This will be a ramble-ish post.
I have been running the business for over 10 years now, which is crazy to me. in that time I have seen the wargaming landscape change, drastically at times. The rise of crowdfunding, the explosion in 3D sculpting both from professionals and hobbyists, the impact of artist crowdfunding ventures like Patreon.
Being on Facebook, one thing that has been keenly obvious is that, especially for the niche markets I play in, 3D printing holds a pretty outsized role. I would hazard to say that these days, up to 75% of the posts I see are tied to 3D printing in some way, be it purchased items from a professional printing company or something a hobbyist or friend has printed. Seeing this, and seeing companies out there that operate entirely print-on-demand has made me question my business model of late. That and the fact that my casting machine burnt out earlier this week.
The crux of it is, I am strongly considering moving future scifi vehicle releases to 3D prints. Indeed, any release larger than 6mm infantry that doesn't typically sell much. This would reduce my operating costs by over half, it would reduce my time to market for certain projects by a ridiculous amount. It would make shipping weights remarkably lower. I could sell things for less than I normally would be able to. The only reason I am hesitant is that I personally prefer metal models.
The things that have really hit home with me lately though is the explosion of interest in Warmaster driven by 3D printing companies, as well as a poll I saw on the Warmaster group where people actually preferred either .stl files or physical prints to new companies releasing in metal. I know it is not a representative sample for other genres, but still...
So how would folks feel about purchasing resin-printed tanks and such? Below are some samples of things I have printed the past couple of days, and would be indicative of the quality I would be able to sell at:

For all your Dark Realm, 6mm scifi and 6mm fantasy needs: