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3k Ork List for Open War 12

 Post subject: 3k Ork List for Open War 12
PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:01 pm 
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Hello all,

I'm attending my first Epic event in a month's time and I was hoping someone rather more expert than I could cast their eyes over a list for me. I'm planning to take the following:

Big Warband
+ Warboss
+ 4 Gunfortresses
+ 2 Zzap gunz

Normal Warband - Held in reserve in Landa
+ 2 Boyz
+ 2 Grotz

Normal Warband
+ Battlefortress

Stormboy Warhorde

Big Blitz Brigade (7 Gunwagons, one Flakwagon)
+ 2 Soopagunz

Normal Kult of Speed (3 Bikes, 3 Skorchaz, 2 Buggies)

Stompamob (one Stompa has an 'Ammer)
+ 6 Dreadnoughts


3 Fighta-Bomberz

I've only played a couple of games outside my very small circle of 3 Epic gamers (including me), so it's hard to know how useful my experience with this army has been.

The plan for the Big Warband is to double everywhere, ensuring the infantry are out of the Deathtr... Gunfortresses. The formation is very shooty, and while it may not always hit its potential it has very rarely died completely, which is handy as it's my "Break Their Spirit" formation.

The Stompamob sets up on overwatch on my Blitz, and has generally been capable of scaring off any potential visitors. With so many units it can usually stretch to contest another objective at the end of the game if needed.

I still need to paint the Stormboyz for this list, and also have available another Blitz Brigade (identical to the one in the list) and a Zzap/Soopa/Soopa Gargant.

Any thoughts on how to use this list, or possible modifications to it, would be greatly appreciated. I'd prefer to keep the Big Warband and Gunfortresses over the Gargant, mainly because they look better and I fancy I have more of a shot at the painting prize that anything other than the wooden spoon, but I'm open to suggestions. Cheers!

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 Post subject: 3k Ork List for Open War 12
PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:21 pm 
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One quick question. How many games will you play with any suggested changes?

If this is a list you have used a lot it may be better to go in with this rather than make lots of changes but not get to trial them before the comp.

The list looks OK to me, but I don't have a painted ork force yet so I'm going on what they do to me when I play against them!

I'm sure some experience greenskins will be along shortly.

 Post subject: 3k Ork List for Open War 12
PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:54 pm 
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I like it! :) (From a style perspective, trying to use it well would leave me cold :) I'm hopeless with keeping fortresses alive, I've even had them flip over from failed dangerous terrain tests :( )

The truly brave ork uses fortresses! :)

So what is in the 2nd landa?

I'll second Meph, if you haven't played much and can't get many more games in. Fear the man who has practised 1 move 10,000 times rather than one who has practiced 10,000 moves once each Grasshopper!

I would question your lack of flak however. Ork AA rarely shoots anything down, but it does bm it. Combined with taking a few hits on grots a formation become a nightmare to air assault!

The fortresses and zapps undoubtedly look good, however are they a good match? An ork WE formation is a wonderful assault creature, especially if you have sucked it up and stayed loaded (that is a 35cm charge or if you are desperate a 50cm FF with the troops onboard). If you haven't remember the fortresses can be 15cm away from other troops thanks to being 3DC warengines, so they can charge out if needs be.

With all that assault potential are the guns used to their full? (I personally like zap blitz formations - 1 oddboy, 1 gunwagon, 2 flak - as mobile annoyances.)

But at this point it simple becomes telling you what I consider each optimised formation to consist of - and really whats the fun in playing one of my lists when you have your own style and tactics?

Check out the epicuk site for past winning armies and try and figure out how you would have beaten them soundly.

Oh in your 5 minute warm up I recommend going over the WE critical hit. Decide how to determine direction and facing! (Very important when the assault marines critical them in close combat!)

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 Post subject: 3k Ork List for Open War 12
PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 5:08 pm 
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Good catch about the flak TRC!

