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Iyanden Craftworld V4.2 Battle Reports for list development.

 Post subject: Re: Iyanden Craftworld V4.2 Battle Reports for list developm
PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 10:03 pm 
Brood Brother
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Great battke report ginger. Thanks for writing it up.
Interesting looking list too.
Good luck over the weekend in the tourney!

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 Post subject: Re: Iyanden Craftworld V4.2 Battle Reports for list developm
PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 10:28 pm 
Brood Brother
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Thanks Jim, though I hope I do better with the activations; 7 'fails' out of 20 activations is roughly twice as many as should have happened, on top of which I got snake eyes twice - though this is not unusual for me, which is why I have started counting '1's to explain why I lose . . . . ;)

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 Post subject: Re: Iyanden Craftworld V4.2 Battle Reports for list developm
PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 10:35 pm 
Brood Brother
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7 out of 20! Urgh!!!! That is just foul!
I just managed to break my string of 6 SC reroll snake eyes the other night in a vraks playtest. But only after I had already chalked one up for the game.
The dice are fickle mistresses.

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 Post subject: Re: Iyanden Craftworld V4.2 Battle Reports for list developm
PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 6:49 am 
Brood Brother
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Ginger, Thanks for the game and the subsequent write up. The fact your at the stage where your counting how many one's you roll made me laugh. I am looking forward to reading more Batreps and hearing yours and your oppenents thoughts.

Greg, Thanks again for yet more Batreps. Your a machine and an inspiration!


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 Post subject: Re: Iyanden Craftworld V4.2 Battle Reports for list developm
PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 6:28 am 
Brood Brother
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Hey Guys

We had a few delays in getting this Batrep up but here is the write up of the game Kenny and I had a fortnight ago. Please excuse the photos, in hindsight some close ups my have assisted in seeing who was who in the zoo.

Kenny’s, Ghazgkhull Thraka's Warhorde

Ork Warband 250
2xNobz, 6xBoyz, 2xGrotz & 2xStormboyz

Big Ork Warband 425
Warlord, Oddboy, 4xNobz,12xBoyz
4xGrotz & Big Gunz

Stormboyz Warhorde 150

Kult of Speed (1) 200

Kult of Speed (2) 200

Blitz Brigade (1) 200
Oddboy Flakwagon & 3xGunwagon

Blitz Brigade (2) 200
Oddboy Flakwagon & 3xGunwagon

Blitz Brigade (3) 200
Oddboy Flakwagon & 3xGunwagon

Mekboy Gunzmob 175
Oddboy & 5xBig Gunz

Gargant 650
Blasta Gargant

Landa 200

Fighta Squadron 150
3xFighta- Bommer

My, Iyanden Craftworld (4.2)


4x Wraithguard units, 4 Wave Serpent, Wraithseer

4x Wraithguard units, Spiritseer, Wraithguard

4x Wraithblade units, Spiritseer

6x Wraithlord units, Spiritseer

5 Ranger

3 Falcons, 2 Fire Storm

Storm Serpent


2 Revenant Titans




Deployment Phase

Eldar placed their Blitz objective in on their left flank behind some ruins and both their forward objectives were straight across from the blitz.

Ork’s placed their Blitz on their left flank and another objective in the centre of the table and the other centred towards the eldar table edge. The eldar choose centre table objective to be the wraithgate.


Eldar Deployment
The eldar deployed no garrisons.
The eldar rangers, Storm Serpent, SOV, Revenants and WG in Waveserpents deployed on the eldar far left flank with over lapping AA bubbles covering the Storm Serpent. WL and WG formations deployed in the webway while the WB were in the Vampire.

Ork Deployment
The orks garrisoned the big ork war band on the objective in their far right corner and the SB in an extended line across their right flank. With BM 1 and KOS 1 behind the garrisoned formations. The Gargant was next with both BM 2 and BM 3 deployed next to the Gargant. The BG and KOS 2 were deployed on the Ork Blitz. The OW were in the Landa.


