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EXETERminatus Tournament, May 20th in Exeter, Devon

 Post subject: Re: EXETERminatus Tournament, May 20th in Exeter, Devon
PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 10:26 am 
Brood Brother
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The funny thing is, his shadowswords would love that...

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 Post subject: Re: EXETERminatus Tournament, May 20th in Exeter, Devon
PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 10:37 am 
Brood Brother
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'Prepare for landing on PLANET BOWLING BALL!'

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 Post subject: Re: EXETERminatus Tournament, May 20th in Exeter, Devon
PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 11:05 am 
Brood Brother
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RichardL wrote:
The funny thing is, his shadowswords would love that...


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 Post subject: Re: EXETERminatus Tournament, May 20th in Exeter, Devon
PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 11:57 am 
Brood Brother
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Right. Results slips, game 2 missions and table-specific scenery summaries all printed!

The Wargaming Trader
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 Post subject: Re: EXETERminatus Tournament, May 20th in Exeter, Devon
PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2017 9:35 am 
Brood Brother
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Brilliant to see everyone yesterday - great effort for everyone traveling down to (nearly) the end of the world! Expertly run by IJW and thanks for all the other help we got through out the day.

Ian will be along with the full results table, but as an indication of the atmosphere, the sportsmanship vote was spread over 9 different people (with Micheal collecting the prize with 3 votes). Good fun games with good fun people.

Stupidly i almost forgot to take any photos, but did get one shot of everyone while game 3 was wrapping up (sadly after i had packed away the ruined city table in the foreground to make way for donuts!


Also Micheal and i having a titan off in game 2 (warlock finally went down, after a dishing out a serious battering, by tripping on some ruins and loosing its holofields) :


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 Post subject: EXETERminatus Tournament, May 20th in Exeter, Devon
PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2017 10:24 am 
Brood Brother
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Great event and some fabulous tables. Huge thanks to Blip & IJW for their superlative organising. I won't steal IJW's result thunder by posting game reports yet but do have some pics

IMG_0122.JPG [ 1.48 MiB | Viewed 3103 times ]


Last edited by StevekCole on Tue May 23, 2017 6:20 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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 Post subject: EXETERminatus Tournament, May 20th in Exeter, Devon
PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2017 10:31 am 
Brood Brother
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War Engine off - My Krieg vs Skitarri (just the 22 on the table)

Black Legion v Dark Eldar

Chaos off - Thousand Sons vs Death Guard

Warlock vs Reaver


Last edited by StevekCole on Tue May 23, 2017 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: EXETERminatus Tournament, May 20th in Exeter, Devon
PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2017 3:05 pm 
Brood Brother
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Yes thank you for organising and running the event, smooth and efficient!

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 Post subject: Re: EXETERminatus Tournament, May 20th in Exeter, Devon
PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2017 6:45 pm 
Brood Brother
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Sorry for the slow reply, I was having a post-tournament lie-in and then a friend turned up with his two year old girl and she tried to trash the place!

I'm hoping to get results and photos up this evening.

The Wargaming Trader
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 Post subject: Re: EXETERminatus Tournament, May 20th in Exeter, Devon
PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2017 7:48 pm 
Brood Brother
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Standard post battle report:

Exeter - At a meagre 400 miles, the flight down wasn't even the furthest I had taken this month (23,000) but I was damned if I was going to have a three defeat tournament. My competitive side demanded success (why does that never come to the gym). In an act of utter malice, Ian hadn't detailed the match offs, so I was left to contemplate a generic plan (a far more time economic approach than reading Steve's 84 e-mails psychoanalysing players styles, bathroom habits and recent stress levels).
I found myself with the thousand sons as they met the rigid test I had set out: portable, painted, not recently broken.
So the plan was straightforward. One cabal (bts) on blitz. Hidden and doing as much in the game as I do in the gym (see above).
That left two cabals too: capture the two objectives in my opponents half (little hope for blitz) and in doing stop them from getting They shall not pass. That meant the rest of the army (2 titans, 2 defiler squads, towers, and doomwing) were pretty much disposable. It also meant that the two objectives I would place needed to be damn close (I'm not playing the sons for a while so happy to give away such groundbreaking secrets). So, with a strategy only slightly more enhanced than "try to win", I set forth...

Game 1. Mark
Bollocks. I had never played Mark. I knew he could drink wine with a grim and resolute efficiency. I also knew that he regularly wins against Steve. Now this really is out of order. I expect a sliding scale of opponents. The first game should be against a novice, possibly with limited sight. This allows the hangover to pass.

