Tactical Command

Points formula values for Adeptus Ministorum
Page 1 of 2

Author:  MagnusIlluminus [ Wed Jun 18, 2014 9:47 am ]
Post subject:  Points formula values for Adeptus Ministorum

Updated for most recent version of formula (V0.46)

Model or Formation name _ V0.46 Cost _ vs 0.43 _ vs Gold

_ Adeptus Ministorum model costs
Arbitrator _______________ 67.2 __ -14.7 __ +67.2
Canoness _________________ 41.3 ___ -7.35 _ +41.3
Canoness (Punisher) ______ 70.09 _ -31.5 __ +70.0875
Canoness (Seraphim) ______ 57.4 __ -19.95 _ +57.4
Cleric ___________________ 53.1 ___ -0.9 __ -46.9
Cleric, Punisher _________ 63.3 ___ -4.8 __ -36.7
Confessor ________________ 50.4 ___ -2.1 __ -49.6
Eradicator _______________ 45.396 _ -1.404 _ +7.896
Forward Observer, Sister _ 50.4 ___ -2.52 __ +0.4
Grey Knights ____________ 107.136 _ -9.72 __ +7.136
Hospitaler _______________ 48.1 ___ -0.975 _ -1.9
Hospitaler, Punisher _____ 59.15 __ -5.2 ___ +9.15
Inquisitor ______________ 199.29 _ -22.05 _ +99.29
Inquisitor, Punisher ____ 231.49 _ -63 ___ +131.49
Missionary _______________ 74.55 __ -7.35 _ -75.45
Mistress _________________ 39.9 ___ -2.1 __ -60.1
Mother Superior __________ 90.3 __ -14.7 _ -109.7
Mother Super, Punisher __ 118.3 __ -42 ____ -81.7
Ordo-Malleus Inquisitor _ 117.95 _ -22.05 _ -32.05
OMI, Punisher ___________ 150.15 _ -63 _____ +0.15
Preacher _________________ 58.8 ___ -1.05 _ +58.8
Prioress _________________ 67.9 __ -11.025 _ -7.1
Prioress, Punisher _______ 93.8 __ -31.5 __ +18.8
Sister Repentia __________ 31.15 __ -5.25 _ -18.85
Tech-Priest Engineer _____ 27.6 ____ 0 ___ -22.4

Arbites – Assault ___ 26.95 _____ -4.95 __ +1.95
Arbites – Riot ______ 15.4 ______ -1.238 _ -9.6
Arbites – Support ___ 38.83 _____ -1.238 _ -6.17
Archangel ___________ 53.7875 __ -28.6 ___ +8.7875
Arco-Flagellant _____ 14.7 ______ -1.05 _ -22.8
Celestial ___________ 34.58 _____ -4.39 _ -25.42
Death Cult Assassin _ 24.1056 ___ -3.5 ___ -0.8944
Martyr ______________ 24.612 _____ 0 _____ +4.612
Militia ______________ 5.3055 ___ +0.61 __ -4.6945
Novitiate ___________ 10.56 ______ 0 _____ -9.44
Retributor __________ 48.3 _______ 0 ____ -11.7
Rocket _______________ 9.558 ____ +0.61 _ -10.442
Seraphim ____________ 18.63 _____ -4.58 _ -11.37
Sister ______________ 12.6 ______ -0.9 __ -12.4
Zealot ______________ 10.766 ____ -0.74 _ -14.234

Bike ____________________ 13.51 ___ -4.86 ____ -6.4933
Cavalry _________________ 11.9475 _ -3.24 ____ -8.0525
Land Speeder Justifier __ 73.5 ___ -71.94 ___ +13.5
Punisher ________________ 30.45 __ -19.2 _____ -9.55

Penitent Engine _ 37.74 __ -4.8 __ +12.74
Purifier ________ 53.3 ____ 0 ____ +28.3
Robot ___________ 52.5 ____ 0 ____ +27.5

