Tactical Command

Gargant Big Mob list development
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Author:  atension [ Sat Jul 15, 2017 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gargant Big Mob list development

Stompas stat line always seemed like a terrible representation of what they actually are. I mean a stompa should obliterate a landraider. I'm with Paradox, they should be classed as knights (DC2). Even increasing the unit size to 4 still doesn't make them attractive. Also someone else's suggestion to give them the ability to take an OddBoy... sounds amazing. they will certainly see more play then. All the talk with the warhorde list needing a boost a stat change for stompas would help across the board.

Author:  Markconz [ Sat Jul 15, 2017 11:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gargant Big Mob list development

Comparison pics of supa stompas. Space Marine era, Epic Armageddon era, Vanguard era.
(Some conversion of the first two, e.g. EA one has buzzsaw from a Crusher).
Body mass is similar, the Crusher being a little higher up due to legs.
More pics here:
http://hordesofthings.blogspot.co.nz/20 ... ushas.html



Author:  GlynG [ Sun Jul 16, 2017 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gargant Big Mob list development

atension wrote:
Stompas stat line always seemed like a terrible representation of what they actually are. I mean a stompa should obliterate a landraider. I'm with Paradox, they should be classed as knights (DC2).

Don't use the 40k Stompa for comparison. The Epic Stompas predate it by a fair way and when they made the 40k Stompa they increased the comparative size of the thing to other units and it's more equivalent to the epic Super-Stompa.

I'd like to see Stompas as more viable to use - and better as a unit of their own rather than just being bought to get much better Super-stompas. I think the OGBM list should just use the standard Stompa stats though, just adjusting units size and/or cost.

Author:  jimmyzimms [ Sun Jul 16, 2017 1:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gargant Big Mob list development

Yup that's correct. EA Super Stompa == 40k Stompa

Author:  atension [ Sun Jul 16, 2017 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gargant Big Mob list development

Ohh, good to know. What are your thoughts on the oddboy upgrade though. I mean if a battlewagon can get it surely a stompa could.

Author:  mordoten [ Mon Jul 17, 2017 7:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gargant Big Mob list development

Het guys! I'm back to working on this list pretty soon! A summer cabin and a new boat has me occupied right now. I think an oddboy upgrade is a great addition to this unit!

There will also be some changing of the Gargant to support ratio in this list (not a big one).

Author:  Deb [ Mon Jul 17, 2017 10:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gargant Big Mob list development

So the current 40K Gorganaught is more like the old Epic Stompa. Something like an Ork version of an Imperial Knight? Bigger than a dreadnought though smaller than the current Ork Stompa.

Author:  kyussinchains [ Mon Jul 17, 2017 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gargant Big Mob list development

mordoten wrote:
Het guys! I'm back to working on this list pretty soon! A summer cabin and a new boat has me occupied right now. I think an oddboy upgrade is a great addition to this unit!

There will also be some changing of the Gargant to support ratio in this list (not a big one).

I'm in for a bunch of playtests mate ;D

Author:  Abetillo [ Mon Jul 17, 2017 10:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gargant Big Mob list development

Welcome back, Mordoten, glad to see you back. I also have to come back too, i have been a few months without Epic and i am missing it a lot.

atension wrote:
Also someone else's suggestion to give them the ability to take an OddBoy... sounds amazing. they will certainly see more play then.

I was the one that mentioned it and regret it each time is talked about, as i did it as an example for a bad change for Stompas.

But, since then, the more i think about it, the more i think in a similar way to this I read from Nealhunt, about the shooty Ork units that are usually discussed about (Stompas, Gunwagons, Big Gunz, and to a certain degree Deth Koptas too):


So i think it would be better to keep the changes small or not change at all and leave the changes for more shooty Ork lists, like this one or a Bad Moonz one if we ever see it.

