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Possible online campaign

 Post subject: Possible online campaign
PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 8:42 pm 
Brood Brother
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As I mentioned in the Excel spreadsheet thread, I have the workings of a campaign that I'd like to try running with real people. Since I'm having no luck finding people locally, I've decided to try here. If anyone here is interested in giving this a try, please post. Ideally, I'm looking for six to twelve players, each playing a different faction. Since NetEpic has almost 30 factions (see below), this shouldn't be a problem.

The campaign is similar in many ways to the one that 'The Bissler' posted in his thread in that it uses a grid, has differing terrain types, and armies move around to claim territory and fight each other. There are also significant differences as well. Among these is that the grid is larger (100 by 160 squares), armies start small and grow over time, and where his was primarily about the battles with a little bit of connecting story, mine is primarily about the story. The story being the conquering of the planet.

Battles will still happen, but not as often in the beginning. I have a system I've adapted from another game that resolves battles with a few quick die rolls. I can post more details if desired.

My intention is to interact primarily via email, whether directly or through the site here.

Each player will begin with 1000 points chosen from one specific army list. This must form a legal force. Some are allowed to choose from secondary lists at the start, and this is noted. No drop pods, spores, drop ships, off table barrages, teleporting, or anything related to orbital access at the start. These will come later.

Allowed Factions are:
Adeptus Mechanicus
Chaos (Standard list only)
Chaos Marine Legion (choose one; may include Standard Chaos and Standard Chaos Marine cards)
Craftworld (may include standard Eldar Support cards)
Dark Eldar
Eldar (may include Craftworld Eldar Support cards)
Eldar Exodites
Eldar Knights
Exodus Slann (may include Dracon Support cards)
Frateris Militia
Harlequin (an exception to the normal restriction)
Imperial Guard
Khorne (may include Standard Chaos cards)
Kroot Mercenaries
Marines (choose one Chapter)
Nurgle (may include Standard Chaos cards)
Planetary Defense Force
Sisters of Battle (choose one Order)
Slaanesh (may include Standard Chaos cards)
Squat (may either use a clan or consider this their homeworld)
Tau (may include Kroot cards, but no more than 250 points)
Titan Legions (may include Adeptus Mechanicus cards)
True Slann (may include Dracon Support cards)
Tzeentch (may include Standard Chaos cards)

Each player will begin with one city determined randomly from those on the map. Cities are in preset locations on the map, but which faction is inhabiting each is random. All cities start at level 1 at the beginning of the game.

Feel free to ask any questions.

Net Epic Coordinator

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 Post subject: Re: Possible online campaign
PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 11:13 am 
Brood Brother
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I'm interested but would only be able to play online. Would anyone else be interested in this?

I'd be looking to play using Zombocom's simulator - viewtopic.php?f=4&t=25308 - but the one other option I could offer is to set up a board with terrain and armies and play over Xbox live by sharing via Kinnect video. Obviously this could be trickier as I would have to move the Kinnect unit about to allow my opponent various views of the battlefield.

Feel free to let me know!

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 Post subject: Re: Possible online campaign
PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 3:21 am 
Brood Brother
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Zombocom's Simulator looks interesting and could work if it's system-lite enough. If it doesn't work out, I can probably manage to make something work via MapTools: http://www.rptools.net/ I have not yet seen a specific framework for Epic of any edition, but even the base software allows for the moving of tokens (Units), vision, vision blocking, templates, etc.

Frankly, I don't anticipate having any major battles for a while after things get going (assuming it does at all).

Some additional details.

At the beginning of every game turn, each player's city (or cities) will receive a number of Build Points. Build Points (also referred to as BP) are generated in the following ways:
1. You gain 20 BP per level of the city, per city, for that city. This represents the industry of that city.
2. You gain 1 BP per turn for every non-City square that you control. A square that you control is one that you have placed your 'Presence' in. These points go to the nearest City that you control. This represents passively recruiting new forces and materials from an area you control.
3. You may have your armed forces 'farm' in a square with your Presence. This generates 1 BP per 100 points of units farming, and uses up all movement for those units for that Turn. This represents actively recruiting and gathering in that area and overlaps with the points generated by the square. It does not stack. Flyers may not farm.
4. You earn 10 BP per VP gained in a 'real' battle (one run via Zombocom's thing, MapTools, or whatever we wind up using) or 1 BP per 100 points of enemy destroyed if my 'Quick Combat' system is utilized. There are always useful bits to scavenge after a battle.