Chimera _____________ 28.75 ___ -1.75 _____ -1.25
Chimera, Command ____ 71.925 __ -3.85 ____ +71.925
Exorcist ____________ 71.295 __ -2.1 _____ +21.295
Exorcist, Command __ 131.066 __ -3.85 ____ +81.0363
Immolator ___________ 46.605 _ -55.545 ____ +6.605
Immolator, Command __ 91.184 _ -96.6788 __ +51.1838
Laud Hailer _________ 24.25 ___ -1.75 ____ -25.75
Mammoth _____________ 58.8 ____ -2.25 ____ -41.2
Predator Cleanser ___ 60.78 ___ -6.6 ______ -4.22
Protector ___________ 99.6 _____ 0 ________ +9.6
Recon Vehicle _______ 18.45 ___ -3.375 ____ -1.55
Recon, Heavy ________ 23.175 __ -3.375 ____ +3.175
Repressor Transport _ 51.72 ___ -2.1 _____ +11.72
Rhino _______________ 34.365 ___ 0 _______ +19.365
Rhino, Command ______ 74.0425 __ 0 _______ +74.0425
Rhino, FO Command ___ 88.851 ___ 0 _______ +73.851
Sabre Tank-Hunter ___ 30.825 ___ 0 ________ -4.175
Truck _______________ 13.9613 _ +1.575 ____ +3.96125
Vindicator __________ 51.6 _____ 0 ________ +1.6
Vindicator, Command _ 96.6 _____ 0 _______ +96.6
Zulu AA Gun _________ 10.8 ____ -6.075 ____ -9.2

Infantry Gun _________ 6.75 ____ -0.675 ___ -5.75
Mole Mortar _________ 41.2712 __ -0.675 ___ +6.27119
Rapier ______________ 19.35 ____ +2.025 ___ -5.65
Thudd Gun ___________ 12.9769 __ -0.675 __ -22.023

Banisher ____________ 51.96 _____ 0 ______ +11.96
Cardinal ____________ 55.605 ____ 0 _______ -4.395

Marauder Bomber _____ 142.485 _ -16.875 __ +27.485
Thunderbolt Fighter _ 151.32 __ -63 ______ +66.32

Gorgon _______________ 86.24 ___ -3.3 ____ +11.24
Gorgon, Command _____ 145.18 __ -15.4 ___ +145.18

__ Sisters of Battle Formations
_ Company
Sister _____ 208 __ -20 __ -242
Seraphim ___ 305 __ -80 __ -195
Retributor _ 682 ___ -7 __ -218
Novitiate __ 181 ___ -8 __ -169
Rhino ______ 297 ___ +3 __ +147
Punisher ___ 405 _ -243 __ -145
Exorcist ___ 595 __ -17 __ +145
Immolator __ 394 _ -298 ___ +94
Vindicator _ 432 ____ 0 ___ -18

_ Special
Mother Superior ___________ 105 __ -15 __ +105
Mother Superior, Punisher _ 118 __ -42 __ +118
Cleric _____________________ 68 ___ -1 ___ -32
Cleric, Punisher ___________ 63 ___ -5 ___ -37
Prioress ___________________ 83 __ -11 ____ +8
Prioress, Punisher _________ 94 __ -31 ___ +19
Hospitaler _________________ 63 ___ -1 ___ +13
Hospitaler, Punisher _______ 59 ___ -5 ____ +9
Tech-Priest _______________ 111 ____ 0 ___ +11
Forward Observer ___________ 68 ___ -3 ___ +18
Inquisitor ________________ 214 __ -22 __ +114
Inquisitor, Punisher ______ 232 __ -63 __ +132
Ordo-Malleus Inquisitor ___ 133 __ -22 ___ -17
OM Inq, Punisher __________ 150 __ -63 _____ 0
Eradicators _______________ 182 ___ -5 ___ +32
Grey Knight _______________ 321 __ -30 ___ -79
Justifier _________________ 279 _ -194 ___ -21
Sister Repentia ____________ 71 ___ -7 __ -279