There was some good points: no Emperors Children with there 50 cheap ass titan killing titans.. But, he had a damn Warlock.
That and the eldar speed, and the damn falcons (see dead scout titans). The plan had to change. Whereas I had been defensive in planning, now I approached the game with the bravery of a particularly cowardly French possum. The first turn saw me snugged safely on my own deployment. The defilers on overwatch making the nasty elder stay away (and popped down). Only the doomwings ventured slightly further, getting rid of some nasty scouts and giving me an activation advantage. Still, they're wasn't much in the way of medals to be had. Turn two saw more of the same. Credit to Mark he eventually snapped and saying something under his breathe about 'ruining the game for every one' he pulled his guardians into a brave assault breaking a cabal. This of course ruined the master plan, the cabals were not to break, without them there was a very real risk that he would hold all his objectives, and I had yet to cross halfway. With no thought whatsoever I sent the towers to kill the mounted guardians. Obviously, anyone with half a brain would use their skimmer power and not leave them in the open.... Oh well. What's the worst that could happen? Yup, Warlock came and killed three. Shoved itself in the middle of my army. Obviously my bravery so far did little to scare its 3+ save. Things were looking bad.
But defilers are awesome and came to my rescue (big thanks to whoever wrote those rules, know that the incriminating pictures are in a safe place). The 12 shots that Tz defilers have did some nice damage to the Warlock and I sustained with a warphound, sending the nasty git running and broken with three wounds left. The guardians were now looking pretty exposed and my other cabal finished them off in a revenge assault. End of turn two and I'm still not over half way, I've totally surrendered my left flank and its objective and I have two broken units, but the warlocks gone... As long as it doesn't rally.
Yup, rally's. And the Cad avatar comes in from the broken guardians, disturbingly close to my titan...its like he's trying to win!!
There then followed a turn of bad luck by my opponent. The activation went my way, so I broke the Avatar and killed of the guardians. The newly rallied warlock clambered forward, but failed to do anything with its screeds of shooting...and then when the defilers and warphound combined on it again, it went and died. Nobody expected that. It changed the whole game. Poor Mark was left starring at an absurd collection of 2 up dice. Suddenly all I needed was two objectives in his half. And now the killing really started. Set free from overwatch the defilers took out some guardians, the doomwings chewed up the exarches, and the warphound avenged past deaths on the falcons. End of turn three and my gracious opponent accepts a turn 4 2-0 defeat (possibly because he needs to go and return his dice to the elderly gypsy woman he stole them from despite numerous curse warnings).
So that felt like a victory built on my opponents bad luck.
And now for the weird scenario battle, that rewards large armies, this is going to be a struggle... Still, at least I'm not likely to be playing the guy that created said monster..
Game 2. Ian Dr.Frankenstein
Well there was some hope as I wasn't starring at Feral Orks or imperial guard (or even a squat army that everyone was allowing a certain cheat to pretend were imperial guard). But it was a barrage tastic plague marine nasty ass disrupt list (this was going to need blast markers on an industrial scale) and worse, it was a beautifully painted home crafted army, the sort of army that suggests the owner went to absurd lengths such as learning the rules and playing test games. This was not a 'first battle fresh from e-bay' opponent. This would need some cunning / blind luck.

I shoved two cabals in the centre to hold that objective, effectively expecting them to 'form square' and soak up the artillery. The plan then was to bluff the right flank with the defilers, towers and a titan, push the left with the cabal and heavy support, when Ian over commuted the right, I'd collapse back to the centre and we would draw 2 objectives each. Things didn't go like that.

Well first there were plague zombies. The most annoying things not to have a program on mtv. They appeared right in front of my mobile right flank. Gonna be hard to bluff the flank if I can't get through them. And I really struggled. First the centre cabal summoned huge numbers and assaulted killing 8. Then two squads of planes killed one more. Eventually, near the end of the turn, the defilers pushed the issue with an assault, and although that killed the last two, I lost a defiler. There was much sniggering from across the table.

However things had turned odd. Ian had only shown a lacklustre interest in the right flank, only sending one plaguehound, and that had managed to fail a dangerous terrain twice and injured itself on a stick (woodland). So when the lingering beast pulled up to the right objective, it was a very attractive target. The towers set about and killed it. Of course I took advantage of their range and didn't put them inside barrage range, ...that would be mad.... (Sorry lads another massacre cause I got excited).