Turn 1
Orks win the strategy roll and call the Iyanden to move first.
I-Rangers go on OW
O- FB go CAP
I-WG in WS double down the eldar left flank behind ruins.
O- BM 1 double down the Ork right flank and fire on the WG in WS for 1 BM.
I- Revs double forward and deploy in the ruins in front of the WG in WS and fire on BM 1 wiping them out.
O- BG go on OW.
I- Vamps flys on a puts a BM on the SB.
O- BM 2 double forward and put a BM on the rangers.
I-SS advances behind the ruins with the WG in WS are positioned.
O- SB fail to activate for a marshal and move to the orks right.
I- SOV move up behind the SS
O- KOS 2 double forward down the ork left flank
I – WG engage BM2 out of the Wraith gate wiping them out and consolidate towards the cover of the rock spires.
O- Landa and OW launches a ground assault against the rangers winning by two leaving the remaining two broken and retreating towards the Eldar Blitz.
O- BM 3 double forward to the centre of the table firing on the WG killing one for two BM.
O- The Gargant doubles forward firing on the WG (who were in crossfire with the OW) killing two and breaking the formation.
O- KOS 1 double forward to the centre of the table in engage range of the WG in WS but fire at the broken WG formation again in cross fire with OW and wiped the formation out.
O- BOW doubled out of the forest and fired their big guns at the revenants and missed placing a BM.

Rangers, WG in WS, Revs all rallied clearing BMs and the Vampire received a BM from AA on the way off. SB Failed to rally and Landa received 1 DC and 2 BM when flying off.

End of first turn

Turn 2
Orks win strategy roll.
O- Gargant doubles forward and fires on the WG in WS for the death of 1 WG and 2 BM.
O- Retain and KOS 1 engage the WG in WS. Combat last three rounds with the WG losing 1 WS and 1 WG for the entire formation of scorchas wiped out. WG in WS consolidate towards the Gargant.
I – SS doubles towards the Gargant and fire stripping a shield and putting a BM on.
I – WL retain engaging the Gargant in base to base. Including the supporting fire from SS and WG in WS the Gargant received 6 DC with two crits and all shields gone with no casualties taken by the eldar. The Gargant moved back towards the blitz.
O- OW doubled towards the WG in WS firing at them for 1 BM.
I – SOV double forward and fire on BM3 wiping them out.
O- SB try and engage the SOV but fail to activate, remove BMs.
I – revs double to the Centre of the table and fire on the Gargant destroying it.
O- FB attack the SOV and are all shot down from the FS and Revs AA.

Orks conceded at this point

End of second turn and game

The engagement for the eldar against the Gargant was the game changer. The WG in WS support of this was critical given that that formation (in conjuction with the SS) stripped the shields and caused 3DC to the Gargant. Had the Gargants turn 2 shooting been more effective against the WG in WS who were bunched and subsequent Scorcha engagement there might have been a different outcome to the game. During the Scrochas engagement with the WG in WS we noted that the WS was hit three times and saved all. Had the WS failed one of these saves it would not of allowed the WG in WS such substaintial consolidation move which put them into support range of the Gargant. Also the WB never actually hit the table.

Anyway Kenny and I are hoping to get another game in this weekend.



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 Post subject: Re: Iyanden Craftworld V4.2 Battle Reports for list developm
PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 10:39 pm 
Brood Brother
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Ok, here are my reports from Into the Breach 2015

My army and strategy
Iyanden (E-UK)
650 Spirit host + Wraith Lords + Wraithseer
550 Spirit Host + Wraith Lords
375 Spirit Host
375 Spirit Host
350 Spirit Lord Troupe
350 Guardians + Wave Serpents
200 Jet Bikes inc Vyper
150 Guardians

The intention behind the list was to establish the effectiveness of large numbers of big Wraith formations without any kind of delivery systems, in a tournament environment.

The strategy was relatively simple:- Set objectives 30cm apart preferably between the opposing Blitz, and beyond the best cover on the table. The Wraith formations were to push forwards as fast as possible using cover to capture as many T&H as possible with one or two formations aiming at the opposing Blitz. The foot Guardians were intended to be a Blitz guard and the bikes and mounted Guardians were a mobile strike force and objective grabbers were necessary.

