over for metal casts are not worth holding a stock for. Likewise the old cybershadow walkers will move over to printed items for the same reason.

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