Over on the left, my other defilers, cabal and warphound marched forward. Here they faced a super heavy tank (forgot its name, but whoever wrote the burgle list wasn't creative, probably plague tank to go with plague marine, plague hound, plague cat....), plague hound and plague marines. I had the objective by numbers but first activation on turn two would decide the flank. My last action was to pull the right hand warphound back to the centre. This was a mistake and lead to its death in turn two, I really could have done with it. The centre cabal (zombie killers) had taken a pounding from the artillery and broken, costing me all the demons. This was to be a bad day for flamers.
So first turn left me with both flank and my centre objective and I began to greedily think of a win. I'd taken a hell of a beating in the centre, but fearless units are good at bouncing back and being pests.
Luck kicked back in and I won the start of turn two. This was not good news for Ian's right flank. The cabal summoned four demons and assaulted the plaguehound breaking it, leaving them in a place to support the defilers retained assault on the tank (plague tank?!) which promptly shat blood and died. Later the warphound would assault the plague marines with the cabal again supporting, ensuring the right flank was mine for the game. Ian avenged this by taking out my unsupported warphound in the centre and eventually securing the right flank. With the turn drawing to a close it looked like being an even turn on objectives and with my army beginning to take the hits from the artillery I expected turn three to be an ask. But now was Ian's baliclava moment, he advanced his horrid plague marines in the centre, just not quite close enough to capture my centre objective. I left off a weird happy squeaking noise as I realised that freed my remaining cabal. Worse for Ian, his own centre was unmanned. I quickly did the maths (10 minutes. Two sheets of A4 and a calculator), if I ran and grabbed this, I'd guarantee a draw. So I did...(obviously).
With that done, all I needed from turn three was one objective. Taking all 4 with an army that doesn't march is a hell of an ask, but Ian gave it a damn heroic effort. I of course, sportingly helped, by rolling a one for strategy and in doing killed of the last two flamers (there had been 12). With initative in his hands he took out the biggest threat, his artillery combining to kill of my cabal on his centre. He then used his other units to break what was left of my right flank (the guys who were a bluff and would retreat to safety, ...never trust a plan) and he pushed up and finally took my centre objective. He pretty much bossed the entire turn, but I knew all I needed was one objective and the left flank was just to far for him. With his units all done, I had a brief forlorn effort at kicking him off the centre, but settled for the win by 2 points.
Pretty sure he is in no way regretting changing the scenario from four turns to three. The fact my army was looking like the last moments of the Alamo in no way suggested that they wouldn't have survived a fourth turn / strong breeze / soft breeze.
Game 3. David.
After the heroics of game two, I mean I actually moved forward each turn!!!, I was overjoyed to draw dark eldar. What I know about the dark eldar list can be summed up in two lines- they have lance on everything- everyone that has ever mentioned them to me has said "they will shaft your list".
Unable to actually take on board what David told me about his list, I set out on another cunning strategy, well actually two.
1. I would bore him to death through inaction and bunkering
2. I would repetitively ask him what things did, like a particularly dullarded child.
This would suffice in infuriating him and making him hate epic, but perhaps also in some Ill advised attacks.
This made for some truly exciting epic (think Greece winning euros). Turn one. Practically nothing. A rhino got shot by a unit. " hay Dave what's that unit again? What does it do again? Why? Why? Are we there yet?"
Turn two saw much of the same, the towers sat on overwatch (part of my commitment not to kill them through bravado three games in a row) and everything moved slowly up under that umbrella. Driven numb by boardem David cracked and sent in his bombers to kill my defilers. I had been warned of these nasty sods pre game, so was somewhat scared. But had a cap'd doomwing to help. Scored 3 AA on the nasty gits and watched with glee as they ploughed into the turf with some really unlucky dice.
His big ass nasty titan killer unit "say Dave what's that called again? What's its stats? Etc etc" failed to activate and the d.eldar stood down. Now, with no opponent to face, heroism overcame my army and two cabals charged into the objective flank setting up for an assault on his on board units. The titans moved up and broke a unit off "sorry David, what are they?" And moved themselves just across the rubble from "the thing that has titan killer but I can't remember its fire fight."
With the cabals, titans and a defiler in assault range the turn roll was a big one and luck again favored me. This was the stage that I discovered the true 'glass' part of the glass hammer. Both cabals took it in turns to summon and assault "the guys with the other guys in the building what's their fire fight?" Transpired to be poor, and the cabals destroyed them.
Of course there would be a counter attack, and out of the wraithgate came "things that look like dreadnoughts, are they CC? What do they do?" It transpired that they bounced and David joins the ever growing list of players that put hundreds of hits into a cabal and gets one kill. With the demons on board and the other cabal in fire support the supporting fire was horrid. With the eldar bleeding bad, I turned the screw and used a titan to wipe out "the things that loo like ships that killed the rhino, what are they again?", whilst the defilers did a supported assault to kill " those other guys". With the board looking sparse, David turned to his "thing with titan killer, does it have any other guns?" And rolled a one. This was not fun for him. The last efforts were a ground attack by his fighters (all shot down by doomwing, they had a good day), this forced an air assault on the cabal bts. I am rarely worried about the reinforced fearless bts, especially when it has demons on the ground. Less so when I have a spare doomwing on cap and even less when there is silver towers on overwatch right next to the BTS. Well, into the valley of death rode his air assault (I watched a documentary on Crimea on Friday). I'm pretty sure this was the side effect of a dull two turns and having to explain his list 17 times...a turn. Though the huge casualty rate that the eldar were recording couldn't have helped.
With the towers having Ap/at on 12 shots (so that will be going into the weak armored personnel), and hitting ten of these 4+, it was ugly as. The Kabal (even I got that name) was wiped, the transport broken and so dead.
With everything gone, and for the most part dead, the eldar were done in turn three. This left a dangerous terrain test as the only barrier to my warphound taking the blitz and handing me a 3-0 in turn three, and it made it with contempt. It was a triumph of annoying petulance and boring play over patience and bravery. David even spent my last few activations helping to see if I could win by more. On a day where each opponent had been brilliant, he was getting most sporting (I'm sure this will be a strong compensation to the wives and children off "what's that unit again").
Really good tournament, so much thanks to all for the organising.
Just like Birmingham, I again came inside a hair of first, 2 miserable points. I will spent much time wondering if I should have done things different in the middle game, and no time whatsoever appreciating the numerous incidents of blind beautiful luck.

