Some test prints of a 6mm Fantasy Bronze Age line I am getting together. Snakemen, cobramen, Ugallu, Kusarikku bullmen, tons of stuff.
I have been iteratively experimenting with a recently acquired Sonic Mini 8k and some Siraya Sculpt resin, which is supposed to be able to survive the vulcanization process. I was hoping to drastically cut my development costs and time by printing masters myself, but printing enough to go straight into a production mold. The main impetus being a drastic increase in costs in terms of both printing and model mastering.
The detail on the Mini 8k is about as good as a Form3 as far as I can tell...which is crazy for a home printer. That being said, it has been extremely painful getting it to work correctly. And this high-temp resin is a huge pain in the ass. The quality is mostly okay...but whatever side faces the build plate tends to have a bit of a melty appearance. This resin is a lot thicker than normal resins, so I am assuming that the gloopiness is coming from resin dripping down over finished layers and partially curing from ambient light.
I have tried a number of different orientations...vertical seems to be the best, but is also a pain to support correctly. I also might be a bit too critical of the results. It is also extremely difficult to clean the damned prints properly. This resin is a lot thicker and takes more work to get all the nooks and crannies. Normally I take a little toothbrush to the models, but these little Cads have fiddly parts, not to mention when i hold them I cover 50% of the model with my hands.

For all your Dark Realm, 6mm scifi and 6mm fantasy needs: