Tactical Command

MechWarrior Dark Age conversion to NetEpic Gold
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Author:  MagnusIlluminus [ Mon Sep 12, 2016 8:49 am ]
Post subject:  MechWarrior Dark Age conversion to NetEpic Gold

First, some general notes.

I came up with this specifically to integrate my MWDA toys into the NEG campaign that I am running online via Email. The inspiration for that was twofold. I had already assigned all of the infantry and vehicles from that line to represent various stands and vehicles from various Factions that I did not already have models to represent. In addition, I was trying to find a way to 'beef up' the PDF list a bit to make them more viable as their own Faction, rather than just as an allied force as the game seems to suggest.

Thus I decided that the world on which the game was happening was similar to a Knight world, but not quite the same - and not an Adeptus Mechanicus world. In other words, the Human population of the world had a long tradition of using bipedal mechanical vehicles to aid them in various tasks, including herding animals, construction, logging, mining, and of course warfare.

Note that I am NOT trying to shoehorn the BattleTech universe fluff into the W40K universe. Just trying to make something functionally similar to it therein. Thus I am completely ignoring all MWDA factions and rules therefore, as in NEG all on the same team. I am considering making them available to the "Chaos Renegades" Faction, but have not as yet. However, I am retaining the feel of taking damage and loosing ability over time via the use of Wounds. I am doing it this way as I was/am too lazy (er, um, not in the mood) to make Hit Location templates and damage charts for each and every single Mech.

These Mecha replace the Super Heavy Vehicles that PDF normally have access to.

A note about scale. For my campaign, I am scaling the Mecha according to their fluff heights as compared to mainline fluff heights for W40K Walkers, Knights, and Titans. For Fluff scale, the smallest Mecha are a bit taller than an IG Sentinel, while the tallest are just a bit shorter than a Warhound Titan. The toys/models themselves, however, do not match up with these comparisons. For model scale, the smallest is a bit taller than a Warhound and the tallest is somewhere between a Warlord (Beetle-back anyway, don't have the other to compare with) and the Imperator. All game and conversion rules assume Fluff scale is being used. I will try to remember to add notes for converting to Model scale. Primarily that would mean not dividing the number of Wounds by 2, but there may be other differences as well, Pinning Class being the most obvious.

This system only covers the "MechWarrior: Dark Age" rule-set up to the "Liao Incursion" expansion, as I do not own any models after that set. Most models from further expansions should convert fine, though some SA may not be detailed herein. Pilot cards and gear cards are also not covered.

Game Rules

A BattleMech (usually referred to as a Mech or Mecha for plural) is generally a bipedal, mechanical, vehicle that has one or more arms with tools, weapons, and/or manipulators (claws, hands, etc). A Mech is piloted by anywhere from one to several persons, depending on size and function. Mecha come in four general size categories, called 'Classes'. These are: Light, Medium, Heavy, and Titan. [Model Scale: replace 'Titan' with "Mega' as they are all Titans.]

Pinning Class varies by size category (IE, by Class) of Mecha, and by scale.
___ For Fluff scale:
_ Light Mecha have a PC value of 3.5. That is, they can pin anything up to Vehicle and themselves, but cannot pin Super Heavy or Knight class models.
_ Medium have a PC value of 4. They can pin Super Heavy & Knights.
_ Heavy have a PC value of 4.5. They can pin Super Heavy, Knights, and other Heavy Mecha, but not Titans or Praetorians.
_ Titan Mecha have a PC value of 5. They can pin anything up to Titans & Praetorians.
___ For Model scale:
_ Light Mecha have a PC value of 4.5. While they are the size of a Warhound Titan, they would not be quite as massive. This is a judgement call on my part, they could easily have a value of 5.
_ Medium, Heavy, and Mega each have a value of 5. I considered giving Mega a value over 5, but the Imperator and Mega-Gargants each have values of 5 at this time, so it would be unwarranted.

Mecha are not as powerful as standard Imperial Knights or Titans. In general, their weaponry is less powerful - but less standardized as well. Their Armor Save values are also worse than comparable models - but they can soak up a fair amount of damage.

All Mecha have Wounds. These function as normal for NEG unless a Special Ability says otherwise. The lightest of the Light Mech may have only one wound, while the toughest (current) Titan Mech has seven. [Model scale: thirteen] Mecha are considered destroyed when Wounds remaining equals zero. If any allied model or stand has the Mechanic SA, leave the Mecha model (on its side) on the table as Mecha can be affected by that ability. Otherwise remove it as with any other casualty. Mecha never explode upon destruction.