 Post subject: 3k Ork List for Open War 12
PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 6:17 pm 
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More flak...
Rememeber that the Epic UK (tournament organisers) list has recently been updated; Fortresses are now cheaper and can be given forcefields instead of guns via mekboyz; don't know if you have the otion of zzap guns in fact...best check...
Oterwise, yes: looks good :-)

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 Post subject: 3k Ork List for Open War 12
PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:26 pm 
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May I add that the army looks good as well, but yes, more flak if you can. A Flakwagon is no worse than a Gunwagon when it comes to shooting, so the AA is a pure bonus. Plus, you get more dice to roll which is very orky.


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 Post subject: 3k Ork List for Open War 12
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 10:10 am 

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Interesting list, I'd echo the call for more AA cover. If you can keep your Bigmob mobile, you'll have a frightening assault formation.

Personally, I wouldn't go with a single 950pt formation, but Chris' advice is very good, if you are not going to be able to test changes stick with what you know.

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 Post subject: 3k Ork List for Open War 12
PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:29 pm 
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Mephiston: That is a pertinent question... the answer is very probably none. That said, I've played a good number of games with verious combinations of the models I have over the last year or two, so mixing and matching a bit would probably result in something I've tried out before.

The_Real_Chris: I guess I'll just have to hope the dice gods admire my bravery then... :p The Zzap-fortresses are really there as a "Ooh, that sounds cool" decision. In tactical terms, they're more a bonus than tactically decisive; they've been most successful when doubling to within 15 of a big enemy formation, shooting - OK, doubling and shooting isn't great but, notwithstanding the 4+ TK shots, I get 50 shots in total from this formation - and then providing support for an air assault. In that context the Zzaps are far from optimally used, but they are there if they're needed, and make the formation more of a threat (even if it puts many eggs in 4 very proximate baskets).

It does take a bit to kill the Fortresses, but in my experience it's very risky to stay mounted up. Anything with TK shots will decimate them, and even basic AT fire is dangerous when the critical result is so nasty. Good point on clarifying that in the warm up too, thanks!

Man of kent: I had checked through the updated codex but it didn't even enter my head that I might not be allowed Zzapfortresses anymore. Fortunately that option's still there. I did think of a Shield mekboy for the Battlefortress, which may yet be a good way to spend a few spare points if I need to rearrange a little to fit in more Flak.

fredmans: Cheers, and good point on the flak-big gun equivalency (though, while more dice is Orky I'd say bigger gunz is also Orky. ;)).

Tiny-Tim: I think you're right that the 950 pt formation is a bit OTT for 3000 points. I got a bit carried away when building and painting them I guess.

Good point from everyone on the Flak, or rather, the... F-lack of it, badum-tsssch. Quite careless really. I have a few Flakwagons in various stages of completion that could be thrown into the mix.

First there's an unpainted one which will be done in Evil Sunz colours. That could go with the Blitz Brigade (replacing a gunwagon) or be added to the Kult of Speed. Option one requires no other list changes (good), but concentrates the AA cover (bad); option 2 allows me to spread the AA cover (good) out but would slow the KoS formation down somewhat (bad) and needs list changes (bad)

There is also a Deathskull Flakwagon which I could add to the the Deathskull Warband (the one that currently has a Battlefortress). If I dropped the Fortress and added a Flakwagon, that would leave 80 points to spare, and would mean the Warband could garrisson, though it would obviously curtail their mobility.

Finally I could probably kitbash together another Flakwagon, which could obviously be from any Klan. I'm leaning towards putting one with the Stompamob, replacing a Dread if necessary, though I'm open to suggestions there.

Cheers to all of for your help. :)

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 Post subject: 3k Ork List for Open War 12
PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 12:16 pm 
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If you put the Flak with the Stompas, they can still garrison.

I would not remove the Battle Fortress from the warband. I think you should go with assaultactics, badumm-ssh! Especially if that is how you have played them.

