Tactical Command

Great Community Here! - Thanks!
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Author:  MaksimSmelchak [ Sun Apr 06, 2003 5:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Great Community Here! - Thanks!

One of the things I really like about the site here is that we really have a community here. Most of us know each other and can discuss whatever comes along. This forum is also devoid of the petty bickering that I seem to read often at the E-A playtester's forum. We also manage to dicuss and resolve our differences without immaturity. Sometimes the cheasy jokes ara bit much, but they're perfectly manageable in the context of some good camaraderie. :D

Thanks everyone for an experience and forum I enjoy. :)


Author:  CyberShadow [ Sun Apr 06, 2003 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Great Community Here! - Thanks!

I agree. A forum is only ever as good as the members that post there. You can have something that looks really simple, and have a great place to visit. I think that this is indicative of the Fanatic/GW community. Since Fanatic games generally attract the more mature players it is a nice and relaxed atmosphere. So much so that I am tempted to close up and not let anyone else join!  :D

Thanks guys.

Author:  dafrca [ Mon Apr 07, 2003 4:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Great Community Here! - Thanks!

I sold off all my 40k (four armies worth) and swore off GW games because of the way the Warhammer 40k crowd acted. I was very tired of the fighting, pettiness, complaining, and overall negativity. The one GW game I had missed was Epic. When I heard they where doing a new addition I almost did not go look into it.

I am glad I did. I found that the Epic group did include a fair share of level headed, nice people. So I have re-entered the world of Games Workshop.

This forum was part of the reason. I agree that this forum has some great people in it.


Author:  primarch [ Tue Apr 08, 2003 1:16 am ]
Post subject:  Great Community Here! - Thanks!


I second Maksim's views. I seldom (if ever) post on a regular basis anywhere outside the NetEpic list. Since the new list began, I have foundthat the people here are very mature and tactful in their responses regardless of any divergences of opinion. You guys make me think and reconsider many Epic related subjects as well as give me valuable information on a wide variety of topics (heck, I got my new digital camera after discussions here motivated me to find out more about the subject!).

I think this forum proves beyond a doubt that regardless of version or tastes that we can share our views on Epic in an friendly constructive manner.


Author:  Legion 4 [ Tue Apr 08, 2003 6:55 am ]
Post subject:  Great Community Here! - Thanks!

My gaming buddy surfs the 40K sites and sends me some of their more "amusing" e-mails and occasionally asks me for "technical" advice about real world weapons & tactics vs. 40K.  It seems we have a much more worldly and magnanimous crew here and because of it I spend too much time on line with you guys !!!  :laugh:

Author:  netepic [ Tue Apr 08, 2003 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Great Community Here! - Thanks!

Agreed, the forums structure makes it easy too. Once the EZine starts rolling out, and De'Aynes gets updated again (with the automated galleries, should be a breeze) then we will the EPIC community back on track.

The combined search engine for Epic40k and the EPICentre is already there, and the interactive links list helps too :).

Author:  nealhunt [ Tue Apr 08, 2003 4:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Great Community Here! - Thanks!

I will agree that the 40K crowds I tend to encounter are younger and correspondingly less mature.  I have found two places nearby that are exceptions, though.

One is such a laid back place that people feel comfortable leaving their armies stacked under the tables in the store.  Even though most of the players are young, they have not had any trouble with stuff going missing.

The other is a store that has a dedicated older crowd.  I'm in my mid-30s and there are several people older than I am.  They are very flexible about subbing models within reason, using vehicle design rules, etc..

With respect to the playtest list, I haven't seen anything that I would really call bickering, with the notable exception of one prolific poster.

Overall, I very much enjoy this forum and wish there was a little more volume.


Wow, that was a rambling, stream-of-consciousness post.

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