In each battle I took pictures of the start and end of each turn, and will try to explain what happened in each turn from memory. Note the sequence of activations and event details are inevitably a bit blurred for which I apologise in advance.

On a side note I still managed to throw more ‘1’s than any of my opponents, retaining my ‘unlucky’ crown, more of which later :D

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 Post subject: Re: Iyanden Craftworld V4.2 Battle Reports for list developm
PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 10:40 pm 
Brood Brother
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Game #1 Rob C (Death Guard)
465 Death Guard Retinue + Rhinos + Defiler + Warlord
450 Death Guard Terminators + Daemon Prince
415 Death Guard Retinue + Rhinos + Defiler
415 Death Guard Retinue + Rhinos + Defiler
325 Plague engines
250 Plague Hound
250 Plague Hound
200 Hell Blades
175 Zombies

Looking at the terrain, I decided to place my Blitz and T&H objectives on the left third of the table. Rob obliged by opposing with his Blitz and T&H objectives, which meant that we would meet in a head-on clash of relatively slow Fearless formations . . . .
We both set up on the left side of the table, except for my mobile forces which deployed behind hills on the right hand flank (out of the frame). Note my Wraith Lord formation would not stand up on the edge of the Left-hand hill, so were left prone initially.

IMG_0062.JPG [ 1.41 MiB | Viewed 2671 times ]

Turn #1
Rob kept the Terminators and Zombies in reserve, so no teleporters.

Eldar won the intiative and let the Death Guard go first.
Both sides pushed for the centre, the Wraith formations marching while the DG doubled. The Hell Blades and a Plague Hound shot at the Wraith Lords nearly breaking it with disrupt, but their RA held up. Meanwhile the Iyanden mobile forces took up position behind the right hand hills, remaining mounted for speed and protection, while the Blitz-guard Guardians went on OW.

End of turn,
the Wraithlords rallied down to 2x BM

IMG_0065.JPG [ 1.63 MiB | Viewed 2671 times ]

Turn #2
The Zombies threw double ‘6’, so 15 arrived in the centre confronting the Iyanden BTS formation (two are represented by purple dice) – ‘gulp’. Then after some deliberation, the terminators arrived in the woods to threaten the Iyanden Blitz.

The Iyanden won the initiative (thankfully) and after more deliberation, the Wraithseer commanded a joint assault on the intermingled Zombies and Plague Hound, breaking both for the loss of a WL and WG. The Wrathseer advanced towards the Right-hand Iyanden T&H (defended by the Death Guard BTS) to support the next assault.
The WraithLords retained, doubling forwards to support the intended assault on the left flank while shooting a rhino off the central retinue. Using their second retain, the Left-hand Wraith guard assaulted the intermingled retinue and Plague Hound breaking both for no loss.

In reply, the DG Terminators assaulted the Guardians Blitz-guard, losing one to OW fire before they annihilated the brave defenders. Retaining, the DG retinue advanced towards and shot the WraithLords, causing four disrupt hits which broke the formation, although the RA armour held up again.

The right-hand wraith guard assaulted and broke the DG BTS for the loss of two WG but then retreated from the static fearless enemy, and in reply, the Plague Engines opened up on the Wraithseer causing three disrupt hits which broke the formation although the RA armour survived again.

Finally the mobile Guardians failed to march on the enemy Blitz, so advanced to support the centre while the jetbikes doubled back to their Blitz placing a BM on the Terminators to break them. The Hell blades attacked them but failed to hit any.

End of turn,
All the DG fearless formations and the Terminators rallied, while the zombies failed so they advanced still blocking the path for the Eldar. All Iyanden formations rallied except the Wraith Lords, which advanced on the DG blitz.

IMG_0068.JPG [ 1.32 MiB | Viewed 2671 times ]

Turn #3
The Iyanden Avatar finally arrived ahead of the Wraithseer intending to lead a final assault on the DG BTS, supported by everything else that could be mustered.