_ Support
Sisters Det ________ 57 ___ -3 ___ -93
Seraphim Det _______ 84 __ -20 ___ -91
Retributor Det ____ 217 ____ 0 __ -133
Novitiate Det ______ 48 ____ 0 ___ -77
Celestial Det _____ 179 __ -22 __ -171
Archangel Det _____ 278 _ -148 ____ +3
Punisher Bike _____ 116 __ -73 ___ -84
Penitent Engine ___ 113 __ -15 ___ +13
Purifier __________ 160 ____ 0 ___ +60
Robot _____________ 210 ____ 0 __ +110
Immolator _________ 109 __ -84 ___ -16
Exorcist __________ 166 ___ -5 ___ +16
Predator Cleanser _ 142 __ -15 ___ -58
Protector AA ______ 232 ____ 0 ___ -43
Rhino ______________ 80 ____ 0 ___ +30
Repressor _________ 121 ___ -5 ____ -4
Vindicator ________ 120 ____ 0 ___ -30
Banisher __________ 121 ____ 0 ____ -4
Cardinal __________ 134 ____ 0 ___ -41
Thunderbolt _______ 353 _ -147 __ +103
Marauder __________ 333 __ -39 __ +333
[3 models, BP 2, Morale 2]

Sample Army ___________ v046 __ 043 ___ Gold
-- Order of the Sacred Rose (Adeptus Ministorum pdf p5)
Sister Company _______ 208 __ 228 __ 450
-Sp Justifier ________ 279 __ 553 __ 300
-Su Retributor _______ 217 __ 217 __ 350
Seraphim Company _____ 305 __ 385 __ 500
-Sp Mother Superior __ 105 __ 120 ____ 0
-Su Rhino _____________ 80 ___ 80 ___ 50
-Su Rhino _____________ 80 ___ 80 ___ 50
-Su Protector AA _____ 232 __ 232 __ 275
Immolator Company ____ 394 __ 852 __ 300
-Su Punisher _________ 116 __ 648 __ 200 (called Annihilator, no such unit or formation)
-Su Predator _________ 142 __ 157 __ 250
-Su Predator _________ 142 __ 157 __ 250
--- Totals __________ 2301 _ 3250 _ 3000

__ Frateris Militia Formations [replaced all Command Rhino with Command Chimera]
_ Company
Frateris Militia _ 260 ___ +9 __ -140
Sabre ____________ 324 ___ -5 ___ +24
Support __________ 291 ___ +8 ___ -59
Light Artillery __ 195 __ -10 ___ -55

_ Special
Confessor ________ 97 ___ -5 ____ -3
Grey Knight _____ 321 __ -30 ___ -79
Inquisitor ______ 214 __ -22 __ +114
Missionary _______ 89 ___ -8 ___ -61
Arbites Company _ 827 __ -90 ___ +27
Arbites Assault _ 181 __ -20 ___ -19
Arbites Riot ____ 140 ___ -8 ___ -60
Arbites Support _ 222 ___ -8 ___ -78

_ Support
Arco-Flagellant __ 59 ___ -4 ___ -91
Death Cult _______ 72 __ -11 ___ -28
Martyr __________ 123 ____ 0 ___ +23
Militia __________ 44 ___ +5 ___ -56
Recon Patrol ____ 113 __ -12 ___ -87
[5 Militia & 5 Recon, Heavy]
Rocket ___________ 40 ___ +2 ___ -60
Zealots __________ 36 ___ -2 ___ -64
Bike _____________ 51 __ -19 ___ -49
Cavalry __________ 45 __ -13 ___ -55
Penitent Engine _ 113 __ -15 ___ +13
Chimera _________ 109 ___ -7 ___ -41
Laud Hailer ______ 57 ___ -4 ___ -93
Mammoth _________ 137 ___ -6 __ -163
Recon ____________ 70 __ -13 ___ +70
[5 Recon Vehicle; BP 3]
Sabre ____________ 74 ____ 0 ___ -26
Truck ____________ 53 ___ +6 ____ +3
Zulu AA __________ 41 __ -23 ___ -59
Infantry Gun _____ 20 ___ -2 ___ -30
Mole Mortar ______ 96 ___ -2 ____ -4
Rapier ___________ 46 ___ +4 ___ -29
Thudd Gun ________ 31 ___ -2 ___ -69
Gorgon ___________ 86 ___ -4 ___ +86
[1 Gorgon; BP model]