SA and Wounds. Most of the new SA introduced here have a numerical rating after their name. This shows how long the ability remains functional, as determined by how many Wounds the model has lost. For example, a Mech with 6 Wounds has the SA of "Jets3". This means that once the model has taken 3 Wounds of damage (IE, has only 3 or fewer Wounds remaining) it can no longer use that ability. In other words, it can use the ability until it has taken that much damage. As another example, if a model with 2 Wounds has "Evade2", then it can use that ability until it is dead.

Weapons on a Mecha have a 180 degree Front-centered firing arc, unless otherwise specified.

Mecha do not have any form of Shields. Their reactors are not powerful enough to support Void Shields, and the technology is lost and unknown on their planet.

Mecha are very maneuverable, and may make any number of turns during their movement. This even applies to Mecha of Titan class (or higher for Model Scale).

Unlike Titans, Mecha do not automatically have anti-personnel defenses. Some have the Point Defense ability, but not most. Mecha may be outnumbered as with any non-Titan model, and this applies to Mecha of Titan class (or higher for Model Scale).

Mecha use and follow the normal order rules as other ground units. They ignore all Chain-of-Command restrictions, but are not Independent and are not considered destroyed if they fail a Morale check.

Mecha that are Special Formations and have a Morale of (--) are considered Unique Formations. That is, a player may never have more than one of each Unique Formation in an army at the same time.

Author:  MagnusIlluminus [ Mon Sep 12, 2016 8:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MechWarrior Dark Age conversion to NetEpic Gold

New Special Abilities

If the SA is commonly abbreviated, that will be shown in parenthesis after the name. If the SA is controlled by number of Wounds remaining, it will have a # after its name (or abbreviation). Point Formula costs are not shown here.


Jump Jets (Jets #)
Moves as per Jump movement ability. May Jump over any model that it can Pin.


Hardened Armor (Hard #)
If this model fails an Armor Save against any ranged attack it may reroll the save twice. If either reroll is successful, the model is considered to have saved against the attack. If a model has both Hardened and Heavy armor, use Hardened first; Heavy does not begin until Hardened ends.

Heavy Armor (Heavy #)
If this model fails an Armor Save against any ranged attack it may reroll the save. If the reroll is successful, the model is considered to have saved against the attack. If a model has both Hardened and Heavy armor, use Hardened first; Heavy does not begin until Hardened ends.

Reactive Armor (Reactive #)
If this model fails an Armor Save against a physical ranged attack (projectile weapons, missiles, Bolter rounds, etc) it may reroll the save. If the reroll is successful, the model is considered to have saved against the attack.

Reflective Armor (Reflective #)
If this model fails an Armor Save against an Energy-based ranged attack (Fire/Flame, Laser, Melta, Plasma) it may reroll the save. If the reroll is successful, the model is considered to have saved against the attack.


CC Dodge #
If this model loses a Close Combat when this is active, it only takes 1 Wound regardless of how many points it lost by. Renamed from 'Agility'.

Improved Targeting (ImpTarget #)
When this model makes a ranged attack, it may reroll a failed to hit roll. Also, this model may reroll one die per Close Combat engagement. It must accept the result of the re-rolled die, even if it is worse.

Rapid Strike #
improve CAF, rolls an extra d6 in every Close Combat


Alpha Strike #
When this model hits a single target with the associated weapon, it may choose to do additional automatic hits to the same target with that weapon's TSM. The number of bonus hits is equal to half the model's remaining Wounds, rounded down. If it chooses to do the bonus hits, this model enters a 'Shutdown' state until the end phase of the turn following the turn it used this ability. While Shutdown the model cannot move or fire and only has half it's normal CAF value.

Anti-Personnel (AtPr#)
This weapon also rolls to hit all Infantry and Light Artillery class models within 6cm of the primary target. These secondary attacks are at the same to hit value as the base weapon, but TSM is 0 (zero).

Armor Piercing (AP#)
Target may only make one Armor Save vs this weapon (IE, no rerolls are allowed), Fixed Saves are treated differently against this weapon, and gains Penetrating X, where X = half the rank of the ability (round down). Models with both a regular and a Fixed Save ignore the Fixed and only get the regular. Models with only a Fixed Save treat it as a normal, non Fixed Save with the same value (IE, a F4+ is treated as a 4+).

