Yup, it's nearly complete - all the rules in one book, collated, edited, clarified, and streamlined. Lots of procedures have been simplified into just a few similar (or identical) methods of resolution, no more system or weapons check boxes, and a few new (and sensible) ways to beat your opponent's troops over the head have been added.
Also included are a set of 'generic' scenarios and 100 (not a typo - a
hunnert!) unique data cards representing vehicles and squads from 6 different factions - the Earth Protectorate (Regulars and Militia, and in the middle of a civil war), two mercenary companies (the 37th Free {Xeno} Company and the 5th Russik Regiment), and two non-human species - the Derali and the Llysa'ath - all of whom perform quite differently on the tabletop.
Release ETA: in a week or less; roughly 180pp.; PDF $19,95, on sale for the first 2 weeks after release at $14.95; hard copies to be released before the end of June, in both softcover ($39.95) and hardbound (49.95) editions, with direct discounts for purchasing the PDF and book together.