So, next game we will finally try out the Palladium rules. We have played four NEG games, so this will be interesting
Having read the english translation of the v2.2 rules, some questions though arose. I hope someone from the Palladium team has time to help us out with some or all of these questions
Apologies in advance for a very LONG post
1. A stand/model engaged in close combat can still shoot in the combat phase, if it is of a higher class than the stand/model engaging it. Though with a to-hit modifier of -1 on ALL weapons.
Does this rule really apply to ALL models? The extreme example would be for example an Imperator (class 7), being engaged by one small Squat warrior (class 1) and that causing the imperator to have a -1 to-hit modifier on all it's weapons.
Obviously we wouldn't play it like this
, I'm more curious if I have missed something in the rules bringing this up?
2. I'm trying to understand the concept of broken tokens, impact points and impact tokens, but fail. I almost feel like perhaps that there's something lost in translation between french and english here?
So, once a detachment/company is broken, it receives a broken token and then in the end phase it must do a morale test (and in later rounds it can do a rally check). If it fails, it goes on fall back and if it succeeds all is good but the broken token stays on the unit.
The in the rules it says, "if a detachment with a broken token, suffers at least one casualty,
at any time during the turn, it receives an additional impact point, unless it already has one"
What I can't understand is what the "impact points" are used for? There's basically no further mention of it in the rules except that you receive them. I would understand if they were in some way used to be included in the morale rolls later, to take into account the fact your unit has been broken and that it has received further casualties after that, but as I said, can't see anything what they should be used for.
Also, the
broken token seems to just be an indicator that the unit has been just that, broken. Right?
And lastly
is it a typo that in the "End of turn" part of the rules, it says that
"At the very end of the turn, remove all Impact token."?
I mean, if "remove all impact tokens", means to remove all broken tokens, then...if a unit was broken and succeeded with the "morale test", then how can it be broken again? It feels like in the english translation, two texts contradicts each other?
3. Rules for command units looks to be slightly different compared to NEG. In NEG it was very clear that Praetorians were command units but didn't get the double movement from a charge order. They moved normally but fired in the FF phase. In Palladium that seems to be removed for praetorians, so they now receive orders normally and act according to command unit rules.
Meaning with a charge order they would move double but after movement the charge order is switched to and advance order (so it doesn't get the benefit of a FF order). If it has an advance order, it moves normally, and after movement, the advance order is replaced by an FF order (giving it the benefit of FF, reroll 1s in combat).
Have I interpreted that correctly, Praetorians actually can move double on charge orders, according to Palladium rules?
4. Superheavy ability, on many places in the codex, models have the "superheavy ability". Rules for this seems to be missing though. In NEG I think the only special thing about being a super heavy, was that if you were hit, you rolled on a separate "damage table".
In Palladium rules it looks like this is replaced with the "health points". So is the super heavy ability basically just belonging to that pinning class? I can't find anything else in the rules explaining what would be so special with having the super heavy ability
5. Tarantulas, In NEG (and also the previous Palladium rules) it is specified that the Tarantula can fire in both the first fire phase AND the advance phase (
Tire deux fois). How does this work in v2.2 where all combats/assaults are in one phase? Does it simply get to fire twice?
Ok, last question 6. Victory Points, thereĀ“s a lot of Codex books still not ready, but browsing through the ones that are done, it seems that Victory Points is missing under the army cards. The new codex books only have BP, Morale and Cost for the different army cards? Has it simply been forgotten? I mean, there is still the Conquest Scenario where you need victory points to determine who wins a combat.
Can the old VP values from the old codex books be used?