Why exactly do you think that CC is only about fighting against Infantry? Seriously, why? And no, those weapons are not "anti-Infantry" as they can be used against - and can destroy - any model in the game, depending on TSM vs Save.CC represents vehicles either ramming or tankshocking or using a crap weaponskill statistic depending on what version of 40k you reference.
Vehicles don't have a weaponskill statistic until 8th edition 40k only things with arms and legs have a weaponskill.
So that means only infantry and walkers can fight in cc.
Yes flamethrowers and machine guns are used primarily to kill infantry.
In a game we let them shoot anything because it wouldn't be much fun otherwise.
Yes I keep quoting 40k because it is current, up to date and the source of inspiration for epic.
If a tank, or any model, is bad in CC is reflected by its assigned CAF score. Of course, tanks and other armored targets have an added vulnerability in CC that they cannot make an Armor Save to avoid a hit in CC. Thus they already have that downside. Adding more downsides is really not necessary.This is how its played in netepic in 40K even if the vehicle gets cc it will get an armour save.
I use this system.
do cc as normal CAF + 2D6
For every 2 points (round up) you win the fight = -1 to armoursave
so if a landraider caf 3 rolls 4 =7
and an ork boy caf 1 rolls a 11 =12
12-7=5 =-3
the landraider makes an armour save with a -3
This represents 40k much better than the current system
How can you not use PD? It is an integral part of NetEpic. If you aren't using PD, you aren't playing NetEpic. Wait, first you say you don't use it, then you say that you use it in a limited way. Make up your mind. Either you use it or you don't. You cannot both use it and not use it.I use a modified version of net epic its basically 40k in epic scale it is much more detailed.
I said I don't use PD as written I consider it too generic.
I have added specific weapons values so these can shoot as normal or be used only in firstfire like the original spacemarine.
It is easy to switch these back to PD if that is what you like, it is simpler and easier to use for large games.
I'm confused since early 2015 you guys have been talking about updating this game and using 2d6 systems or d20's now you say only d6 and it seems now that you don't want to change alot of things .
There is alot of debate.
I'll see what others have to say, since I am all too eager to "scrap" the old system for something totally "new". 
PrimarchDo you want change? (The last post above mine was in 2016)
Do you want updated formations and unit stats?
I have it done already tell me what dice you want to use I can convert my formulas to fit.
If you want a d10//d12/d20 no problem
If you want a d6 it can work but not ideal due to the limited range.
I have updated netepic myself to include all of the new formations and units.
I have an extensive forgeworld/gamesworkshop book library for reference.
I have worked on a published ruleset
I am not touching the turn sequence or core rules.
I don't even want to look at your points system.
If you want to keep PD I can make it work.
I will change/add all ranges, CAF, armour saves and unit formations to current 40k information.
Please let me know.