Build Points are spent in/by cities for various purposes including, but not necessarily limited to, the following:
1. Requisitioning new units. Units are bought by the card, and may have points put toward them turn by turn until finished. A city is limited in what units it can build, based on it's current level. These limits will vary by Faction, but generally speaking the higher the point cost of a specific model, the higher the city level needed to build it.
2. Increasing the level of the city itself. It takes 200 BP per level per level of the city to go up one level. So you have to spend 200 points to get your 1st level city to level 2, another 400 to get it to level 3, etc. The top level for a city is 10th level.
Each Faction will have various options specific to them. I have such options figured out for SM2 Factions, and the rest shouldn't be to hard to figure out.

As should be obvious from the files I posted elsewhere, units gain 1 strategic movement point per 5cm of tactical move. Different terrains cost different numbers of movement points to move into based on what unit is doing so. I am slightly revising some units terrain costs for this iteration of the game, but the existing file will give a good overall idea. Obviously, any Army can only move as fast as it's slowest member. Primarily, movement points will be spent on moving, but it requires spending 1 move point to attack a target, and it requires spending 1 move point to place your Presence in a square.

I'll post more details later.

Net Epic Coordinator

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 Post subject: Re: Possible online campaign
PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 12:01 pm 
Brood Brother
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I'd be up for this - I've got the alpha version of Zombocom's simulator and am slowly learning how it works (it's generally idiot proof, which is great for me).

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 Post subject: Re: Possible online campaign
PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 5:08 pm 
Brood Brother
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How feasible is it to add additional armies into it? Apparently it only comes with two.

Oh, and which Factions are the two of you interested in being? Feel free to ask any questions you may have.

Net Epic Coordinator

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 Post subject: Re: Possible online campaign
PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:44 am 
Brood Brother
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Well, I'm currently painting up my Howling Griffons chapter (slowly...), so to start with I'd be going down the basic Space Marine army (although for future campaigns I also [currently] have Eldar, Orks, Imp Guard, Squats, Chaos and Tyranids). It's been a long time since I had a game of 2nd Ed Epic and as yet no real games of NetEpic.

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 Post subject: Re: Possible online campaign
PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:04 pm 
Brood Brother
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Is that a Chapter you've made up yourself, or one you found in some fluff somewhere? I'm open to the possibility of using a unique Chapter, so long as it's reasonably in line with the existing ones. If you are so interested, either post or pm me with information on how the Howling Griffons differ from the baseline. If it's just that: "It's the same as X, but painted differently," then that's fine too.

As well, figure out and PM me a list of a mini's legal 1000 point force. If you want to limit yourself to armies you can personally field you may, but you are not required to do so.

I also have models for all of the SM2 era Factions, and will somewhat be basing NPC forces on those. Obviously, NetEpic era Factions I cannot do that with as much, so that reduces my incentive to personal reasons.

Net Epic Coordinator

Last edited by MagnusIlluminus on Wed Jun 19, 2013 7:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Possible online campaign
PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:37 pm 
Brood Brother
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I am happy to play any of the following:- Marines, IG, Eldar, Chaos and Squats. I do have a large Ork army as well but it is unpainted. My preference would be to play Eldar, but really am completely flexible on this.

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 Post subject: Re: Possible online campaign
PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:24 pm 
Brood Brother
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I'll put you down for Eldar, but just to clarify, do you mean 'standard' Eldar or one of the Codex lists (IE Craftworld, Exodite, Harlequin, or Knight) ?

Once that detail is sorted, go ahead and PM me a list of a 1000 point force as I mentioned above to shelfunit. Personally, I'd rather have a couple more people involved before starting, but if nobody else joins in a couple of days then we can get going.

Net Epic Coordinator

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 Post subject: Re: Possible online campaign
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:29 am 
Brood Brother
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This sounds fun, ad me as a Tyranid player please.

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 Post subject: Re: Possible online campaign
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 7:40 am 
Brood Brother
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Added you in as Tyranid, Morholt. Thanks for joining the game. When you get a moment, PM me with your selections for your initial force. Thanks.

Net Epic Coordinator

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 Post subject: Re: Possible online campaign
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 8:28 pm 
Brood Brother
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A bit of background, and more details.

The name of the planet is unknown, and really matters very little. Each race has a different designation for it. It was settled long ago when the Imperium was first reaching for the stars, but it had been visited before that by several of the older races who left ... traces. For most of it's history it has been surrounded by warp storms preventing contact with the Imperium. Recently those storms abated and a call for help was heard by all factions in the galaxy. All of those who heard the call were unable to determine who sent the call, and thus all decided to investigate for their own reasons. Eldar thought it might be a long lost splinter colony. Marines see anything not of the Imperium and must stamp out the Heresy. Orks come because it's there. Tyranids are hungry. Upon reaching the world, each faction detected the ships of the other factions, and hurried to be the first to land. Unfortunately, as the thousands of dropships from all factions were beginning to enter the atmosphere, the warp storm suddenly grew back to it's earlier intensity, destroying or swallowing all of the space fleets, scattering each faction's many dropships, and cutting off all outside help. The fight for survival, and domination, had begun. [Yes, I know it's a bit cheesy, but it's better than no background.]

