Tactical Command

Andrayada minis
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Author:  Ulchishy [ Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Andrayada minis

Hi everybody . I was thinking about the Andrayadas when something came to my mind : does it make any sense that the Andrayada vehicles have crews on board ? Andrayada vehicles , as can be seen in these pics http://www.darkrealmminiatures.co.uk/ga ... orace6.jpg , http://www.darkrealmminiatures.co.uk/ga ... voran4.jpg , have control rooms . Being the Andrayada robots , the most reasonable thing to do in my opinion is to put directly inside the vehicles AIs , which would permit them to act autonomously . What do you think on this matter ?

Author:  Legion 4 [ Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Andrayada minis

I'm pretty sure MOST Andy AFVs are AI and would not be crewed ... However ... A few may be crewed with an Andy ... for what ever reason, the toasters have. But Infantry is still Infantry even if it is a Andriod with AI ... ;D

Author:  Morgan Vening [ Tue Aug 24, 2010 12:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Andrayada minis

Legion 4 wrote:
I'm pretty sure MOST Andy AFVs are AI and would not be crewed ... However ... A few may be crewed with an Andy ... for what ever reason, the toasters have. But Infantry is still Infantry even if it is a Andriod with AI ... ;D

Actually, technically, all AFV's are crewed. Or not.
Each Andrayada individual has a primary processing unit, and a secondary processor. This secondary unit is
placed in the lower back of an Andrayada, and deals specifically with the mechanics of walking and operating
the legs, along with a few other lower level functions, receiving higher commands from the primary unit. This
means that Andrayada vehicles are not crewed in a traditional way. Instead, the Andrayada literally detaches
its legs at the waist, and plugs its main spinal channel into the vehicle, where it interfaces with an alternative,
secondary processing unit of the vehicle, dealing with the lower level functions required to operate it. What
this means is that any Andrayada individual is able to pilot a vehicle with no additional software required, the
vehicle simply becoming the Andrayadas new leg functions.

So, in the case of the Vorace and Voran, I'd assume the 'cockpit' means a reliance on the Andrayada crewman using it's own sensory inputs. Or it could just be a "looks cool" factor when sculpting. :D

Morgan Vening

Author:  Legion 4 [ Tue Aug 24, 2010 3:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Andrayada minis

Good point ... there is a difference better Androids and AI ... For example ... Slammer AFV all have AI, but none are Androids ... ;D

Author:  CyberShadow [ Tue Aug 24, 2010 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Andrayada minis

Hi. I actual wrote (and I am still writing) all of the Andrayada background. As posted above, the Andrayada have two processing units, a central one in their head and one at the base of their spine. This allows them to remove their lower half and legs, and plug directly into a new piece of equipment. Essentially, the main brain sends 'move forwards' messages to the auxiliary brain, which then moves using the hardware 'legs'. There are several reasons for this development. Firstly, the Andrayada are initially Pax constructs, and so they were designed for a specific purpose and given a humanoid form to utilise Pax vehicles and equipment. Secondly, the old idea of a 'brain in a box' AI neglects the importance of sensors and emodiment, and the important link between an agents physical form and capacity to learn.

Let me put it this way, could you learn a language just by reading a book? It would be very difficult without being able to physically point to objects, to pick things up, to gesture, etc.

The 'crew-bot' still recieves sensory information via the vehicle that they are crewing directly, but transplanting the brain into the vehicle would actually be a shock, even for a robot.

... And the vehicles look cooler and wer sculpted with windows!

Anyhow, this also works for the space craft, where Andrayada run on rails around the vessel. O0

Sorry to go on.... I actually have a background in robotics.

Author:  Legion 4 [ Tue Aug 24, 2010 2:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Andrayada minis

U R an amazing man C/S !! :D All I know about that kind'a stuff is what I see on the Sy-Fy Channel, Star Trek, etc. ... :o

Author:  Ulchishy [ Thu Aug 26, 2010 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Andrayada minis

Thanks for the explanations , now I understand : vehicles look cooler :D

Author:  Ulchishy [ Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Andrayada minis

Hi everybody . I want to ask you something that isn't clear to me : are the Andrayada soldiers mere automatons , endowed with an advanced AI , which fight to protect the Andrayada who have a consciousness , or are they androids with an individuality themselves ? Either ways , does it make any sense for them to have alpha commands on the battlefield , as can be seen in this pic : http://www.darkrealmminiatures.co.uk/st ... mageid=191 ? Wouldn't it be better that the soldiers were connected to a control center which would impart them orders in real time out of the battlefield ? Maybe this is done in order that the Andrayada adversaries are given the possibility to damage them by eliminating their general . What are your thoughts ? Thank you very much .

P.S. maybe you'll say '' what the heck of discussions makes this Ulchishy '' but when you have nothing to do all the day ...

Author:  Colonel Kane [ Thu Aug 26, 2010 10:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Andrayada minis

I'll take Toasters for $500 Alex.........

Author:  Legion 4 [ Fri Aug 27, 2010 1:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Andrayada minis

Redundancy of Command ... Range of Command Influence ... Heizenburge Compensators ... :-\

Author:  CyberShadow [ Fri Aug 27, 2010 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Andrayada minis

Hi, this is a part of the background that I am currently working on. Essentially, the Andrayada are connected to a 'hub of consciousness'. This links all groups and factions in a way that I will outline more in the future fluff. But, only the command figures of the Andrayada are equipped with the required hardware to plug into this hub (and have the processing power to be able to deal with it without draining themselves).

Each Andrayada trooper is an individual, but the race as a whole are on the defensive, being pursued by the Pax, and have very limited resources. What you see in an Andrayada force is not the 'soldiers' but all (most?) member of the group, since they have no requirements for 'non-warrior' individuals.

I am not sure if this is clear. I hope it clarifies a few things.

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