Sample Army ___________ v046 __ 043 ___ Gold
--- Ministry of the Not-God-King Supreme (new)
Frateris Militia Cm __ 260 __ 251 __ 400
-Sp Arbites Cm _______ 827 __ 917 __ 800
-Su Death Cult ________ 72 ___ 83 __ 100
Sabre Company ________ 324 __ 329 __ 300
-Sp Arbites Assault __ 181 __ 201 __ 200
Support Company ______ 291 __ 283 __ 350
-Sp Arbites Riot _____ 140 __ 148 __ 200
Light Artillery Cm ___ 195 __ 205 __ 250
-Sp Arbites Support __ 222 __ 230 __ 300
-Su Penitent Engines _ 113 __ 128 __ 100
--- Totals __________ 2627 _ 2773 _ 3000

Author:  MagnusIlluminus [ Thu Feb 12, 2015 4:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Points formula values for Adeptus Ministorum

Updated for Tweaks and Transport revision. Also put in a couple of suggested Formation entries.

_ Adeptus Ministorum model costs _ tweaked & Transport revision
Arbitrator _______________ 74
Canoness _________________ 41.5
Canoness (Punisher) ______ 76.19
Canoness (Seraphim) ______ 74.5
Cleric ___________________ 52
Cleric, Punisher _________ 61
Confessor ________________ 44.5
Eradicator _______________ 53.25
Forward Observer, Sister _ 56.5
Grey Knights ____________ 122.3
Hospitaler _______________ 37.5
Hospitaler, Punisher _____ 46.5
Inquisitor ______________ 174
Inquisitor, Punisher ____ 213
Missionary _______________ 68.75
Mistress _________________ 36
Mother Superior __________ 86.5
Mother Super, Punisher __ 116.5
Ordo-Malleus Inquisitor _ 122
OMI, Punisher ___________ 161
Preacher _________________ 45.5
Prioress _________________ 65
Prioress, Punisher _______ 90.5
Sister Repentia __________ 35.5
Tech-Priest Engineer _____ 21.5

Arbites – Assault ___ 52
Arbites – Riot ______ 18.5
Arbites – Support ___ 23.5
Archangel ___________ 93
Arco-Flagellant _____ 15
Celestial ___________ 36.7
Death Cult Assassin _ 69
Martyr ______________ 28
Militia ______________ 1.35
Novitiate ___________ 26.5
Retributor __________ 17.25
Rocket _______________ 3.1
Seraphim ____________ 27.18
Sister ______________ 12
Zealot ______________ 12.13

Bike ___________________ 24.34
Cavalry ________________ 20.25
Land Speeder Justifier _ 88.38
Punisher _______________ 45.13

Penitent Engine _ 37.15
Purifier ________ 38
Robot ___________ 33.5

Chimera _____________ 31.63 [Transport 2: I1/1, LA1/0]
Chimera, Command ____ 55.69 [Transport 2: I1/1, LA1/0]
Exorcist ____________ 98
Exorcist, Command __ 151
Immolator ___________ 54.88 [Transport 1: I1/1, LA1/0]
Immolator, Command __ 88.31 [Transport 1: I1/1, LA1/0]
Laud Hailer _________ 27.13
Mammoth _____________ 51.78
Predator Cleanser ___ 50.45
Protector ___________ 52
Recon Vehicle _______ 24.5
Recon, Heavy ________ 29.75 [Transport 1: I1/1]
Repressor Transport _ 41.8 [Transport 2: I1/1, LA1/0, W1/2]
Rhino _______________ 29.38 [Transport 2: I1/1, LA1/0, W1/2]
Rhino, Command ______ 54.88 [Transport 2: I1/1, LA1/0, W1/2]
Rhino, FO Command ___ 74.88 [Transport 2: I1/1, LA1/0, W1/2], Stealth
Sabre Tank-Hunter ___ 28.75
Truck _______________ 11 [Transport 2: I1/1, LA1/0]
Vindicator __________ 37
Vindicator, Command _ 59.5
Zulu AA Gun __________ 3

Infantry Gun _ -6.75
Mole Mortar __ 11.25
Rapier _______ -3
Thudd Gun _____ 9

Banisher ________________ 68
Cardinal ________________ 47
Light Off-Board Barrage _ 24
Heavy Off-Board Barrage _ 60

Marauder Bomber _____ 178.5
Thunderbolt Fighter _ 239

Gorgon __________ 105 [Transport 6: I1/1, LA1/0]
Gorgon, Command _ 170 [Transport 6: I1/1, LA1/0]

_ Sisters of Battle Formations
_ Company
Sister _____ 150
Seraphim ___ 325
Retributor _ 205
Novitiate __ 275
Rhino ______ 175
Punisher ___ 415
Exorcist ___ 570
Immolator __ 320
Vindicator _ 215

_ Special
Mother Superior ___________ 110
Mother Superior, Punisher _ 130 (no Rhino)
Cleric _____________________ 65
Cleric, Punisher ___________ 60 (no Rhino)
Prioress ___________________ 90
Prioress, Punisher ________ 100 (no Rhino)
Hospitaler _________________ 55
Hospitaler, Punisher _______ 50 (no Rhino)
Tech-Priest ________________ 55
Forward Observer ___________ 85
Inquisitor ________________ 210
Inquisitor, Punisher ______ 240 (no Rhino)
Ordo-Malleus Inquisitor ___ 150
OM Inq, Punisher __________ 180 (no Rhino)
Eradicators _______________ 200
Grey Knight _______________ 470
Justifier _________________ 460
Sister Repentia ___________ 240

_ Support
Sisters Det ________ 45
Seraphim Det ______ 100
Retributor Det _____ 60
Novitiate Det ______ 85
Celestial Det _____ 240
Archangel Det _____ 605
Punisher Bike _____ 165
Penitent Engine ____ 90
Purifier __________ 100
Robot _____________ 190
Immolator _________ 130
Exorcist __________ 235
Predator Cleanser _ 120
Protector AA ______ 125
Rhino ______________ 70
Repressor _________ 100
Vindicator _________ 90
Banisher __________ 165
Cardinal __________ 115
Thunderbolt _______ 575
Marauder __________ 430 [3 models, BP 2, Morale 2]

_ Frateris Militia Formations [replaced all Command Rhino with Command Chimera]
_ Company
Frateris Militia _ 80
Sabre ___________ 155
Support __________ 70
Light Artillery __ 60

_ Special
Confessor ________ 65
Grey Knight _____ 470
Inquisitor ______ 210
Missionary _______ 95
Arbites Company _ 595
Arbites Assault _ 160
Arbites Riot _____ 85
Arbites Support _ 100

_ Support
Arco-Flagellant _ 85
Death Cult _____ 150
Martyr _________ 195
Militia __________ 5
Recon Patrol ____ 70 [5 Militia & 5 Recon, Heavy]
Recon ___________ 60 [5 Recon Vehicle; BP 3]
Rocket __________ 10
Zealots _________ 25
Bike ____________ 60
Cavalry _________ 50
Penitent Engine _ 90
Chimera _________ 95
Laud Hailer _____ 55
Mammoth ________ 105
Sabre ___________ 50
Truck ___________ 30
Zulu AA _________ 10
Infantry Gun _____ 0
Mole Mortar _____ 20
Rapier ___________ 0
Thudd Gun _______ 15

Author:  MagnusIlluminus [ Thu Feb 26, 2015 8:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Points formula values for Adeptus Ministorum

Updated Chimera and Laud Hailer model values and FM formation values as per errata. Oddly, I had the correct Save value for the Command Chimera but not the normal Chimera.

Author:  MagnusIlluminus [ Sat Mar 14, 2015 8:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Points formula values for Adeptus Ministorum

Updated for tweak2.

