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Rules queries?

 Post subject: Rules queries?
PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 6:31 pm 
Brood Brother
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I'm here! It took many months, but I'm here now, and very happy to be so! Thank you to the Mods for letting me in. I've done a search and looked about, but this seems the best place to put my question. I understand that it's a bit of a "How long is this piece of string," but if I'm to play, I have to start somewhere. Now, for the past three years I've been putting together an army. About 200 to 250 mini's so far, no troops as yet. None painted yet! Same old story I know, but it takes ages cleaning up and gluing them together. I wanted a lot to give a good choice of what to field.

I've bought a few rulebooks from various eras, and would actually like to play through, from the first, through to the last to see how the game has changed, and because I missed it first time round! From reading around on the net, it appears that there are 8 sets of rules. That's 4 eras of Games Workshops rules, the Heresy Epic Battles rules, Net Epic, Net Epic Gold, and Net Armageddon (Net EA if I've got that right?). which makes it rather confusing. Can I ask a few questions about these?

Net Epic and Net Epic Gold seem the same, is the only difference the more advanced layout and colour? Net Epic seems easier to read through from a gaming quick reference perspective.

The Heresy Epic Battles rules? Are these what started the road down to the Net Epic and Net Epic Gold rules. He had an idea, and gradually this was improved on to get to the latest Net Epic and Net Epic Gold. I seem to remember in the past reading something, that this was the case and the Heresy rules were left up there as they were D10 and thus slightly different so worth keeping as a separate entity. Or is my mind bending, and that's just me dreaming?

I need to get a knowledge of the basics, and that's the actual ruleset used, so then I can get my army choices right. As it stands I've got a unit of 11 Warhounds, but reading the guff recently it states they only pair up. I read elsewhere that Titans have different weapon types, where I've done the same weapons on each for game ease. (easy to choose, else there are too many combinations). I did try to magnetise, but due to the area available to get the magnet, it just wasn't quite powerful enough to hold the weapon upright. any slight knock and they were firing at the ground.

I actually based the army on the Imperial Guard Armies of the Imperium boxed set. I just added up all the vehicles from the cards and have them in those numbers. They don't have any cards for Warhounds, so I just went ahead. I understand this area is specifically Armageddon, so people may be a little leaning towards those rules, but if anyone can answer any queries, then that will narrow down where I start. Also then I can read up on the rule sets rules for Warhounds, and not be continuing to put together a load of models that can never be used.

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 Post subject: Re: Rules queries?
PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 6:00 am 
Brood Brother
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Welcome to the confusing world that is Epic! This specific sub-forum is for NetEpic based queries, but close enough.

You are basically correct about the various versions.

NetEpic is mainly based on 2nd edition GW Epic, with a few bits from other editions. NetEpic = NetEpic Gold. Well, Gold is the most recent complete edition of NetEpic.

Net EA is mainly based around 4th edition GW Epic.

As far as I am aware, 'Heresy' really doesn't count as a version, as nobody plays that. I could be wrong though.

You have a few options for using that many Warhounds at the same time in NetEpic.
A) You run a NEGold Titan Legions army. They can take Warhounds as Support.
B) You use the Points Formula to make a Company (or other formation) with lots of Warhounds in it.
C) You wait for Platinum, as that will have more flexible army-building.

You may want to begin by figuring out which ruleset(s) that the people you will be playing with/against use, as that will influence which rules you would probably want to focus on. If you decide to focus on NetEpic, Gold or otherwise, then feel free to ask more questions in this (or the appropriate) sub-thread.

Net Epic Coordinator

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 Post subject: Re: Rules queries?
PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 10:20 am 
Brood Brother
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Ah, thank you, that makes it a little clearer through the fog that is war. I thought I was on the right tracks, but wished to check. I actually have a local gaming club, and asked around a bit, there were players, but when asked what rules they used, it all got a bit vague. Perhaps they hadn't played for awhile, highly likely. There was interest though, and this will only expand when GW redo the game.

it's not that I'm definitely up for using 20 Warhounds, more that I wanted the choice of weapons to correctly armed models. So if I have 4 units of each weapon type, then if a standard army was 5 Warhounds, that gives all options. I'm more interested in a fair game, as no point really playing otherwise. but if 20 Warhounds meant you need 3000 other vehicles to balance it, that would get out of hand!

Appreciate your answer, but it opens up another question. I've done a search (as I rather this, than the usual webforums tell me the answer attitude) but what distinguishes Net Epic Platinum from the other rules? Is this going to be the updated Gold version, with newer included armies? That's my educated guess.

