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Carving miniatures and terrain 25/08 Small Fort

 Post subject: Re: Sculpting Ork vehicles, 28/04 Supa-Stompa Gargant
PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 5:00 pm 
Brood Brother
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Hello, guys!

After a bit of an stop, and with my time being used by a tournament this last weekend, amongst other things, the update is small.


Quite simple, but i like it, even though i don´t know the reason, so I´ll try to some more in a similar fashion. The shape is based on Runtbots, like this one:


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 Post subject: Re: Sculpting Ork vehicles, 28/04 Supa-Stompa Gargant
PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 9:20 pm 
Brood Brother
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Those runtbotz look like great stand in for stompas or mekboy gargant. :)



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 Post subject: Re: Sculpting Ork vehicles, 28/04 Supa-Stompa Gargant
PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 4:56 pm 
Brood Brother
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After some time without updating here, as more came into making battle reports (there is two more in the works) i came back to this with another Landa.

This time it is smaller as i found out with the previous that it was a pain to use. In my eyes it looks more fiendly and less menacing than the previous, and the face looks more like a turtle than a shark, but i was told the oppositte, so I am interested on how you guys see it.

Apart from that i got a present which means good news for me for sculpting: a big piece of Spruce wood https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picea_abies , which it seems to be as good as the Ayous I was using for the Supas. The piece is big (4x10x70cm) so it means i'll be able to make some dozens of Gargants and will have wood for years. This way I will be able to get rid of the pine wood forever and I can risk to add more detail to the bigger figures before they break

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 Post subject: Re: Sculpting Ork vehicles, 17/06 Landas
PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 5:10 pm 
Brood Brother
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Well, i have not made any news about this in a long time, but i have done something since the last summer.

First of all, some objectives that did explicitly for a tournament and then forgot to take them ;D . At least that worked in helping me not forget them the next time ... Still trying out ideas so nothing defined or done.

Provisional ones, very detailed and well painted, of course ... ::)


The beginning of some Ork houses ...


And some Ork symbols


Tomorrow will upload something more interesting.

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 Post subject: Re: Sculpting Ork vehicles, 01/07 Objectives
PostPosted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 6:35 pm 
Brood Brother
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Continuing with were i left it last time, i put some other additions onto the table, from what i have been doing this last year.

Began created a model for a head, and tested on the bodies i had already. This size will be for Gargants and will create some for the other sizes.

Now the main issue is how to do the eyes without using extra pieces neither break them.


And added them to the new bodies i created for Supa-Stompas/Mekboy Gargants. This time i wanted to go to something similar to the 2nd Edition Great Gargant and to test further round bodies like the previous one but it seems that i was not successful.


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 Post subject: Re: Sculpting Ork vehicles, 01/07 Objectives
PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:47 pm 
Brood Brother
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So for now this is the last part i forgot to show: some tests on Supa-Stompa's shapes made to resemble Tinboyz, those robots from WH40k that parodied other races, in this case Space Marines with huge shoulder pads and tiny heads, like the real ones if we follow the background :D


Next time i do not know, maybe i will finish some heads for all or try to make some normal Gargants and Great Gargants now that i have the right materials and a workshop at hand.

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 Post subject: Re: Sculpting Ork vehicles, 25/08 Small Fort
PostPosted: Sun Aug 25, 2024 9:14 am 
Brood Brother
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Realized i forgot to report here too:

After five years since the last report, there is some news to this project.

The bad ones, are as i did not have that place to continue working on them, for long, i barely advanced on the work, and i could not even try the spruce piece of wood i talked about before.

The good, got access to another carpentry workshop, and while i could not work that much on the things i showed here, i could deceive the manager into letting me do this one by telling it is the city walls on the city we are in, heavily simplified, when he told me to do some test runs on the machines.


As you can see it has been planned so the small cylinders can place infantry and tanks, the heliport on the middle can hold aircraft, and the entry points can be used by Titans.

The result is quite good, save for that i pressed the piece too much to keep it in place when i tried to do a last milling, and a small crack happened. I think it is not big enough to break the piece even if it falls to the ground, but big enough that the piece has begun to warp a bit, leaving a 2-3mm gap with the table, on its middle point.

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 Post subject: Re: Carving miniatures and terrain 25/08 Small Fort
PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2024 4:38 pm 
Brood Brother
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The fort got used on a game, and i think that it integrates well, even if the infantry cannot be sen much from the outside, but that's how fortifications work.


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