Iyanden won the initiative, so the left-hand Wraith Guard assaulted the intermingled retinue and Plague Hound, breaking them again for the loss of a WG. However the formations withdrew towards the centre of the table, foiling the intended follow-up assault (a very good move!)
The other Plague Hound advanced around the central ruins to blast the Wraithseer, killing a WL and WG breaking the formation which retired.

The mobile Guardians advanced and dismounted near the DG BTS, then the Avatar failed to retain :(

At this point we ran out of time so the game was declared a draw, which on reflection on the position was probably correct as any plans one player might have were likely to be frustrated by the other.

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 Post subject: Re: Iyanden Craftworld V4.2 Battle Reports for list developm
PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 10:52 pm 
Brood Brother
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Game #2 Rob H (Speed Freaks)
500 KULT OF SPEED ('UGE) – 9x Buggy, 15x Skorcha, Mekboy Bad Ork Bikeboy
250 WARBIKE OUTRIDERS (BIG) – 10x Warbikes
300 FIGHTA SQUADRON – 6x Fighta Bomba
150 FIGHTA SQUADRON - 3x Fighta Bomba
And eight (yes EIGHT) formations of SPEED FREAKS WARBANDs each :-
200 Nob and 3x Boyz, 4x trukks and 4 Skorchas

I found myself on the same table, so chose the same side since I knew where things were. Rob had 13 formations, 12 activations, against my 8, which did not bode well, then he put his blitz in a corner and spread his T&H on each table side, just to make life ‘interesting’ (classic strategy against a slow army) and spread his army across the entire width of the table . . . .

IMG_0070.JPG [ 1.55 MiB | Viewed 2670 times ]

Turn #1, Eldar initiative
I let Rob go first, and he immediately sent in his flyers to kill off my mobile Guardians, so I moved the bikes into cover to try to protect them suffering a similar fate. My Wraith formations marched forwards into cover as intended while Rob burnt activations, including failing to advance his BTS.

Once the Iyanden were in position the left-hand formation was ‘ambushed’ by two Speed Freak warbands, the Scorchas ignoring cover to cause 4 hits. At this point my usual luck returned and 4x WG died, breaking the formation which ‘withdrew’ into cover towards the centre of the table.

End of turn,
the Wraith Guard failed to rally so moved by the central Iyanden T&H target.

IMG_0072.JPG [ 1.71 MiB | Viewed 2670 times ]

Turn #2, the initiative roll was tied, so Rob ‘generously’ let me go first :D

So, the Wraithseer decided to take revenge and doubled to the left flank, shot at one of the warbands and caused a single casualty. The central wraith guard formation doubled forwards to annoy the warband ahead of them, and the right-hand wraith guard doubled into the woods and shot the nearest warband.
In reply, the Speed Freaks ignored these formations and doubled the central warband, zig-zagging right around the central built up area to shoot at the left rear of the bikes. Retaining the next warband doubled around and shot the right rear of the bikes which broke and fled to the cover on the right flank, losing all but one bike in the process (which the Ork airforce then destroyed anyway).

The Eldar Wraith Lords doubled forwards shooting at the nearest Speed Freak warband, and with no further Iyanden activations, the Orks set about destroying stuff – but it took the ‘Uge Kult of speed supporting three warbands shooting and assaulting to surround and destroy the Iyanden BTS, mainly thanks to the Scorchas Ignore cover and some poor RA saves.

The Landa and Fighta Sqwadrons shot and broke the Wraith Lords, the remaining 4x WL of which ‘withdrew’ forwards surrounding the Ork Blitz.

End of turn,
the Wraith Lords rallied to our mutual surprise giving the Iyanden some chances.

IMG_0075.JPG [ 1.52 MiB | Viewed 2670 times ]

Turn #3, Iyanden initiative

In a moment of madness, rather than marshalling, the WraithLords ‘advanced’ to adjust their control over the Ork Blitz then shot the nearby SF warband (had they marshalled instead things might have been a little more ‘interesting’). Retaining, the right hand wraith guard assaulted the nearby warband and then consolidated to form a tentative forward screen to protect the Wraith Lords. Retaining again, the central wraith guard assaulted the nearby central warband and then consolidated around a T&H objective (temporarily gaining 2 points).