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 Post subject: Re: EXETERminatus Tournament, May 20th in Exeter, Devon
PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2017 9:31 pm 
Brood Brother
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Kudos Dan, your overall approach to the DE was pretty much the ideal one in that scenario. The word 'Overwatch' strikes dread into the heart of Dark Eldar. Screw Slannesh, the true Daemon God of suffering is 'Overwatch'.

Because you have board presence you have the ability to take objectives while being under covering fire while I have to move before attacking thus always giving up the first attacks to you. Guard companies sat in the middle of the tabel on OW/etc. are great. Garrisons with guns on OW at the start stymie a lot of DE (apart from the TK War engine) early moves (losing one transport from warrior to a stray AP shot from an overwatching heavy bolter for example sucks a lot).

There might be other DE lists that work better with more board presence rather than the extreme skew lists with only 1 or 2 things on the table at the start, have to see what I can find.

Also looked into that 'small arms placing BMs' discussion because that seemed crazy important as an FAQ some where because of the massive meta shift it would entail.


Page 3, bottom left

Q: Can a formation with units armed
only with weapons that are Small
at an enemy formation to
place a Blask Marker on them ?
A: No. As the rules currently stand, units
armed only with Small Arms cannot shoot
and therefore can't place a BM on an
enemy for causing them to 'come under

Unless there's a more recent update I am unaware of?

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 Post subject: Re: EXETERminatus Tournament, May 20th in Exeter, Devon
PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2017 9:56 pm 
Brood Brother
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Yeah, I clocked that on the way home. Apologies to Richard for getting that one wrong - I think I mixed it up with the taking suppression on small arms & the ap shooting can bm avs rule. Long day + beer +new army + lack of sleep. Thankfully I don't think it made any real diffence as I only did it once against Richard and my next activation hit the same unit with a volcano cannon so they'd still have been bmd.


Last edited by StevekCole on Sun May 21, 2017 11:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: EXETERminatus Tournament, May 20th in Exeter, Devon
PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2017 11:00 pm 
Brood Brother
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Possibly a 3 point penalty seems fair?

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 Post subject: Re: EXETERminatus Tournament, May 20th in Exeter, Devon
PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2017 7:11 am 
Brood Brother
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Hehe, good to have it resolved either way at least. Some interesting games, with the last one against the Krieg being a real tough one - they're effectively impossible to beat if you can consistently roll the 4+ reinforced, rally all the time, consistently activate despite being on 3's a lot, and of course roll a 6 for every sodding engagement result ;) Losing turn 2 to them after setting up some key assaults didn't help the cause either mind you... Steve's final activation of the game was hilarious though, with a shadowsword doubling up onto a hill, getting a 6 to hit on my remaining deathwheel, then a 6 for wounds, then a 6 to crit on wound that went through the shields. Which pretty much summed up the game really :P Frankly i was reasonably happy with a draw at that point!

There were a few bits i think on hindsight i did wrong though, and have some interesting ideas for the next time i come up against that matchup!