Improved Targeting (ImpTarget #)
When this model makes a ranged attack, it may reroll a failed to hit roll. Also, this model may reroll one die per Close Combat engagement. It must accept the result of the re-rolled die, even if it is worse.

Pulse #
If the primary shot hits the target, this model may make a secondary attack against the same target.

Streak Missiles #
May attack a target out of LOS that is within range. Measure range along the shortest clear path to the target. If attacking such a target, to hit is at -1 (IE, 4+ becomes 5+) to represent the reduced accuracy. The attack penalty is ignored if the target is illuminated with Markerlights or a similar ability. May not target a model with the ECM ability active.


Camouflage (Camo #)
When model is in difficult terrain or has cover, all attacks against it are at -1 in addition to any normal modifier.

Command (Change Orders #; HQ)
This model has the HQ ability and may Change Orders as per the Imperial Major & Colonel. It does NOT gain the Command SA and still receives orders normally.

Decoy #
When this model is hit by a ranged attack, the attacker must reroll the attack die. If the second roll is a hit, then the attack actually hits. If the second roll would miss, then the attack misses.

Electronic Camouflage (ECM #)
May only be targeted by models with LOS. Any indirect barrage (that affects this model) spotted by a Forward Observer (or Markerlights) scatters once.

_ Weapons

This is similar to a Power Fist, but without the force field surrounding it. Does not get a reroll. Grab attack as Power Fist. May target buildings, but at TSM -2.

Like a Wrecker, but smaller. Works as Wrecker except that only Vehicle or smaller are auto-destroyed. Anything larger than Vehicle, including buildings, takes a hit at TSM -4. Hitting a target with a hit location template only scatters once due to the shorter chain.

Author:  MagnusIlluminus [ Mon Sep 12, 2016 8:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MechWarrior Dark Age conversion to NetEpic Gold

Listing of converted Mecha, alphabetical by class.

Entry descriptions:
_ First line is the game designation for the model. This is usually the sub-model given for the type of Mech represented by the model, as detailed on sarna dot net.
_ Second line is the name of the model in MWDA and the set designator & number for that model.
_ _ DA### is Dark Age
_ _ FE### is Fire for Effect
_ _ DFA### is Death From Above
_ _ LI### is Liao Incursion
_ Third line is Move, Save, CAF, model Special Abilities; and Firing Arc (if different than standard)
_ Fourth and subsequent lines are Weapons, listed as:
_ _ Weapon name: Range, # Attacks, to Hit, TSM, SA
_ Last line included is the Points Formula based cost and Formation type suggested for this model. All formations of Mecha are single model formations, and thus have a BP of Model. Included in parenthesis is the Morale value for this model. Note that while no Company Formations are suggested, they may be created if desired.

Light Mecha

(Arbalest; FE073)
20cm, 2+, +1, ECM 3, Wounds 4; FArc 270
Missiles: 10cm-70cm, 2, 3+, -5, Streak 3
Lascannon: 30cm, 1, 3+, -1
353.25 Support (3)

(Arbalest; FE075)
15.5cm, 3+, +2, Reactive 2, Wounds 4; FArc 270
Las Destroyer: 40cm, 2, 4+, -3
Missiles: 15cm-70cm, 1, 4+, -3
176.38 Support (1)

(AgroMech MOD; DA087)
14cm, 4+, +3, Wounds 4
Autocannon: 15cm-50cm, 1, 4+, -3
Power Saw
93.12 Support (3)

(AgroMech MOD; DA088)
15.5cm, 5+, +4, Wounds 3
Autocannon: 20cm-60cm, 1, 6+, -4
Power Saw
81.45 Support (2)

(AgroMech MOD B; FE067)
14cm, 3+, +4, Heavy 1, Wounds 4
Assault Cannon: 15cm-60cm, 1, 4+, -3
Chainfist (Thresher)
135.17 Support (3)

(AgroMech Mk2 MOD; FE065)
15.5cm, 3+, +2, Wounds 3
Flamer: SmTear, 6+, -4, Ignore Cover
Chainfist (Thresher)
112.57 Support (2)

(Crimson Hawk; DFA094)
19.5cm, 3+, +1, ImpTarget 1, Jets 2, Wounds 4
Flamer: SmTear, 3+, -4, Ignore Cover
Las Destroyer: 50cm, 1, 3+, -3
Lascannon: 50cm, 2, 3+, -2
255.57 Support (3)

