New game, new opponent. Back down to 1,750pts for this one. I avoided starting this report before the game, after the last one stalled. That means no pretty introduction, but at least this time I know I can finish it. Most of the work is already done.
This one was extremely slow, but that was my opponent's fault, not the game (it literally took him nearly 30 minutes to decide which unit to place first). Fortunately, I'm patient, and had no other pressing matters to attend to.
UN SETUPSorry, first couple of pics are sideways. I'm too lazy to fix them. I set up my grav units on my left flank, then concentrated all the rest towards the middle, conceding the right objective, but intent on taking the other two.
OPFOR SetupMy opponent did much the same in reverse, but had his grav in the centre, leaving slower formations on flank. I immediately thought that was like to be a mistake.
TURN 1My lighter grav units sweep in to take the open objective on that side of the field.
My Valgaross super heavy grav tank pushes forward in the centre, and takes a lot of incoming fire from unexpected overwatch. It's imobilised. Not an auspicious start.
My Janus walkers dash forward into a position where they're ready to assault, while Ares walkers advance in support. Centre objective secured, for the moment at least.
More heavy firepower a bit further back.
My Encegon and Marghaast tanks advance just to the right of my walkers
Meanwhile, OPFOR light grav tanks move forward a little, but the rest of their forces in a position to contest the centre remain in place (most of them used overwatch).
OPFOR is advancing unopposed on the other flank, but I'm not too concerned. They've effectively conceded two of three objectives to me early; all I have to do now is hold them, and these guys are well out of the action.
Then, I realise most of his tanks actually have range on me. They're still poorly positioned, I think, but they're not useless out there. My Encegons take heavy fire and accrue some some stress. With a mainly plasma-equipped force, I can't return any effective fire.
Not much damage done over the first turn. My Encegon tanks and the enemy Deliverer heavy tanks are degrading from stress. My imobilised Valgoross fails it's repair check, and is going to remain stuck in place.