Tactical Command

Snap Fire and Overlord Airship
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Author:  Fangface [ Sun Nov 28, 2021 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Snap Fire and Overlord Airship

In last nights Ork vs. Squat battle, this question came up regarding snap fire. First of all I assume, Floaters and Fliers can snap fire? We couldn't find anything in the rules disallowing that action.

The question was around if an Overlord can snap fire once it has moved? The rules only describe that command units can't snap fire if they have already moved. Or if they snap fire they cannot later move.
An overlord is not a command unit, it can move but still fire in the FF phase. So after it has moved, can it snap fire? Have I missed any mention of how to handle this in the rules? If not, how would you play it?

Author:  MagnusIlluminus [ Tue Nov 30, 2021 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Snap Fire and Overlord Airship

There is nothing that I know of disallowing Floaters and Flyers from performing Snap Fire.

So long as it didn't have Charge orders, an Overlord should be able to Snap Fire. So long as it meets all other requirements of Snap Fire.

Author:  Fangface [ Tue Nov 30, 2021 9:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Snap Fire and Overlord Airship

So even if it first moved it's 15cm you would say it's still allowed to snap fire? Since it always fires in the FF phase.

Author:  MagnusIlluminus [ Tue Dec 07, 2021 7:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Snap Fire and Overlord Airship

That would depend on what order counter it was issued, not on how far it moved. If it has Charge orders - regardless of how far it actually moves - it does not fire on First Fire and thus cannot Snap Fire. If it has Advance or First Fire orders, then it can Snap Fire.

Author:  Fangface [ Thu Dec 09, 2021 8:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Snap Fire and Overlord Airship

I understand it can snap fire if it has advance or FF orders, it was more a question of if it can do it when on those orders and having already moved. Thus the comparison to a command unit.
The rules state that a command unit always moves normally and fires in the first fire phase, but if the command unit has moved, it can't later snap fire. Or if it snap fires before it has moved, it can't later move.

The Overlord is not a command unit, it just states it always fires in the FF phase unless on charge orders.
It seems a bit, what do you call it, gamey, since it resembles a command unit in the sense of moving and fireing in FF phase. I mean to be able to put down a FF order, move it 15 cm, and then use it to snap fire. OR what do you say? :)

One more thing by the way, there can't really be any difference putting down an advance or FF order for the Overlord, right?

Author:  MagnusIlluminus [ Fri Feb 11, 2022 6:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Snap Fire and Overlord Airship

As you said, it isn't actually a Command model, so that comparison is not really relevant. I consider this to be a special feature of the Overlord Airship. It is such a stable firing platform that is can Snap Fire even on Advance orders and has moved.

You could not move it at all if you give it a FF order. That is the difference. If It has Advance, it can move and still Snap Fire and shoot in FF phase. If it has FF orders, it cannot move but can fire in FF and can Snap Fire. Thus FF orders are irrelevant for this unit. Except for being a tactical reveal.

Author:  Fangface [ Mon Feb 14, 2022 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Snap Fire and Overlord Airship

Had almost forgotten this thread :)

The discussion actually came up in the Epic FB group a couple of weeks ago, and someone posted a response that made perfect sense to me. Don't understand to be honest why I didn't see it myself in the first place.
It's in the line of what you say, with a slight difference.

The response was basically that you put down orders completely normally for the Overlord, like any other unit (that's what you have also said). Then normal snap fire rules apply, and the OVerlord always fire in the FF phase (unless on charge orders).
Meaning, if you put down a FF order, it can't move but can snap fire. If you put down Advance, it moves normally, fires in the FF phase, but can't snap fire, since snap fire can only be done if the unit has first fire orders.

To me that made sense and I'll play it like that :)

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