_ Adeptus Ministorum model costs
Arbitrator _______________ 75
Canoness _________________ 43
Canoness (Punisher) ______ 77.88
Canoness (Seraphim) ______ 76
Cleric ___________________ 53
Cleric, Punisher _________ 62
Confessor ________________ 43
Eradicator _______________ 55.5
Forward Observer, Sister _ 57
Grey Knights ____________ 123.6
Hospitaler _______________ 39
Hospitaler, Punisher _____ 48
Inquisitor ______________ 177.9
Inquisitor, Punisher ____ 216.9
Missionary _______________ 67.5
Mistress _________________ 36
Mother Superior __________ 90
Mother Super, Punisher __ 120
Ordo-Malleus Inquisitor _ 122.5
OMI, Punisher ___________ 161.5
Preacher _________________ 45
Prioress _________________ 68
Prioress, Punisher _______ 93.5
Sister Repentia __________ 35.5
Tech-Priest Engineer _____ 22

Arbites – Assault ___ 48
Arbites – Riot ______ 18.5
Arbites – Support ___ 28.5
Archangel ___________ 96
Arco-Flagellant _____ 14
Celestial ___________ 39.9
Death Cult Assassin _ 67
Martyr ______________ 34
Militia ______________ 1.7
Novitiate ___________ 27
Retributor __________ 28.5
Rocket _______________ 5.2
Seraphim ____________ 27.85
Sister ______________ 13
Zealot ______________ 13.25

Bike ___________________ 24.68
Cavalry ________________ 20.5
Land Speeder Justifier _ 98.81
Punisher _______________ 46.25

Penitent Engine _ 38.3
Purifier ________ 41
Robot ___________ 35

Chimera _____________ 29.75 [Transport 2: I1/1, LA1/0]
Chimera, Command ____ 54.38 [Transport 2: I1/1, LA1/0]
Exorcist ___________ 128
Exorcist, Command __ 198
Immolator ___________ 59.31 [Transport 1: I1/1, LA1/0]
Immolator, Command __ 97 [Transport 1: I1/1, LA1/0]
Laud Hailer _________ 25.25
Mammoth _____________ 62.55
Predator Cleanser ___ 56.9
Protector ___________ 81
Recon Vehicle _______ 24
Recon, Heavy ________ 29.25 [Transport 1: I1/1]
Repressor Transport _ 44.1 [Transport 2: I1/1, LA1/0, W1/2]
Rhino _______________ 26.89 [Transport 2: I1/1, LA1/0, W1/2]
Rhino, Command ______ 52.39 [Transport 2: I1/1, LA1/0, W1/2]
Rhino, FO Command ___ 72.39 [Transport 2: I1/1, LA1/0, W1/2], Stealth
Sabre Tank-Hunter ___ 32.5
Truck _______________ 10.51 [Transport 2: I1/1, LA1/0]
Vindicator __________ 41
Vindicator, Command _ 68
Zulu AA Gun _________ 12

Infantry Gun _ -4.5
Mole Mortar __ 21.38
Rapier ________ 3
Thudd Gun ____ 18

Banisher ________________ 89
Cardinal ________________ 57.5
Light Off-Board Barrage _ 36
Heavy Off-Board Barrage _ 90

Marauder Bomber _____ 197
Thunderbolt Fighter _ 243

Gorgon ___________ 95.4 [Transport 6: I1/1, LA1/0]
Gorgon, Command _ 161.7 [Transport 6: I1/1, LA1/0]

_ Sisters of Battle Formations
_ Company
Sister _____ 162
Seraphim ___ 335
Retributor _ 320
Novitiate __ 282
Rhino ______ 164
Punisher ___ 424
Exorcist ___ 748
Immolator __ 349
Vindicator _ 242

_ Special
Mother Superior ___________ 116
Mother Superior, Punisher _ 134 (no Rhino)
Cleric _____________________ 66
Cleric, Punisher ___________ 60 (no Rhino)
Prioress ___________________ 91
Prioress, Punisher ________ 105 (no Rhino)
Hospitaler _________________ 55
Hospitaler, Punisher _______ 50 (no Rhino)
Tech-Priest ________________ 57
Forward Observer ___________ 84
Inquisitor ________________ 214
Inquisitor, Punisher ______ 243 (no Rhino)
Ordo-Malleus Inquisitor ___ 152
OM Inq, Punisher __________ 181 (no Rhino)
Eradicators _______________ 208
Grey Knight _______________ 475
Justifier _________________ 514
Sister Repentia ___________ 239

