Tactical Command

The Return of Adeptus Titanicus
Page 56 of 80

Author:  GlynG [ Wed Aug 15, 2018 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Return of Adeptus Titanicus

I was hoping the new models would be fairly similar in size to certain forumware ones but I think they'll be a fair bit bigger. A forum volcano cannon is 7.5cm long but the new model is apparently around 9cm long so 20% bigger.

Oh well, I think I'm going to make a loyalist legion from the new models and a chaos legion from my existing ones and put the size difference in background terms down to some Forge World getting the plans for the titans but messing the scale up.

Author:  Legion 4 [ Thu Aug 16, 2018 1:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Return of Adeptus Titanicus

schoon wrote:
The initial response of the public, voting with their wallets, has clearly been good.

On the other hand, Shadow War: Armageddon sold out quickly as well, and where is it today?

Now it's up to GW to make sure that this gets proper support to maintain momentum.

A story often repeated with GW … Balls to the walls in the beginning … then just the walls and no balls … ;D

Author:  jimmyzimms [ Thu Aug 16, 2018 1:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Return of Adeptus Titanicus

hahahah L4 :)

On the other hand, Shadow War: Armageddon sold out quickly as well, and where is it today?

Well to be fair it was absolutely obvious GW pushed that as a cheap starter set for 40k. It was not really bought for the game for many people though lots of people in fandom were running on about it being "the next big thing" in typical fashion. I mean, even I bought the scenery released with it for kitbashing for Epic games. I suspect that its success, from a sales perspective though opened the gates to make Necro17 a real thing.

Now in the AT18 world we shall have to see what type of longevity this game has. They could easily get the Reavers/Warhounds out, another couple of terrain bits, perhaps maybe some Chaos warped parts (for full on Terra level Heresy) and call it good and that's all we ever see of it. I guess a combination of sales and whatever / "IF" FW decided to do with it as the Heresy series approaches the Siege of Terra will probably spell a lot for this in the longevity area. We shall see...


Personally I would love to see some more titan patterns come out in this but I doubt that'll ever occur myself.

Author:  wraeththu [ Thu Aug 16, 2018 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Return of Adeptus Titanicus

Shadow War Armageddon was a one off that GW made because 40k 8e was around the corner but they wanted to promote the new Sector Mechanicus terrain. I don't recall GW ever saying it was a long term game. They only reprinted the rules separately because there was such a demand for it. Nec17 was already under design by FW when GW decided to release SWA, according to the designer of Nec17 who has since left GW to start his own game design company. The popularity of SWA surprised GW and spurred the creation of the new Kill Team being it's own self contained rules.

Since GW has already shown the Reaver and Warhounds, plus included the command terminals in the rules they are selling, I feel it is almost certain you will see those released. Andy Hoare said, "due to the 2.5 year wait they have produced a number of models that are ready to go. So it should be less of a wait before being released" (my paraphrase). Whether that means 1-2 months or longer, only FW & GW knows. Also FW keeps hinting at "Another Titan". So they probably already have this other titan finished. Now it probably will be a resin only. It may be the Imperator since they have appeared in the new AT18 art. GW/FW typically doesn't start dropping hints about stuff unless it is already done. I think GW is more concerned with how will AT sells as to whether they will keep producing more stuff.

Anyhow take my ramblings as you wish. Whether you love or hate the new AT18 it at least brings attention to Epic scale gaming and I bet you will have more players pay attention to an epic game than they did just a year or 2 ago.

Author:  GlynG [ Thu Aug 16, 2018 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Return of Adeptus Titanicus

I expect we'll see at least another titan or two.

They've said multiple times they're not doing an Imperator, or not for years anyway. They have said an AT Imperator model would be similarly sized to a 40k Warhound (so 25cm high or so and probably £300-ish) as they have limited resources and given a choice of doing 3-4 new titans or an Imperator they're going for the latter.