The main reason to put them with the Blitz brigades is that they are such a juicy target for air attacks. They are often smaller than KoS:s, break faster and carry Mekboyz.


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 Post subject: 3k Ork List for Open War 12
PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 4:54 pm 
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Cheers! I now have a shiny new (well - a rusty old) Bad Moonz Flakwagon to go with the Stompas.

I've also added a Flakwagon to the Battlefortress as you suggest and swapped out a Gunwagon for another in the Blitz Brigade. That's a good point about how vulnerable they are to getting squished by air assaults (something I've discovered to my cost in the past).

I had to drop a couple of Dreadnoughts but the Stompamob is still imposing enough to keep guard over the Blitz I think.

New list:

Big Warband
+ Warboss
+ 4 Gunfortresses
+ 2 Zzap gunz

Normal Warband (to go in Landa)
+ 2 Boyz
+ 2 Grotz

Normal Warband
+ Battlefortress
+ Flakwagon

Stormboy Warhorde

Big Blitz Brigade (6 Gunwagons, 2 Flakwagons)
+ 2 Soopagunz

Normal Kult of Speed (3 Bikes, 3 Skorchaz, 2 Buggies)

Stompamob (one Stompa has an 'Ammer)
+ 4 Dreadnoughts
+ 1 Flakwagon


3 Fighta-Bomberz

Just got to see how it does now...

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 Post subject: 3k Ork List for Open War 12
PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:07 pm 
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Quote: (McMullet @ Oct. 11 2009, 16:54 )

I had to drop a couple of Dreadnoughts but the Stompamob is still imposing enough to keep guard over the Blitz I think.



Stompa mobs should always garrison forward on overwatch!

What are you, man or Ork!


Anyway it obviously depends on opponent but I like to throw my short range ork gear almost literally at my opponent (something many recommend when facing dave, though without the 'almost'). Maybe give it a try in a test game pre tourny?

A normal mob or even big mob is a more versatile blitz guard. Those pesky grotz ruin air assaults :)


I've also added a Flakwagon to the Battlefortress as you suggest and swapped out a Gunwagon for another in the Blitz Brigade. That's a good point about how vulnerable they are to getting squished by air assaults (something I've discovered to my cost in the past).

Be aware of AT 'sniping'. When you fire at the formation with the odd AT weapon you can declare to target the WE or the other AT targets, so unless the flak is hidden behind the fortress it can be blown away fairly easily and a couple of bm's placed.

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 Post subject: 3k Ork List for Open War 12
PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 6:04 pm 
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Quote: (The_Real_Chris @ Oct. 11 2009, 17:07 )

Stompa mobs should always garrison forward on overwatch!

What are you, man or Ork!

Is there an option for "Grot"?  :p

I did try garrisoning the Stompamob on a few occasions, but I found it to be nothing more than an ineffectual fire magnet - as the only juicy target in range it was the natural target for first turn whirlwind fire. I think it did survive (mostly) intact on a couple of occasions and manage to get into assault, with devastating effect, but I've never got the knack of keeping it alive. I do generally deploy them as a garrison, slightly forward and on OW, even when on the Blitz, but they usually stay there.

If I find myself against anyone without IF weapons and no pesky air units to plonk on my board edge I'll give it a go - though I'm lacking an alternative Blitz guard if the Deathskull Warband keeps it's Fortress of course.


Be aware of AT 'sniping'. When you fire at the formation with the odd AT weapon you can declare to target the WE or the other AT targets, so unless the flak is hidden behind the fortress it can be blown away fairly easily and a couple of bm's placed.

Aye, that did occur to me. It's a risk but in a way I'd be glad I didn't have to risk the critical hit on the Fortress... Like you say, I guess I'll just have to hide the Flak (or stick it out front with a big sign saying "look after your planes, shoot the flak!" if I want to protect my ride...).

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