After this the Ork airforce attacked the Wraith Lords breaking them while the ‘Uge Kult of speed doubled forwards to shoot and destroy the foot guardians, claiming the Iyanden Blitz and a 3-0 victory.

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 Post subject: Re: Iyanden Craftworld V4.2 Battle Reports for list developm
PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 11:09 pm 
Brood Brother
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Game #3 Charles (Marines)
Tacticals + Hunter + Terminators
Land Speeder Tornadoes
Land Speeders
Scouts + Sniper
Scouts + Sniper
Terminators + Chaplain
Thunder Bolts
Thunder Bolts

A different table – yay :)
But a *lot* of air force . . .
Charles set up his Blitz centrally which I opposed, then put his T&H centrally and on my left, while I put mine in cover ahead of my Blitz as usual. Then Charles Garrisoned both scouts in the centre of the table and kept his Terminators off table in a THawk. I went into ‘castle’ mode with the WraithLords around the perimeter of the other units to counter possible Termie strikes.

IMG_0078.JPG [ 1.49 MiB | Viewed 2668 times ]

Turn #1 Marine initiative.

Charles failed to fall into my anti-Termie trap. Instead the Marine air force attacked my mounted Guardians and Bikes which both broke and withdrew into the nearby woods. I moved the foot Guardians into cover near the Blitz and marched the Wraith Lords, which failed to activate (snake eyes :( ) depriving the following wraith guard formations of their cover and support when they marched forwards.

The marine Land Speeder tornados doubled forward round the right hand side of the buildings gaining cross-fire on one of the central wraith guards via the scouts, which also fired with sniper and cross-fire. 4x WG died and the remnants ‘withdrew’ forwards to the T&H heedless of the fire.
The right hand wraith guard then failed to double forward (my third ‘1’), while a Warhound and the second scouts broke the other advanced wraith guards, which I decided to withdraw back (rather than leave them in further sniper crossfire).

Finally the second Warhound and Land Speeders exchanged insults on the left flank while the marine Tacticals manoeuvred around the left hand flank.

End of turn,
the broken wraith guard failed to rally, ‘withdrawing’ forwards into cover on the right flank. All other formations rallied

IMG_0080.JPG [ 1.6 MiB | Viewed 2668 times ]

Turn #2,
The Avatar flashed into existence ahead of the Wraithseer on my left flank, eyeing up the Warhound . . . .

. . . which promptly retired out of range as the Marines gained the initiative, shooting 3WL and a WG off the formation breaking it in a dismal display of RA failures, then to add insult to injury the central wraith guard failed to activate (snake eyes, *again*) and were then assaulted and broken by the Terminators and THawk for the loss of one terminator :¬
(the remaining 2x WG withdrew towards the Blitz to try to form a partial screen)

In reply and with no other target, the Avatar assaulted the Land Speeders ahead of it, which thankfully failed to score any hits and broke over to the left hand edge beside the Marine T&H objective. The Avatar consolidated forwards into cover to support further assaults.

The Land Speeder tornadoes retired around the right side and shot the broken WG (which moved the Tornadoes out of assault range and freed up an objective grabber, classic tactics).
The Wraith Lords doubled forward shooting a Rhino off the left hand scouts, which retired left behind the woods,

The TBolts straffed the remaining mobile Guardians (which were annihilated, more failed RA saves!).
The right hand wraith guards doubled forwards the leading WGs pinging a marine scout in the buildings, the two unsupressed scouts returned the compliment, their snipers removing two WG!

Finally the THawk straffed the jet Bikes (which managed to marshal removing all BMs), the TBolts attacked the Wraith Lords causing no damage, and the Warhound shuffled sideways to remove a WG from the pair lurking in the woods

End of turn,
The WG failed to rally so “withdrew” towards the marine Blitz, while the other WG remained broken near their own Blitz. All other formations rallied, including the wraithseer which rallied leaving a single BM.