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 Post subject: EXETERminatus Tournament, May 20th in Exeter, Devon
PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2017 10:17 am 
Brood Brother
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Very sporting of Dan to suggest a points swing to Richard ;-)

Overall this was a grand tournament. Built on its predecessors reputation for great looking boards and some interesting tweaks to the regular tournament game.

I've got a couple of new armies I'm putting together based on models I don't use and various bits I've won/found/stolen. Looking at the special mission I thought this might be a good time to try Krieg. A horrendous amount of painting later, whatever Dan may grumble about there being a certain Squattish element (and this from a man who's necron monoliths look like something you might find strewn across Richard O'Brian's living room) we were ready to go. Plan was pretty simple, charge forward with Gorgons, shoot things with super heavies, and then assault until my opponent's units are ground beneath my slow moving tank tracks. What could go wrong?

Game 1 - Chris - Biel Tann
Ah - a warlock. I'd played 2 of my 3 Krieg games ever against Mark's warlock which was useful. The bad news is the thing's a giant bloody can opener and Mark had joyfully been throwing my gorgons around like tonka trucks with it. Chris came very aggressively down my right. I put all the shadowswords down that side and then my BTS on the extreme opposite flank supported by a storm sword to go for a blitz/T&H combo. Chris started really aggressively pinning my left flank in with marching scouts and piling everything else down the right. While the scouts slowed me down I was able to wipe out both units and break some falcons who were intermingled giving me a massive 4 activation advantage. The warlock came in hard on turns 2 and 3 but I was able to cripple all of its support units to mean it was only deleting 1 or 2 of my formations a turn. Meanwhile my gorgons steamrolled up the other flank giving me a 3-0.

Game 2 - Duncan - Skitarri
So onto the special mission and a game which featured what must be an epic UK tournament record of 22 war engines on board at the same time. Duncan was fielding 2 volcano cannons to my 3 but his were faster and had void shields. However, both of us completely fluffed all our shooting with them. This was probably rougher on Duncan who missed a fully loaded Gorgon with one of his. Had this been a regular game I think it would have been very tight but Duncan simply didn't have the numbers to get the objectives off my units so in a triumph of lazy thinking I got gorgons onto 3 objectives (including his blitz) at the end of turn 1 and didn't move off them all game. I was surprised by how good the praetorians were - they make a better garrison unit than the robots due to fearless and better armour. Duncan made great us of them blocking my movement corridors.

Game 3 - Richard - Black Legion
Top table, final game, Richard, Black Legion this brought back very unhappy memories of the 2016 GT where my dice had utterly betrayed me allowing Richard to stomp me out of the top 3. On top of this, he's previously run pretty much the same Krieg list (only difference is where the commissars live) and there's the tiny matter of him being a much better player than me. I planned to come forward slightly more cautiously to avoid getting pulled into a turn 2 black legion scrum (his higher strategy rating makes that a better option for him) and give every unit I could 4 bm to make any 2nd turn assaults harder to pull off. The rough riders formed a ring around my BTS and stayed there until turn 3 to avoid the BTS getting its head bashed in by terminators.

As Richard has alluded, this went pretty well. The shadowswords demeched one his retinues, the storm swords, and gorgon mortars (which I never normally get much from) meant his bikes and another retinue had the requisite 4 bm and I was hoping to weather the turn 2 tide. But I needn't have worried because why play well when you can have FREAKING AMAZING DICE. I won the strategy roll for turn 2, destroyed the bikes, failed to activate (despite the SC) to catch another retinue but from then on it was just 6, after 6, after 6 for two turns. The terminators broke assaulting my gorgons (with all my infantry trapped inside) - which did raise the question of whether daemons are destroyed before all after hackdown? The chosen bounced off a shadowsword, a death wheel got vapourised by my previously useless shadowswords, when he did break a storm sword it promptly passed its 5+ rally. This was compounded by Richard failing a bundle of activation rolls. I failed to activate a gorgon to march into assault range of Richard's blitz and BTS on turn 3 which made the win pretty unlikely. Dice reverted to normal on turn 4 (with the notable exception of the aforementioned Shadowsword one shotting a fully shielded deathwheel in the game's final activation). Having been in a similarly dominant position against Richard in Birmingham last year and suddenly found that I'd lost so I went into lockdown to ensure a draw in my favour (and my first non-tournament loss against Richard).

However, was this enough? Dan had won heavily on table 2, Richard had 2 huge wins already and it looked like there was a one sided game on on table 3...

All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed the Krieg. They're a bit slow for my liking but good god they hit hard and when they do go down they take so much stuff with them. After squats good but not great assaults, and eldar's total inability to grind it was a lovely change of style!


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