Blip: Thanks for your input. I hope we will give you enough of a feel for the game during the KS. Feel free to ask any questions you want about the rules (other than for a full copy

), I'm happy to answer questions here, especially since TacComm is the elite veteran division of the 6mm gaming world. I expect more in-depth questions here than on the KS proper, or on other fora where 28mm or (gasp) boardgamers might be thinking about 6mm for the first time.
Mordoten: Frankly, we didn't know when AoT was going to go live until shortly before they did. We had been planning for a long time, and Byron had promised to launch in January 2016. Given how long we had been talking about the game, we decided to launch. I personally think that AoT helps our KS, and that Polyversal helps theirs. AoT have some excellent minis. Both Collins Epic Wargames and I are backing AoT on KS, and they are backing us. Players who want AoT minis can play AoT, then use the minis to play VASA and Junkers versus Eldar and Draconis Combine using Polyversal. Finally, Polyversal will still be on KS for a month after the end of the AoT KS, so people will have at least one more paycheck to cover their KS pledges.
Scutarii: thanks! I'm still painting figures I bought 20 years ago! As the legend goes, if you paint all the figures in your lead pile, you die.
Designer of
Polyversal, currently in development with Collins Epic Wargames.
Twitter: @Weeklywargamer