IMG_0082.JPG [ 1.54 MiB | Viewed 2668 times ]

Turn #3, Iyanden initiative

The Wraith Lords assaulted the Scouts to their left, won and consolidated around the Left hand Iyanden T&H objective. Then the wraith guards assaulted the other scouts, but crucially were unable to entirely surround the other T&H objective due to the Tornadoes.
In reply the TBolts strafed and broke the jetbikes.

The foot Guardians doubled back and created a barrier around their own Blitz.
In reply, the terminators advanced behind the wraithseer but failed to damage the formation, and then the Warhound retained and advanced, just failing to gain crossfire and killing a single WG which broke the Wraithseers which withdrew out of danger behind the woods.

With the Iyanden out of activations, the Marine air attacked and destroyed the foot Guardians allowing the Tornadoes to double forwards and claim the Iyanden Blitz for a 2-0 win.
IMG_0083.JPG [ 1.64 MiB | Viewed 2668 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: Iyanden Craftworld V4.2 Battle Reports for list developm
PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 12:49 am 
Brood Brother
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  • Size
    9x wraith formations are hard to shift / destroy with their RA and Fearless. But they are susceptible to sniper and cross-fire (and poor dice throwing!). This does make a usefull BTS formation, though for 650 points it is quite a lot. It can easily dominate the Iyanden table half on foot and T&H objectives in mid-table but struggles to get to the enemy Blitz unless delivered by Storm Serpent.

  • Quality
    Although relatively 'hard', the biggest issue with this list (and the Eldar in general) is the 2+ initiative. The mitigation to failing the initiative is to have multiples of the key formations, which in turn tends to require at least 10+ formations and so an average of 300 per formation. This also impacts rallying especially near enemy, but this is exactly where Fearless formations tend to be. Larger (6+) formations help avoid being broken so there is a nice balancing act when creating the army.

  • Quantity
    I was badly out-activated in the last two games (failing activations really did not help the last game), at which point both opponents were able to find ways of concentrating on and breaking one or two of the wraith formations - which tended not to rally. This meant that I became further out-activated which reduced my options.

    That said, I was on top for much of the earlier game against the AMTL, definitely squeezing the Death Guard in game #1, and had some slim chances in the other games. The list is playable (just), and with more sensible formations could be quite usefull - but it is also very hard to play well and needs great precision from the start.

  • Wraith Lords
    The Wraith formations did struggle to get into assault when out-activated (having weak-er support formations which could be damaged / destroyed and my usual dice did not help). In this respect the Wraith Lords did not perform that well; having only a single shot and usually only a single FF dice meant that they were probably not worth the 175 points. They did provide cover to the WG in the open and were relatively better when in CC but possibly not 25 points better, so, I welcome the drop to 150 for the upgrades.

  • Delivery
    Using Storm Serpent or Vampire would obviously make a big difference, and I suspect it was the delivery of large (6+ unit) by Vampire that had most impact in the past. Changing the Vampire to a maximum of 4x units is a key nerf. However, this imposed shift to using Storm Serpents adds a big price tag on the list (needing a minimum of 550 to ensure delivery), but the 2+ initiative and relative weakness of the SS makes for a more binary result; either everything works in which case significant parts of the enemy are at risk of destruction, or something fails in which case the Eldar end up at a reasonable disadvantage from which they usually struggle to recover.

    The alternative, delivery by Wave Serpent, is more expensive and equally problematic; the enemy only needs to kill one to reduce the formation speed. Again, there is a fine balance between formation strength and cost; which is why I think 5x WG and 5x WS (575) might be worth trying - though this cost is also problematic.

    That said, I suspect that the list may well come into its own at higher values (4k+).

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 Post subject: Re: Iyanden Craftworld V4.2 Battle Reports for list developm
PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 8:32 am 

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Thanks for the reports and thoughts.

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 Post subject: Re: Iyanden Craftworld V4.2 Battle Reports for list developm
PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:12 am 
Brood Brother
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Great reports, thanks!


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 Post subject: Re: Iyanden Craftworld V4.2 Battle Reports for list developm
PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 2:14 am 
Brood Brother
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Ginger, echoing the above guys thanks for Batreps and feedback.



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