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Vanguard Miniatures

 Post subject: Re: Vanguard Miniatures
PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 5:50 pm 
Brood Brother
Brood Brother

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Well I make no apologies for loving the Churchill tanks. I hope they come back in some form, whatever’s economical, but still.


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 Post subject: Re: Vanguard Miniatures
PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2022 6:47 am 
Brood Brother
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I will be taking a short time out from today 11/06/22 for a week for domestic reasons, therefore ordering has been temporarily disabled on the site. All orders received thus far will be processed and shipped as usual. We should be open for business again by next weekend all going well. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

Regards John

Vanguard Miniatures

Link, http://vanguardminiatures.co.uk/

Stockist of:

Vanguard Miniatures
BattleGroup Helios
Onslaught Miniatures
Pyrkol Gaming Markers
Gregster's Lab
Microworld Games
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 Post subject: Re: Vanguard Miniatures
PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 6:24 pm 
Brood Brother
Brood Brother
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Can I ask will you be getting any more of the lovely 6mm skinner sneaker commandos and specialists any time soon?

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 Post subject: Re: Vanguard Miniatures
PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2022 7:32 am 
Brood Brother
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At some point yes, cannot say exactly when however sorry.

Vanguard Miniatures

Link, http://vanguardminiatures.co.uk/

Stockist of:

Vanguard Miniatures
BattleGroup Helios
Onslaught Miniatures
Pyrkol Gaming Markers
Gregster's Lab
Microworld Games
Troublemaker Games

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 Post subject: Re: Vanguard Miniatures
PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 10:32 pm 
Brood Brother
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As many of you are aware vanguard is a one man operation, and running an online retail business is a lot of work, which keeps me very busy for the best part of the week. Workload is sufficient that I could easily work seven days a week to keep on top of things, but in recent months I have started to reduced the amount of business related activities I do over weekends, although there is always something that needs addressing.
After seven years without a holiday or any real break from the business I need to generate some more regular downtime, partly to deal with other business related activities but also to allow me some free time to get on with domestics and perhaps gain a proper day off here and there.

I'm not currently in a financial situation that would allow me the ability to take on a staff member which would obviously be the ideal solution.

Therefore I'm seriously considering disabling ordering on site for the third week of each month until further notice, this would be an official monthly closure which would start this month as a trial to see how it goes.

I'm also looking to have a more fixed releases schedule instead of the random releases I have now. So new releases would most likely be fourth week of the month upon the store being active again, although if items are ready early then I may have an early month release as well, it depends on what's available for releasing in any given month.


Vanguard Miniatures

Link, http://vanguardminiatures.co.uk/

Stockist of:

Vanguard Miniatures
BattleGroup Helios
Onslaught Miniatures
Pyrkol Gaming Markers
Gregster's Lab
Microworld Games
Troublemaker Games

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 Post subject: Re: Vanguard Miniatures
PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 9:14 pm 
Brood Brother
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We are again approaching the Christmas/New Year holiday period here in the UK and I thought I’d post up some news.

First up, I have disabled ordering on the website until later in the month, perhaps until the new year. All orders received thus far have been processed and all have shipped. Expect some delay in the usual arrival times due to ongoing industrial action by royal mail as well as the general busy postal period this time of year.

Troublemaker Games for whom I retail products have a new campaign coming the first quarter of the new year and it is quite likely that Vanguard mins will also be running a kickstarter early in the new year in order to fund some larger models. More news on both these campaigns as things progress.

I have many new miniatures planned for the coming year although the first few months of the year will most likely be a little lean for new releases. All factions within the 6mm Defeat in Detail product line will be getting reinforcements during 2023 and hopefully we can get more 3mm released next year too. I’m not sure what if any plans Troublemaker have for their 15mm range but I do hope to see further expansion in the scale.

Ships, I have around a dozen ship designs finished that I will be pushing towards resin casting as soon as masters can be produced, this includes the long awaited Zeus Grand Cruiser which was originally going to be a 3D printed item but which will now be resin cast like most new future ships.

I must apologies for the low volume release of the Helian battleship, time has been a major factor in the delay of printing a second batch but eventually I will have more available. Realistically now I would like to resin cast the BB but unfortunately the design is not viable for moulding and would require a major rework to be able to make it practical to cast.

More printed products are likely during the new year but for the most part I am moving away from 3D printing as a major aspect of the business. Printed products are less practical than cast products and are time consuming to manufacture in number. 3D printed products are not what I hoped they would be and I have mostly returned to traditional casting for the future.

Vanguard already retails some items under license and that will be expanding during 2023. I already have for example the first metal cast 6mm figures from Bits Blitz Designs in store and there will be more BBD’s figures to follow and perhaps some larger models too. At this time I have products from two other designers in line for manufacture under license as well as a new line from yet another designer that vanguard will be retailing on their behalf.

So as you can see we have plenty to look forward to in the coming months, you can keep apprised on all this and more via vanguards Discord page.

I would just like to thank all the people involved in the manufacture of my miniatures and especially my commissioned volunteer designers for their continued willingness to work with vanguard and also their continued patience with my constant design tinkering guidance, appreciated guys thank you.

Of course without my loyal customers I would not be here so a many thanks to you one and all for your continued custom, encouragement an support again this year it is greatly appreciated.

Have a great holiday everyone and I’ll catch you in 2023.

Best Regards John

Vanguard Miniatures

Link, http://vanguardminiatures.co.uk/

Stockist of:

Vanguard Miniatures
BattleGroup Helios
Onslaught Miniatures
Pyrkol Gaming Markers
Gregster's Lab
Microworld Games
Troublemaker Games

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 Post subject: Re: Vanguard Miniatures
PostPosted: Thu Jan 04, 2024 10:49 am 
Brood Brother
Brood Brother
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Joined: Thu Nov 22, 2012 8:13 pm
Posts: 436
Many thanks John! Will say again here I don't know where I would be in the hobby without the resource your site provides, and I know a lot of other people are in the same boat - so please keep doing what you are doing :)

Can I ask is the shop back open again yet, and if so do you know when the square plastic bases are likely to come back into stock?
https://vanguardminiatures.co.uk/shop/2 ... tic-bases/

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 Post subject: Re: Vanguard Miniatures
PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2024 1:54 pm 
Brood Brother
Brood Brother

Joined: Wed May 15, 2019 10:50 am
Posts: 11
In case this message helps anyone - Vanguard are definitely open. I recently placed an order for 4 of their Zeus Cruisers and 4 of their Zeus Light Cruisers. They arrived super fast and the models are really lovely. I can't wait to get stuck into them.

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