so, in our next game it looks like we are going to try out the new Palladium rules. So far we have just been playing NEG rules, Squats vs. Orks. Squats have basically won every single game we've played. All from tight victories to crushing.
We've been trying to find balance in the armies by implementing various optional rules and Palladium rules, but still using the NEG codex books (stats and costs).
So, this will be the first time we try the full Palladium rules and codex.
Feels like it will be very tough for me now as a Squat player. Look like most units contain either fewer models, cost more or a combination of both.
Also. I can see the BP and Morale has been to say the least, extremely worsened. Looks like most infantry basically has the same "values" as for example Orks. As far as I could see, the BP was almost the same, onlu difference was a bit lower morale value (6 compared to
. Was there a particular reason for such a drastic and quite "large" change in those values?
I guess you have played a lot more games than me, so do you have any thoughts on what playtesting has shown? Does it feel like armies are more balanced now?
Sorry for lots of questions and fluff in this post