(Crimson Hawk; DFA095)
17.5cm, 3+, +2, Decoy 1, Jets 2, Wounds 4; FArc 270
Flamer: SmTear, 4+, -4, Ignore Cover
Las Destroyer: 10cm-60cm, 1, 4+, -3
Lascannon: 10cm-60cm, 2, 4+, -2
230.17 Support (2)

(Crimson Hawk; LI101)
16.5cm, 2+, +2, Jets 2, Wounds 4
Las Destroyer: 60cm, 2, 5+, -3, Alpha Strike 1
116.82 Support (3)

(Crimson Hawk; LI103)
15.5cm, 2+, +3, Heavy 4, Jets 2, PD(4), Wounds 4; FArc 270
Autocannon: 50cm, 1, 5+, -1
186.39 Support (2)

(Crimson Hawk - Katsu Moriyama; FE087)
15.5cm, 0+, +6, Change Orders 1, Hard 1, Heavy 2, HQ, Jets 2, Wounds 4; FArc 270
Las Destroyer: 50cm, 2, 4+, -4
394.03 Special (--)

(ConstructionMech; DA075)
15.5cm, 4+, +8, Wounds 3
Fist (Backhoe)
Fist (Lifter)
111.4 Support (3)

(ConstructionMech; DA076)
15cm, 4+, +8, Wounds 3
Fist (Backhoe)
Fist (Lifter)
120.3 Support (2)

(ConstructionMech Mk2 MOD; DFA089)
13cm, 3+, +1, Wounds 3; FArc 270
Autocannon: 10cm-50cm, 1, 5+, -4
Fist (Lifter)
80.8 Support (3)

(ConstructionMech Mk2; DFA085)
13.5cm, 3+, +2, Wounds 3
Fist (Lifter)
Fist (Lifter)
87.42 Support (3)

(ConstructionMech Mk2; DFA086)
16cm, 4+, +10, Wounds 3
Fist (Lifter)
Fist (Lifter)
123.42 Support (3)

(ConstructionMech Mk2; DFA088)
18cm, 4+, +10, ImpTarget 1, Infiltrate, Wounds 3
Fist (Lifter)
Fist (Lifter)
210.5 Support (1)

(ConstructionMech MOD-B; DFA083)
15.5cm, 3+, +5, Wounds 3; FArc 270
Autocannon: 10cm-60cm, 1, 2+, -3, AP 2
Fist (Lifter)
218.67 Support (2)

(ConstructionMech MOD; DA084)
15.5cm, 3+, +5, Wounds 3; FArc 270
Autocannon: 10cm-50cm, 1, 3+, -2
Missiles: 10cm-50cm, 1, 3+, -1
Fist (Lifter)
116.3 Support (3)

(ConstructionMech MOD; DA085)
13cm, 2+, +4, Wounds 3
Autocannon: 10cm-50cm, 1, 5+, -1
Missiles: 10cm-50cm, 1, 5+, -1
Fist (Lifter)
109.74 Support (2)

(Panther - Fetanet Eryaman; DA107)
13cm, 3+, +2, Jets 3, Wounds 4
Missiles: 30cm, 1, 4+, -2
Plasma Gun: 10cm-60cm, 1, 4+, -3, AP 3
162.15 Special (--)

(ForestryMech; DA079)
17cm, 4+, +4, Camo 3, Wounds 3
108.23 Support (3)

(ForestryMech; DA080)
18cm, 4+, +7, Camo 3, Wounds 3
152.68 Support (2)

(ForestryMech B; LI084)
20.5cm, 4+, +6, CC Dodge 2, Hard to Hit 1, Wounds 3
173.51 Support (1)

(ForestryMech MOD; DA090)
17cm, 4+, +5, Camo 3, Wounds 3
Autocannon: 10cm-60cm, 1, 4+, -2
130.81 Support (3)

(Firestarter; FE076)
19cm, 4+, +2, Jets 2, PD(4), Wounds 4
Flamer: SmTear, 3+, -3, Ignore Cover
Las Destroyer: 10cm-60cm, 1, 3+, -3
156.33 Support (3)

(Firestarter; FE078)
17.5cm, 2+, +3, Jets 2, PD(4), Wounds 4
Flamer: SmTear, 3+, -3, Ignore Cover
Lascannon: 15cm-50cm, 1, 3+, -1
226.28 Support (1)

