Consul Avenging Angel wrote:
I appreciate the irritation of the 2+ initiative, however Aspects don't have the farsight rule so are not auto retaining and as most people only play small point games (3000) with a few crucial engagements per turn it's an unnecessary buff. Also it forces the use of portals for the eldar player and has a little risk strategy that can produced big wins.
True Aspects don't have farsight but the Iyandens first activation rarely have 1+ initiative so its kind of similar...
The risk is the Stormserpents, if they loose the strategy roll or if the enemy has scouts that is in the way, the Stormserpents is a big target to deathstrikes and spaceships to name a few. Once lost the enemy just has to keep a good distance to the remaining gate to be kind of "safe". And depending on the number of formations in the warp the Iyanden might also suffer from a big activation drawback if they can't field all formations on turn 1.
Its a sometimes boring 1 shot weapon, I agree. (tripple move SS, engage 1, engage 2 =almost win or loose the game) But there are several armies with this kind of strategy and you need to roll 2+ two times to pull it off, the first roll without a reroll.
The thing that strikes me as perhaps too powerful is their ability to move full speed when they consolidate. This makes the tripple retain/engage much more powerful as you are more likely to get into supporting range.
Anyone keeping track on how the Iyanden is doing? (win/loose ratio) Perhaps they need a nerf, they feel kind of stable to me but I might be wrong