_ Support
Sisters Det ________ 47
Seraphim Det ______ 100
Retributor Det ____ 103
Novitiate Det ______ 89
Celestial Det _____ 259
Archangel Det _____ 624
Punisher Bike _____ 167
Penitent Engine ____ 92
Purifier __________ 107
Robot _____________ 196
Immolator _________ 142
Exorcist __________ 308
Predator Cleanser _ 137
Protector AA ______ 194
Rhino ______________ 65
Repressor _________ 106
Vindicator _________ 98
Banisher __________ 214
Cardinal __________ 138
Thunderbolt _______ 583
Marauder __________ 473 [3 models, BP 2, Morale 2]

_ Frateris Militia Formations [replaced all Command Rhino with Command Chimera]
_ Company
Frateris Militia _ 83
Sabre ___________ 166
Support __________ 92
Light Artillery __ 75

_ Special
Confessor ________ 63
Grey Knight _____ 237
Inquisitor ______ 215
Missionary _______ 91
Arbites Company _ 563
Arbites Assault _ 148
Arbites Riot _____ 83
Arbites Support _ 105

_ Support
Arco-Flagellant _ 78
Death Cult _____ 145
Martyr _________ 238
Militia __________ 8
Recon Patrol ____ 70 [5 Militia & 5 Recon, Heavy]
Recon ___________ 58 [5 Recon Vehicle; BP 3]
Rocket __________ 14
Zealots _________ 29
Bike ____________ 60
Cavalry _________ 50
Penitent Engine _ 92
Chimera _________ 89
Laud Hailer _____ 50
Mammoth ________ 125
Sabre ___________ 59
Truck ___________ 28
Zulu AA _________ 32
Infantry Gun _____ 0 (-9)
Mole Mortar _____ 38
Rapier ___________ 5
Thudd Gun _______ 32

Author:  MagnusIlluminus [ Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Points formula values for Adeptus Ministorum

Fixed error with cost for Grey Knight formation for Frateris Militia.

Author:  MagnusIlluminus [ Sat May 02, 2015 6:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Points formula values for Adeptus Ministorum

OP updated.

Author:  MagnusIlluminus [ Mon May 18, 2015 6:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Points formula values for Adeptus Ministorum

OP updated.

Author:  MagnusIlluminus [ Tue Jun 23, 2015 9:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Points formula values for Adeptus Ministorum

OP updated for V0.33

Author:  primarch [ Sun Jul 05, 2015 8:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Points formula values for Adeptus Ministorum


Are the cleric and Hospitaler values correctly labeled? They look backwards to me.


Author:  MagnusIlluminus [ Mon Jul 06, 2015 6:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Points formula values for Adeptus Ministorum

Yes, both are correct. I found a small but significant error on my part with the Cleric. I had apparently forgotten to modify the cost for it's Psychic powers that act like weapons from a base cost of 4 to 1, then later to 2. So the Cleric's cost seemed to go down for V0.33.

Author:  primarch [ Mon Jul 06, 2015 3:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Points formula values for Adeptus Ministorum

MagnusIlluminus wrote:
Yes, both are correct. I found a small but significant error on my part with the Cleric. I had apparently forgotten to modify the cost for it's Psychic powers that act like weapons from a base cost of 4 to 1, then later to 2. So the Cleric's cost seemed to go down for V0.33.


Thanks, I'll make the corrections on this one too.


Author:  primarch [ Thu Jul 09, 2015 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Points formula values for Adeptus Ministorum


This list looks good as is.


Author:  MagnusIlluminus [ Sun Jul 19, 2015 3:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Points formula values for Adeptus Ministorum

OP updated for V0.4

Author:  MagnusIlluminus [ Mon Aug 17, 2015 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Points formula values for Adeptus Ministorum

OP updated to V0.41

Author:  MagnusIlluminus [ Wed Aug 26, 2015 3:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Points formula values for Adeptus Ministorum

OP updated for V0.42

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