Each player represents the leader of their Faction on this world, and (probably) the largest concentration of their Faction's units. Your primary dropship, the one that contained your initial 1000 point force, also contained templates for factories, non-combat support personnel, and various resources (including the ship itself) that allowed you to found an outpost (your initial city). As a result of the Warp Storm suddenly regaining it's strength, all of your Faction's secondary dropships were scattered across the planet, along with those from every other Faction. Thus, as you explore the world you will encounter these forces now and then, as well as forces that were already present upon this world.

Additional details about Presence. Having Presence in a square gives the following benefits.
1. You gain 1 BP per turn from the square.
2. You are able to have cards of units Farm for additional points.
3. Units of yours are able to move through them as if they were under Command. Normally, a unit not under Command may only move one square per turn and counts as half value in a quick combat (acts as per that Faction in a mini battle). A unit in a square adjacent to one with a Command unit counts as being under Command. Independent units ignore this restriction.
4. You are able to see the movement and composition of any cards of units (that do not have Stealth) in squares with, or adjacent to ones with, your Presence.

To be able to place your Presence in a square, you must do the following:
1. The square must not currently have another Faction's Presence in it.
2. You must have a Command unit in or adjacent to the square. A city of yours counts for this requirement.
3. You must have at least one intact Company card and one card that includes Infantry in the square.
4. Placing your presence in a square uses up one entire turn's movement for all associated cards.
You may remove Presence in a square by following the above steps.

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 Post subject: Re: Possible online campaign
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:08 pm 
Brood Brother
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MagnusIlluminus wrote:
I'll put you down for Eldar, but just to clarify, do you mean 'standard' Eldar or one of the Codex lists (IE Craftworld, Exodite, Harlequin, or Knight) ?

Once that detail is sorted, go ahead and PM me a list of a 1000 point force as I mentioned above to shelfunit. Personally, I'd rather have a couple more people involved before starting, but if nobody else joins in a couple of days then we can get going.

I'll be Biel-Tan which means pretty much standard units with the exception of (and I've just discovered this) Phoenix Lords. I'll work out a 1,000 point force shortly and pm it to you.

Quick question: I'm assuming that skimmers will be able to "farm" even if flyers can't?

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 Post subject: Re: Possible online campaign
PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 2:10 am 
Brood Brother
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The Bissler wrote:
I'll be Biel-Tan which means pretty much standard units with the exception of (and I've just discovered this) Phoenix Lords. I'll work out a 1,000 point force shortly and pm it to you.

Ah, so Craftworld then, and Biel-Tan at that.. Right. I'll note that down momentarily.

The Bissler wrote:
Quick question: I'm assuming that skimmers will be able to "farm" even if flyers can't?

Correct. Only Flyers cannot Farm. Skimmers and Floaters both can.

Oh, The Bissler, when you send me the PM with the list, also choose or randomly determine a number between 1 and 126.

Morholt, when you send me your list, choose or randomly determine a number between 1 and 125.

Shelfunit, I double checked the number of cities after asking for yours, but your number is fine.

Please do not post city numbers (or locations) here in the thread. Let people find out where you are on their own in game. Thanks.

Speaking of map locations, if anyone is fine with getting me their Email address, I can send you a spreadsheet file with game data, map, etc. Personally, I use OpenOffice, but I can save off into just about any format. If you don't want to give me your email, that's fine, I won't be offended. One cannot be too careful. Then you would need to make a spreadsheet file in whatever program you prefer. Once made, highlight cells A1 to FD100. Make those cells bigger, mostly vertically, so as to be able to see four or five lines of text. When I tell you what terrain type is in each square, I will usually just use the word, but I use the following colors (as background) in the cell. As near as I can equate anyway.

Net Epic Coordinator

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 Post subject: Re: Possible online campaign
PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 7:58 pm 
Brood Brother
Brood Brother

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A couple of notes to moving at the strategic level. Any card of units must remain together at all times. Infantry in Transport units do not slow down movement.

I will be tracking each Faction's score. Your score is a combination of your total city sizes, military forces, how many squares you have revealed, how much Presence you have, and your win/lose ratio. At the end of each complete strategic turn, I will list the scores for all active, discovered Factions.

Net Epic Coordinator

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