(Koshi; DA093)
18.5cm, 3+, +1, Decoy 1, Forward Observer, Jets 3, Markerlights, Sniper, Wounds 4
Las Destroyer: 60cm, 1, 5+, -3
158.18 Support (3)

(Koshi; DA094)
20cm, 5+, +3, Forward Observer, ImpTarget 1, Jets 3, Markerlights, Sniper, Wounds 5
Las Destroyer: 40cm, 2, 2+, -3
Missiles: 30cm, 1, 2+, -1
208.53 Support (2)

(Locust; DFA100)
24.5cm, 6+, +1, Hard to Hit 3, Wounds 3
Lascannon: 50cm, 1, 5+, -2
Las Destroyer: 30cm, 2, 5+, -4
82.13 Support (1)

(MiningMech; DA073)
11.5cm, 3+, +6, CC Dodge 3, Wounds 3
161.44 Support (3)

(MiningMech MOD-B; FE070)
12cm, 2+, +2, Heavy 2, Wounds 3
Autocannon: 40cm, 1, 5+, -1
Missiles: 40cm, 1, 5+, -1
Power Ram
122.21 Support (3)

(MiningMech MOD-B; FE071)
14.5cm, 3+, +5, Heavy 1, Wounds 3
Autocannon: 40cm, 1, 5+, -1
Missiles: 40cm, 1, 5+, -1
Power Ram
120.21 Support (2)

(MiningMech MOD-B; FE072)
13.5cm, 2+, +5, Wounds 3; FArc 270
Autocannon: 40cm, 1, 5+, -2
Missiles: 40cm, 1, 5+, -2, AP 3
Power Ram
155.12 Support (1)

(Spider; DA096)
22cm, 4+, +3, CC Dodge 1, Jets 2, Wounds 3; FArc 270
Lascannon: 30cm, 1, 3+, -2
82.13 Support (3)

(Uller; DFA108)
21.5cm, 4+, +3, Hard to Hit 1, PD(2), Sniper, Wounds 4
Scatter Guns: 40cm, 1, 3+, -4, AtPr 2
Lascannon: 40cm, 2, 3+, -2
171.64 Support (1)

(Uller; LI100)
19.5cm, 3+, +2, Reactive 3, Wounds 5; FArc 270
Plasma Gun: 40cm, 1, 4+, -3
Missiles: 15cm-70cm, 1, 4+, -3, AP 3
239.3 Support (1)

(Uller; DFA105)
15.5cm, 3+, +0, ECM 2, Heavy 3, PD(2), Wounds 5
Las Destroyer: 40cm, 1, 5+, -3
Plasma Gun: 60cm, 1, 5+, -3
147.91 Support (3)

(Uller; DFA106)
18cm, 3+, +0, Reflective 1, PD(2), Wounds 5
Las Destroyer: 40cm, 1, 4+, -3
Plasma Gun: 70cm, 1, 4+, -4
127.85 Support (3)

(Uller; DFA107)
19.5cm, 4+, +2, ImpTarget 2, Infiltrate, Wounds 4
Las Destroyer: 40cm, 1, 3+, -3, Pulse 2
Las Destroyer: 70cm, 1, 3+, -4
195.88 Support (2)

(Wasp; LI094)
20.5cm, 5+, +0, Decoy 2, Wounds 3; FArc 270
Missiles: 60cm, 1, 5+, -4, AP 3
Lascannon: 30cm, 1, 5+, -2
131.6 Support (2)

Author:  MagnusIlluminus [ Mon Sep 12, 2016 8:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MechWarrior Dark Age conversion to NetEpic Gold

Medium Mecha

(Black Hawk; DA102)
18cm, 2+, +2, Jets 3, Wounds 5
Las Destroyer: 10cm-60cm, 1, 4+, -4, Alpha Strike 2, Pulse 2
Missiles: 30cm, 2, 4+, -1
153.84 Support (3)

(Black Hawk; DA103)
19cm, 3+, +7, CC Dodge 2, ImpTarget 2, Jets 4, Wounds 5
Lascannon: 40cm, 2, 2+, -1
Lascannon: 40cm, 1, 2+, -2
236.58 Support (2)

(Centurion; DA101)
18cm, 4+, +12, Hard to Hit 2, ImpTarget 2, Wounds 5
Railgun: 10cm-60cm, 1, 3+, -3
Missiles: 20cm-70cm, 1, 3+, -2
Lascannon: 30cm, 2, 5+, -2
294.24 Support (1)