Author:  atension [ Mon Jul 17, 2017 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gargant Big Mob list development

Yeah that is a good point also. BUT what's the niche for stompas. They are slow and their firepower isn't anything special they'd be good in an assult but they are slow and AVs so not easily delivered and quite avoidable. Is their role a garrisoning formation that are hard to crack? They would do alright at that but be quite expensive. Very easy to break in numbers less than 5 and too costly for a "big" formation. In the Ghaz list they are just a necessity for access to supa-stompas. I don't really see their niche. If they were allower an oddboy then your opponent would have to deal with them they wouldn't be a unit you could break and forget or ignore. They'd actually be useful to take. Oddboy on wagons are nice for their speed but are very easily killed. I'm sure that's part of the design to a degree too. But I can't say they could go toe to toe shooting with IG. Oddboy are very pricy and generally only used as zaps. Zaps are great but also a little situational. Soopa guns are only good taken in pairs and that would make for a crazy expensive formation. A big formation of 6 costing 400 points plus the oddboys =500 points that's almost 2 supa stompas . I don't think the list will out shoot guard at that price. There is also the argument that not everything needs to have a good usefullness:point ratio but these poor little guys are so very cool looking and so rarely used in EA.I'd love them to take a more central role in a list. I agree mucking with the stats gets troublesome for units overlapping several lists especially approved lists. Allow in them an upgrade though in the gargant list should be acceptable. Gargant list should be full of mekboys throwing crazy fun and explody weapons on things.

Author:  Abetillo [ Sat Aug 12, 2017 12:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gargant Big Mob list development

No, no, that is not the point of what i wrote, but I do think those are good points to talk about.

But i realize that i made a big mistake, as all of this i have mentioned goes for any other list besides this one, as i said, so i shouldn't have posted it here, to begin with. I think that for OGBM Stompas deserve to be better, but i have to still play a game to test the last change and see if that fixed Stompas before talking more about it.

So I won't say anything about OGBM and Stompas related to the point i proposed, but I'll do it here for the other Ork lists.


Author:  mordoten [ Wed Dec 20, 2017 2:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gargant Big Mob list development

Hello everyone!

X-mas is upon us and my present to you is a new version of the list! The only change from the last version is that the Core to support ratio now is the same for all gargant choices (you get 3 support slots for every gragant choice no matter what kind of Gargant you choose).

This should keep activations down a little which has been somewhat of a concern from certain players.

I'm also back to testing the list and by the grace of Odin maybe we'll get this finished in the first quarter of 2018.

Author:  kyussinchains [ Thu Jan 18, 2018 9:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gargant Big Mob list development

Hey Mordoten, I'm getting a game in with the list tonight

taking the following:

Great Gargant - 2x gatling kannon, ripper fist, Mekboy big boss, flakka dakka, mork head
Gargant - 2x gatling kannon, ripper fist, flakka dakka
Gargant - 2x gatling kannon, ripper fist, flakka dakka
Supa Stompa
Supa Stompa
Fighta Bombers

will try to get pics and a full batrep up

Author:  mordoten [ Thu Jan 18, 2018 11:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gargant Big Mob list development

Awesome! Thanks alot!

Author:  kyussinchains [ Fri Jan 19, 2018 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gargant Big Mob list development

Had a game versus dptdexys EUK Ulthwe, ended after 4 turns as a winning draw/points victory to me, the loota mobs were perfect objective guards, while one was wiped out by guardians (although they critted the avatar in the process heh heh ;)) the others sat on the blitz in hard cover for 3 turns and Dave didn't want to risk the air assaulting banshees on quite a tough target, meanwhile my gargants wandered around engaging stuff

Dave could have taken it T3 if he'd gotten lucky with his falcons supporting a banshee engagement, but he went for the safer option in the end, him spreading his objectives and my deploying mine not directly opposite his blitz meant that I was never going to get blitz, DTF or TSNP, but equally he couldn't shift the gargants from his half so it ended in something of a stalemate

having said that, it was very nice to see my great gargant doubling, shooting at a mounted guardian formation, scoring 3 hits, none of which were saved and breaking them

I think I played fairly well, the gargants and stompas hopped from cover to cover to limit the effectiveness of the eldar shooting, the one time I pushed it resulted in the gargant catching fire which spread and burned him down to 2DC eventually, one more turn and he'd probably have burned out

I'll try and get some more games in over the next few weeks, it definitely feels like an army of draws though

link to the lists and result

I took pics but my phone is being a penis and won't connect to the computer to upload them

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