Author:  jimmyzimms [ Fri Aug 17, 2018 12:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Return of Adeptus Titanicus

Yeah Andy's been pretty forthcoming on their design thinking, both in conference as well as online about Imperators. Now what constitutes a "new titan" is open for interpretation. I mean that can be a variant pattern or just a new sculpt of existing stuff (which wouldn't be a bad thing) or it could even be an entirely new "thing" [air quotes} we've never seen before (or anything in between). we shall see

Author:  malika2 [ Fri Aug 17, 2018 5:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Return of Adeptus Titanicus

Food for thought, I'm browsing through the Horus Heresy books by FW and found a few new Titan classes:
1) Carnivore class (which I guess might be a similar size to the Reaver or Warlord)
2) Reviler class: basically a mobile inferno cannon platform that is used to replace the heavier Knights.
3) Maines: maybe a warlord sized one?
4) Mirage: heavy battle titan

Author:  schoon [ Fri Aug 17, 2018 7:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Return of Adeptus Titanicus


Can you reference the books in question for those?

I'd be interested in plumbing them for more info.

Author:  Tiny-Tim [ Fri Aug 17, 2018 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Return of Adeptus Titanicus

Your order has been dispatched.
Adeptus Titanicus: Grand Master Edition - 1 - Shipped.

I can be such a fan boy.

Author:  malika2 [ Fri Aug 17, 2018 11:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Return of Adeptus Titanicus

schoon wrote:

Can you reference the books in question for those?

I'd be interested in plumbing them for more info.

Ive scoured through all the FW books, so far it's only these, there's no further description than this so far. :(

Author:  Mattman [ Fri Aug 17, 2018 12:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Return of Adeptus Titanicus

jimmyzimms wrote:

Now in the AT18 world we shall have to see what type of longevity this game has. They could easily get the Reavers/Warhounds out, another couple of terrain bits, perhaps maybe some Chaos warped parts (for full on Terra level Heresy) and call it good and that's all we ever see of it. I guess a combination of sales and whatever / "IF" FW decided to do with it as the Heresy series approaches the Siege of Terra will probably spell a lot for this in the longevity area. We shall see...

Personally I would love to see some more titan patterns come out in this but I doubt that'll ever occur myself.

To be honest, if they just do the core 3 titans and most of the knight styles, I will be happy. That would be plenty enough models to keep playing the game and provide models for Epic.

I am sure I read somewhere that all the different variant titans that were talked about in AT1 (Nemesis, Nightgaunt etc) were supposed to have their own individual models originally, but due to cost they just became warlords with different weapons. They have talked about those variants, so there is a good chance we will see different models for them, or at least a kit to modify the normal warlord to make it distinguishable.


Author:  schoon [ Fri Aug 17, 2018 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Return of Adeptus Titanicus

malika2 wrote:
Ive scoured through all the FW books, so far it's only these, there's no further description than this so far. :(

Well thanks for doing the research for us, then!

Given that GW has said there will be more titan classes down the road (though that could mean anywhere from one to many), I'm hopeful that some of these will make an appearance.

...and not to complain about these great forums, but who is in charge of creating our new AT18 sub-forum? Today is technically the release date...

Author:  GlynG [ Fri Aug 17, 2018 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Return of Adeptus Titanicus

The recent BL book about the Imperator mentioned a Hunter class and it was inbetween a Reaver and a Warlord.

There's also an Apocalypse class, but given that's even bigger than an Imperator and perhaps a one off (or incredibly rare) it won't get a model.

Author:  malika2 [ Sat Aug 18, 2018 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Return of Adeptus Titanicus

And then there's of course the Castigator, whilst mentioned in the books, there are no official pics for it besides this fan art:
https://www.deviantart.com/hammk/art/ca ... -647395260
(Imperator in the back)

Author:  Legion 4 [ Sat Aug 18, 2018 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Return of Adeptus Titanicus

I think we will see at least a few more Titan and/or Knights. And maybe some Eldar and Ork walkers … However, I highly doubt we'll see tanks or Infantry. That seems or appears not the direction GW wants to go … at least at this time. Or possibly the near future if ever ... ^-^

Either way … I got all those I need in the original scale(s) … And at the prices of AT18 … that makes me even more sure. I don't want or need anything. From the release of AT18 save for maaaybee the Objective sprue and a small pack of the new building … maybe ... :-\

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