Tactical Command

Campaign idea
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Author:  Kealios [ Sat Aug 25, 2012 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Campaign idea

So, Ive been teaching a friend the basics of the game after reading through Dropzone Commander and thinking, "there really isnt anything here that SL cant do!"

Since SL has such amazing flexibility in unit creation, I had the thought that some limits be put on what a player could bring to the table.

Im thinking of allowing players build a Roster of 2000 points. This is the "pool" that people will make their armies from. In this roster, the cost of a unit is subtracted from the Roster, until the player cannot afford to build any more. This way, he might make three or four versions of infantry, but going overboard on options might just deplete his availability.


A player builds 4 different types of infantry, costing:

He then builds a APC, 2 main tanks, and two types of artillery, costing:

Totalling this up, he has spent 955 points. He has 1045 points with which to build a few more options, such as a super tank or two, some aircraft, etc.

At the next game, a 3000 point affair on each side, he builds his army from this Roster's entries.

Now, my numbers may be off, but the idea is sound, I think. What do you think? Of course, this would require some scenarios not already populated with units...

Author:  KaJo [ Sat Aug 25, 2012 9:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Campaign idea

If I get what you're saying, the hypothetical player has (before spending the extra 955 points) 4 infantry types, 1 APC type, and 2 tank variants that he can choose from to make his army of 3k points for a scenario?

That would work well, with the caveat that players should be restricted to having a difference of no more than 2 TL from each other. I'd suggest choosing a base TL and players may use up to one higher or one lower from this TL. For example, let's say you choose TL5 as the base TL. Either player could build units at TL4, TL5, or TL6. A player would only have to reveal his chosen TL prior to the beginning of the first scenario.


Author:  Kealios [ Sun Aug 26, 2012 6:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Campaign idea

Thats a really good idea. I havent done the math, but I assume that vehicles built with higher TL components cost more? I guess not really, huh, since EW for example costs the same, but higher TL allows more to be purchased.

OK, so players agree on TL, then have the freedom to move up or down 1 from this number.
They then assemble their Roster, the list from which they will build their Army, based on an agreed-upon points value.
After Rosters are done, they agree upon a scenario, build their Army from the entries on the Roster to an agreed upon points value (likely influenced by the scenario) and then go at it.

Really looking forward to your campaign system, KJ! Hope it includes generic scenarios and advancement perks for units!

Author:  KaJo [ Sun Aug 26, 2012 6:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Campaign idea

Some systems cost more at higher TL, but systems with a higher base TL also have a higher base cost. If a player using a higher TL than his opponent uses some of these systems, the final PV is generally higher per vehicle than a lower TL vehicle built with the same signature; the lower TL force can usually field more units as they're cheaper with less costly and/or more limited options.

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