(Centurion; DA099)
15cm, 3+, +1, Heavy 3, Wounds 5
Railgun: 50cm, 1, 5+, -3
Missiles: 20cm-70cm, 1, 5+, -2, Streak 4
Lascannon: 30cm, 2, 5+, -2
154.18 Support (3)

(Centurion; DA100)
17cm, 3+, +4, Reflective 3, Wounds 5
Autocannon: 20cm-60cm, 1, 3+, -6, AP 2
Missiles: 20cm-70cm, 1, 3+, -2
Lascannon: 30cm, 2, 3+, -2
264.78 Support (2)

(Mongoose II - Rosin Douglas)
21.5cm, 4+, +10, CC Dodge 2, Hard to Hit 3, Wounds 5
Las Destroyer: 70cm, 1, 2+, -3
252.16 Special (--)

(MiningMech Mk2; LI087)
11.5cm, 2+, +6, Heavy 2, Transport (2: I/1,LA/1,W/1,Cv/1), Wounds 4
158.33 Support (2)

(MiningMech Mk2 MOD; LI090)
12cm, 2+, +5, Wounds 3
Missiles: 15cm-60cm, 1, 2+, -4
Scatter Gun: 40cm, 1, 2+, -2, AtPr 2
151.95 Support (2)

(Ghost; DFA111)
17.5cm, 1+, +3, Heavy 3, Markerlights, PD(4), Stealth, Wounds 5
Las Destructor: 50cm, 1, 4+, -5, Alpha Strike 1
Missiles: 30cm, 1, 4+, -2
315.61 Support (2)

(Ghost; DFA110)
15cm, 2+, +1, Markerlights, Reactive 2, Stealth, Wounds 5; FArc 270
Las Destructor: 50cm, 2, 5+, -5
219.12 Support (3)

(Hatchetman; FE083)
14cm, 2+, +8, Jets 2, Wounds 5
Lascannon: 15cm-50cm, 1, 3+, -2
Autocannon: 15cm-50cm, 1, 3+, -2
Power Axe
195.04 Support (2)

(Hatchetman - Leena Cochrane)
13.5cm, 3+, +9, Jets 3, Wounds 6
Lascannon: 15cm-50cm, 1, 4+, -1
Autocannon: 15cm-50cm, 1, 4+, -1
Power Axe
215.19 Special (--)

(Legionnaire; FE079)
16cm, 2+, +2, Heavy 3, Wounds 6; FArc 135
Assault Cannon: 15cm-60cm, 1, 6+, -4
177.14 Support (3)

(Legionnaire; FE080)
20.5cm, 3+, +6, Camo 5, Infiltrate, Wounds 5; FArc 135
Assault Cannon: 15cm-60cm, 1, 4+, -5
216.86 Support (2)

(Legionnaire - Jaqueline Tadaka; DA111)
20cm, 3+, +8, Wounds 5; FArc 135
Assault Cannon: 15cm-60cm, 1, 2+, -6, AP 3
301.85 Special (--)

Heavy Mecha

(Shen Yi - Cataline Trujillo; LI120)
12.5cm, 1+, +7, Jets 3, Wounds 7
Missiles: 15cm-60cm, 2, 2+, -6, Streak 4
Las Destroyer: 40cm, 1, 2+, -3
464.84 Special (--)

(Vulture - Alice Vander; FE093)
14.5cm, 2+, +8, ECM 3, Wounds 5
Missiles: 20cm-60cm, 2, 3+, -6
Las Destructor: 10cm-50cm, 2, 3+, -5, Pulse 2
393.67 Special (--)

Titan Mecha

(Mad Cat II - Angus Drummond; FE091)
16.5cm, 0+, +10, Heavy 5, Jets 3, Wounds 6
Volcano Gun: 70cm, 2, 4+, -7
Missiles: 25cm-60cm, 2, 4+, -2
553.56 Special (--)

(Atlas - Dereck Hasbani; DA115)
12.5cm, 1+, +11, Hard 2, Heavy 2, Wounds 7
Las Destructor: 40cm, 1, 2+, -6, Alpha Strike 2
Missiles: 20cm-70cm, 1, 2+, -7, Streak 2
Railcannon: 75cm, 1, 2+, -4
686.99 Special (--)

Author:  MagnusIlluminus [ Mon Sep 12, 2016 8:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MechWarrior Dark Age conversion to NetEpic Gold

I'll post the actual maths used for conversion at a later time. Go ahead and discuss the above.

Author:  primarch [ Mon Sep 12, 2016 7:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MechWarrior Dark Age conversion to NetEpic Gold


Pretty damn cool!

If you get this in some sort of document I can make it available at the Epicenter. :)


Author:  MagnusIlluminus [ Mon Sep 12, 2016 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MechWarrior Dark Age conversion to NetEpic Gold

Once I get the actual conversion computations written up in an understandable manner, I may just do that.

While I am using these as additions to the PDF army list, they could also be used to replace the normal Knights in an alternate Adeptus Mechanicus army.

Oh, if the Mecha above are used in a PDF Faction, the following Formation should also be added.

[Infantry stand, Cm Rhino]
10cm, no save, +0, HQ, Mechanic
Stubber: 25cm, 1, 5+, 0
56.39 Special (--)

Author:  MagnusIlluminus [ Sat Sep 24, 2016 8:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MechWarrior Dark Age conversion to NetEpic Gold

I have worked through the conversions for Model Scale for all of the above models. I will get that typed up and posted as soon as it is feasible.

Post with Light Mecha updated as I found a couple of errors. Specifically, for CON-8H3 I had forgotten to apply the Improved Targeting ability, as it does affect CAF, so the cost increased slightly. Also for ULR-C I had over applied the Anti Personnel ability, so the cost lowered slightly.

Author:  MagnusIlluminus [ Sun Sep 25, 2016 9:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MechWarrior Dark Age conversion to NetEpic Gold

Model Scale differences

To save space, only the differences are listed below for each Mech. Anything not listed is the same as Fluff Scale.

ECM 6, Wounds 7
Missiles: Streak 6

Reactive 4, Wounds 9

Wounds 8

Wounds 7

Heavy 3, Wounds 8

Wounds 7

ImpTarget 2, Jets 4, Wounds 7

Jets 4, Wounds 7

Jets 4, Wounds 8
Las: Alpha Strike 2

Heavy 8, Jets 3, Wounds 8

Hard 2, Heavy 3, Jets 4, Wounds 8

Wounds 6

Wounds 7

Wounds 7

Wounds 7

Wounds 6

ImpTarget 2, Wounds 6

Wounds 7
Autocannon: AP 5

Wounds 6

Wounds 7

Jets 5, Wounds 8
Plasma Gun: AP 6

Camo 7, Wounds 7

Camo 7, Wounds 7

CC Dodge 5, Hard to Hit 2, Wounds 7

Camo 7, Wounds 7

Jets 4, Wounds 8

Jets 4, Wounds 9

Decoy 2, Jets 6, Wounds 8

Jets 6, Wounds 9

Hard to Hit 6, Wounds 6

CC Dodge 6, Wounds 6

Heavy 4, Wounds 7

Heavy 2, Wounds 7

Wounds 7
Missiles: AP 6

CC Dodge 3, Jets 5, Wounds 7

Hard to Hit 2, Wounds 8
Scatter Gun: AtPr 4

Reactive 5, Wounds 9
Missiles: AP 5

ECM 4, Heavy 6, Wounds 9

Reflective 2, Wounds 9

ImpTarget 3, Wounds 8
Las1: Pulse 4

Decoy 3, Jets 4, Wounds 6
Missiles: AP 6

Jets 5, Wounds 10
Las: Alpha Strike 3, Pulse 4

CC Dodge 4, ImpTarget 3, Jets 7, Wounds 9

Hard to Hit 4, ImpTarget 3, Wounds 10

Heavy 5, Wounds 10
Missiles: Streak 7

Reflective 6, Wounds 10
Autocannon: AP 3

CC Dodge 4, Hard to Hit 6, Wounds 9

Heavy 4, Wounds 8

Wounds 7
Scatter: AtPr 5

Heavy 5, Wounds 10
Las: Alpha Strike 2

Reactive 3, Wounds 10

Jets 4, Wounds 9

Jets 5, Wounds 11

Hevy 5, Wounds 11

Camo 9, Wounds 9

Wounds 10
Cannon: AP 5

Jets 5, Wounds 13
Missiles: Streak 7

ECM 6, Wounds 10
Las: Pulse 4

Heavy 10, Jets 5, Wounds 12

Hard 3, Heavy 5, Wounds 13
Las: Alpha Strike 3
Missiles: Streak 3

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