Hi Peter,
There are many rule changes but it's 90% NetEpic Gold, a refreshed NetEpic Gold
- all measurements (Zone of Control, Coherency, Firing Range) have been rethought to take in consideration that all players do not use same bases.
- Bigger units generate bigger zone of control too and ZoC rule has been totally rewritten
- new ability to Reduce Cover and not just Ignore Cover. Destroy building is quite rare now and Damage Building rule changed too (buildings have a kind of Health Points and lose some when they fail a save).
- pinning class extended up to 7 (warhound/small praetorians = 5, reaver/warlord/big praetorian = 6, imperator = 7)
- new Barrage Points scale (1-3 = 6+, 4-6 = 5+...)
- moral test is now on 2D6. Few changes about moral: if a detachment from a broken company card did not suffer any casualty, this detachment gains +1 to moral test roll. Moral test is rolled every turn a detachment from a broken card suffers at least 1 casualty.
- better camouflage rule
- new High Altitude rule: firing range penalty works on both side
- new Interceptor special rules for some flyers to protect their bombers or intercept flyers (you can survive without AA)
- some super Elite troops give more Elite reroll dice than before
About Codex, so many to tell:
- titans Caf have been placed at an higher level than before (check AMTL Codex), they also have few titan "body" weapons from heavy bolter to lascannon (or things like this for Nids Bio-titans).
- IG Chain of Commands rule has been removed. But if a detachment have to roll a moral test and is out of Command Range, it will suffer penalty. As Chain of Command is gone, Artillery Company Cards CHQ have been replaced by a Forward Observer
- Also for IG, all 40K Superheavy tanks have profiles in NetEpic Palladium.
- Space Marines infantry cards do not include rhinos, players can choose different kind of transport (Land raider, Thunderhawk, Storm Eagle, Storm Raven, Battle Barge, Drop Pods (that have new rules too), Teleport without paying for unused rhinos.
- Space Marines walkers are now by 3 so they can be transported without creating new special vehicles.
- Most common special rules are now merged in Keywords, we tried to limit the use of "See Description" in unit Notes, sometimes by using more keywords, sometimes changing profile.
I'm pretty sure translation Palladium rules and codex will be done in the future but not before 3 monthes playtest period is over