Tactical Command

Flyers - newbie questions
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Author:  Craigm999 [ Thu Jan 22, 2015 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Flyers - newbie questions

I'm considering a using thunder hawks in my next game and just need a bit of clarification on how flyers/transports are used as i'm a bit think when it comes to reading/understanding the rules!

if i place a detachment of marines into a thunder hawk (ditching their rhinos pre-game) does the thunder hawk deploy as normal or is it kept off the board until it is activated?

Assuming it advances forward at high or low altitude can it land at the end of its movement and disembark troops, or would it have to do this next turn on first fire orders?

If it was carrying jump-pack units could it advance, fire its weapons, then have the carried troops disembark and activate?

Cheers, and apologies if i'm missing the obvious! :)

Author:  MagnusIlluminus [ Thu Jan 22, 2015 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Flyers - newbie questions

1) A. My understanding of the Thunderhawk is that it begins the game on the board as any normal model does. This is because it does not have the Deep Strike ability. On the other hand, a Dropship starts the game off the board and enters later.

2) It would have to land while it has Orders that allow movement. First Fire Orders do not allow for movement, and thus it could not land if flying while it had FF orders. See the second paragraph in the Transports rules page 27 of the Core rules. There it specifically states that models with First Fire Orders may not disembark from their transport as they are not allowed to move. Note also that disembarking costs both formations 5cm of movement, so if the Thunderhawk moved it's entire Move allowed by Advance Orders (100cm) it could not disembark any models being carried. It would have to move 95cm or less.

3) Yes and no. If carrying Jump troops while on Advance Orders, it could move and disembark the troops during the Movement phase, then fire during the Combat phase. You cannot disembark during the Combat phase as no movement is allowed then.

Author:  Craigm999 [ Thu Jan 22, 2015 5:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Flyers - newbie questions

Cool - that makes sense now that i re-read it, cheers.

Author:  The Bissler [ Thu Jan 22, 2015 10:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Flyers - newbie questions

Oh aye, thinking of using Thunderhawks are you? Interesting... ;)

Author:  Craigm999 [ Thu Jan 22, 2015 11:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Flyers - newbie questions

Indeed I am! Is 4 too many?! :) (probably try 2 out first)

I like the idea of the assault marines jumping out of the moving thunder hawk without it having to land. Also just painted one up for the death company so expect some infantry close combat in turn 1, damn, giving away all my plans here.

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