The following are all of the Flame/Fire type weapons currently in NetEpic Gold, along with the few other weapons that use the large or small teardrop templates. In other words, these are the weapons that would be affected by any changes made to such templates. I have left out Psychic abilities.
It is interesting to note that there are already a large number of non-template Flamer type weapons in play.
Format and abbreviations are as per the 'Weapon costs' thread.
_ Cost ____ Weapon ___________________ stats _____________ Faction (Stand / Model) __ 2.025_ Hand Flamers ______ 15, 1, 4+, -1, IC, 360 _____ SB (Seraphim) __ 2.25 _ Flame _____________ 25, 1, 5+, 0, IC, 360 _______ Tz (Flamer) __ 2.25 _ Flamespurt ________ 25, 1, 5+, 0, IC, 360 ________ Ty (Gargoyle) __ 3.375_ Flamethrower ______ 25, 1, 4+, 0, IC, 360 _________ FM (Zealot), SB (Punisher) __ 4.5 __ Flamer ____________ 25, 1, 4+, 0, IC, 360 __________ SM (Flamer) __ 8.4 __ Scorcher Turret ___ 35, 2, 3+, 0, IC, 180L/R ________ O (Gargant Weapon: Great: Turret) __ 9.45 _ Heavy Flamers _____ 35, 2, 4+, 0, IC, 360 ____________ FM/SB (Penitent Engine) _ 10 ____ Thermal Gun _______ 25, 1, 4+, -2, IC, 360 ____________ E (Fire Dragon) _ 11.25 _ Scorcher __________ <), 1, 4+, 0, IC, 180 ______________ O (Scorcha) _ 12.6 __ Mork Head Scorcha _ 35, 2, 3+, 0, IC, 360 _______________ O (Gargant Weapon: Great/Slasha Head) _ 15 ____ Thermal Gun _______ 25, 1, 4+, -2, Cm, IC, 360 ___________ E (Fire Dragon Phoenix Lord) _ 16.9 __ Toxic Breath ______ <), <), 4+, 0, IC, 360 ________________ Ng (Shambler) _ 20.25 _ Sound Blaster ____ <=), <=), 4+, -1, IS, noOrders, 1S, 180 _ O (Goffik Rokker Tour Wagon) _ 22.5 __ Flamer ____________ <=), <=), 5+, 0, IC, 180 ______________ PDF (Salamander) _ 22.5 __ Heavy Flamer ______ <=), <=), 5+, -1, noFF, 180 __________ Kh (Defiler) _ 22.5 __ Web Spinner _______ <), <), 3+, 0, FotF, 360 ____________ E (Warp Spider) _ 24.3 __ Flamer ____________ 20, 2, 3+, 0, Battlesuit, IC, 360 __ T (XV-8 Mk2) _ 33.75 _ Blood Cannon ______ <=), <=), 4+, -1, IC, noFF, 180 ___ Kh (Cauldron of Blood) _ 33.75 _ Fire Thrower ______ <=), <=), 4+, 0, IC, 180 _________ G/TL (Hellhound) _ 33.75 _ Inferno Gun _______ <=), <=), 4+, 0, IC, 180 _________ TL (Titan Weapon) _ 33.75 _ Web Spinners ______ <), <), 3+, 0, Cm, FotF, 360 _____ E (Warp Spider Phoenix Lord) _ 47.3 __ Snapper Steam Blast \15/, \15/, 2+, 0, IC, 90 ________ O (Gargant Weapon: Great/Slasha Belly) _ 50.625_ Flamer ____________ <=), <=), 4+, 0, IC, 360 _________ SB (Land Speeder Justifier), SM (Combat Scatolo) _ 50.625_ Firethrower _______ <=), <=), 4+, 0, IC, aFF, 180 ____ SQ (Dragon Battlecar) _ 50.625_ Heavy Flamer ______ <=), <=), 4+, 0, IC, Turret ______ SB (Immolator) _ 50.625_ Scorcha ___________ <=), <=), 4+, 0, IC, Turret ______ O (Bowelburna) _ 67.5 __ Meltacannon ______ <=), <=), 4+, -1, IC, 180 _________ SQ (Hellworm) _ 75.9375 Heavy Flamer _____ <=), <=), 4+, 0, Cm, IC, Turret ___ SB (Immolator HQ) _ 90 ____ Flame Cannon _____ <=), <=), 4+, -1, DstBld, 180 _____ Tz (Doom Wing,Firelord) _120 ____ Stream of Corruption <), <), 3+, na, Cm, 180 _________ Ng (Great Unclean One) _184 ____ Pyro-Acid Spray __ <$), <$), 3+, -2, DmgBld, IC, 180 _ Ty (Scythed Hierodule, Titan Weapon: Arm) _270 ____ Breath of Nurgle _ <=), <=), 4+, na, IC, 180 _________ Ng (Breath of Nurgle) 1215 ____ Sonic Disruptor __ LOS, <=), 2+, na(5+), Cm, IC, 180 _ G/TL (AMO Mars)
_________________ Net Epic Coordinator