The Heresy rules appeared to be from around 2005. That's when they were last updated (so they were earlier than that), but I've read through them a bit more, and it appears that they were started a year after the Net Epic project (whenever that started). 2005 appears to be the date of the NetEpic 5 rules. The author, Mr Peter Ramos, states "Heresy tries to represent massed combat in the 40 universe in 6mm scale. I wanted to reflect more “gritty” game mechanics that usually get left out in most game systems like morale, true command and control and combined arms tactics. I hope to have come close to attain such a lofty goal!" I assumed these were in the other variations, but I'll have to do a lot more reading up on the rules, to see if they are and what suits me. If I game before GW redo them, likely whatever I pick, will be what is used to play locally and if GW redo it, wouldn't surprise me if it was a Titans game boxed set just like the original offering of Adeptus Titanicus.

Yes I'll ensure I get the correct forum next time (thanks to whoever for the move), I did look about but my questions seemed to cover a couple of areas.

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 Post subject: Re: Rules queries?
PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 10:45 am 
Brood Brother
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Ah Peter Ramos, he posts here occasionally...


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 Post subject: Re: Rules queries?
PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 9:04 pm 
Brood Brother
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If you are going to use NetEpic Gold, the rules for Titan weapons are in the "adeptusmechanicus_with_errata" file. There are also generic Titan rules near the back of the Core Rules file that you should read as well.

Platinum is really just getting started, and isn't a usable thing as yet. The intentions for it are basically what you stated. To really see what is intended for it, you should read the relevant threads.

If you want "fair and balanced", you have come to the wrong game. Anything GW based is at least a bit lopsided here and there. However, that said, the Points Formula (see the Alternative Rules sub-forum) that I have been building is an attempt to bring a bit more balance to the game. Whether I've succeeded is a debatable point. Give the costs for that a looking at, over in the Gold Armies sub-forum, threads that begin with "Points Formula values for ...", and let us know what you think. Better yet, play a few games using them and do battle reports.

Net Epic Coordinator

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 Post subject: Re: Rules queries?
PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 9:21 pm 
Brood Brother
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Heresy is just a pet project of mine from long ago.

I am in the process of updating it will a gentleman from Germany whom fancies the rule set and quite a bit of it will change.

As mentioned it does not belong to the "net epic" family of games as its mechanics are quite different (perhaps more different once the changes take effect).

There is a "lot" going on in the net epic world right now, as newer rule sets are being proposed. However Gold is the static "evergreen" version and is the most widely used version.

As also mentioned the new points formula goes a long way in balancing the otherwise "troublesome" original SM2 values and are definitely worth a look at.



The Primarchload
Magnetized Titans Tutorial
Net Epic Gold
Heresy Rules

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 Post subject: Re: Rules queries?
PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 10:18 pm 
Brood Brother
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MagnusIlluminus wrote:
If you want "fair and balanced", you have come to the wrong game.

Ah C*@p! :{[] LOL!

I suppose what you say could be said about every game. Balance is the one thing that for me any game should be based on. I will definitely keep in mind what you say. I'm new to the game, and wish to get into it more. I don't have the knowledge many here do, but with time, hopefully I'll be able to add something useful.

Appreciate everyones replies. I replied to your message Primarch, thanks for that. I'll look at Gold and that points system as that sounds very interesting.

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 Post subject: Re: Rules queries?
PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2016 3:14 am 
Brood Brother
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For what it's worth I'd say the majority of battles I've played in Netepic were either pretty close, or one side made a big tactical error. It could be that I've just been lucky, but that said, I decided early on as a rule of thumb to make sure each side had roughly equal proportions, points wise, of infantry, tanks and titans. And if one side has aircraft I make sure the other side does too or at least has some anti-aircraft.
I'm loving the new points system as I think it clearly is a more accurate representation of the relative unit values, and I applaud the effort to implement it, but I'm going to stick with my rule of thumb too, because so far it's resulted in the most consistently even battles, and I find close games to be the most fun!

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 Post subject: Re: Rules queries?
PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2016 10:31 pm 
Brood Brother
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Storm Puppy wrote:
For what it's worth I'd say the majority of battles I've played in Netepic were either pretty close, or one side made a big tactical error. It could be that I've just been lucky, but that said, I decided early on as a rule of thumb to make sure each side had roughly equal proportions, points wise, of infantry, tanks and titans. And if one side has aircraft I make sure the other side does too or at least has some anti-aircraft.
I'm loving the new points system as I think it clearly is a more accurate representation of the relative unit values, and I applaud the effort to implement it, but I'm going to stick with my rule of thumb too, because so far it's resulted in the most consistently even battles, and I find close games to be the most fun!


This is very true, with aircraft in particular.

A veteran player can "make up" the difference in forces that are poorly matched, but how to do that is not inherently apparent to someone playing a new army or without a lot of experience.

Even with a points formula, a side without aircraft or air defense can lose very decisively to one using therm if the player knows how to exploit it.

I am usually very open about my force compositions when I game to avoid such situations. It lends itself to a "fair" game.



The Primarchload
Magnetized Titans Tutorial
Net Epic Gold
Heresy Rules

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