1. Prerequisite is that every team has 1 card per each player. Back of the card is opaque, front of the card contains player's name and the name of their army. These will be used in the pairing system.
2. Each team secretly determines which card will be played first - i.e. which player/army will be their 'champion'. Those cards are then played face down.
3. Teams reveal their 'champions' simultaneously.
4. Each team secretly determines 2 players/armies that will face the champion. They are played face down.
5. All the 4 cards are now revealed. Each 'champion' selects one player/army to play against.
6. The players/armies that were not selected by the 'champion' will now be paired against the last remaining player/army in each team's pool.
7. Tables are now selected randomly for all the pairings.
The procedure takes additional 5-10 minutes prior to the games.
Scoring: game wins primary (20 is the max), objective points as the tiebreaker (100 is the max - i think
I can guarantee that there is a lot of fun in this pairing process and it emphasizes the team element as sometimes players/armies will be sacrificed to face a very tough opponent so that the rest of the team can get easy points.