Tactical Command

The Epic Thread of 6mm Terrain Construction
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Author:  Sable Wyvern [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 3:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Epic Thread of 6mm Terrain Construction

I was going to put four buildings on, but I think three will work better as far as having room to actually move minis around on the table. I'm going to build the rubble up a bit in the vacant quarter instead.


Overall I'd say it looks pretty decent for something where the most complicated skill required is either drybrushing or cutting and measuring cardboard.

Author:  Sable Wyvern [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 3:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Epic Thread of 6mm Terrain Construction

It dawned on me that painting my buildings by hand was a fools errand, so I went and bought lots of spray paint, including some granite effect that was used for the twin-tower building and also to give the base some texture before turning it grey.

I have to say, I'm incredibly impressed with the GM Miniatures buildings. They're great designs, and the way they go together is pretty ingenious as well.


Author:  Sable Wyvern [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 5:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Epic Thread of 6mm Terrain Construction

Finished another non-ruined block.

The big building has a dome to go on it. The general consensus from the group is that it needs the dome, but my paint job on the dome is shit. I'm playing with it a bit and might end up adding it on later.

I'm pretty happy with the brickwork for the front entrance, which came up quite well.


I've also done a row of office buildings for another block. The big open space beyond these buildings is reserved for one of my giant Phalanx Consortium buildings (due to launch on Kickstarter in the next week or so, following the completion of the Polyversal Kickstarter). The bases seem to have shifted a bit after I placed them, so I'm going to have to do some touch up work where the bases meets the lawn.


I have two more ruined blocks pretty much ready to go, just waiting for the paint on the bases to dry properly so that I can start adding the rubble. The ruined buildings going on them are all ready to go.

Author:  Sable Wyvern [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 5:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Epic Thread of 6mm Terrain Construction

Two more ruined city sections complete.

I also pulled out a Renegade Legion grav tank yesterday to test out a cam scheme, so we have a new model to replace Mr T72 for scale display purposes.



Author:  Sable Wyvern [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 5:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Epic Thread of 6mm Terrain Construction

More work done. These buildings are resin, and were much more difficult to paint than the matboard ones. I'm pretty happy with the roofs, the rest was a struggle. I thought about painting the windows, but some of them are tiny, and I would almost certainly have made a mess of it. Also, the camera wasn't kind -- they do look better in person, although still not anything to be immensely proud of. And yes, there are a couple of spots where a bit of paint ended up where it wasn't meant to (mainly because I was still handling them while wet). Overall, I think the little errors, mistakes and imperfections won't stand out in amongst everything else that is going to be on the table. 6mm is much more forgiving of this sort of thing. Being the middle block on a set of three (once complete) will a help in that regard as well.


I also whipped up another hill on Sunday, much bigger than the other two. Below you can see a platoon of Wolverine light grav tanks, moving ahead of a platoon of Horatius mediums. I'm planning to add some low bushes and brush later.


Author:  Sable Wyvern [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 6:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Epic Thread of 6mm Terrain Construction

Added some foliage to my big hill, as planned.


And apartment blocks added to the city. It would appear that I used a much heavier wash on the first one, but the camera makes the contrast look a lot starker. It is a pity that the camera rarely catches the clear blue plastic windows very well, they look pretty good.


Author:  Sable Wyvern [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 6:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Epic Thread of 6mm Terrain Construction

My ruined church and triple-block is complete.

Not much that needs explaining. The broken timbers on the interior floor are matchsticks. The tower is a different colour to the rest of the church because, as mentioned upthread, I had a bunch of different things on the go at once, and grabbed the wrong paint. I much prefer the tower colour to the boring, standard grey of the rest of the structure, but so be it.



Author:  Sable Wyvern [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 6:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Epic Thread of 6mm Terrain Construction

Sable Wyvern's wise advice of the day: if the instructions call for acrylic filler, don't get a silicone filler.

Did my terrain mat today. Ignoring my stupid mistake, it was really quick and easy. I originally came across the idea here: http://playingtheodds.com.au/battle-mat/.

The author at that link did their's based on the instructions found here:


Both have very easy to follow tutorials. Just remember, silicone filler is not acrylic filler.

I used a canvas drop-sheet, screwed down to the skid that my table was delivered on.


Then I mixed up paint, water and bird grit.


Then I added lots of silicone filler.


And ended up with this useless rubbery substance.


Then I went out and got more paint and bird grit, a new bucket and acrylic gosh darned filler.

Not too long thereafter, I ended up with this.


Author:  Sable Wyvern [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 11:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Epic Thread of 6mm Terrain Construction

I'm pretty happy with the way that urban skyline is starting to look. Once complete, it will be three blocks across instead of only two, and the vacant areas will, of course, be filled in as well.


Author:  Sable Wyvern [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 12:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Epic Thread of 6mm Terrain Construction

The, there was a two year hiatus while both the Neo Tyrannis and Polyversal kickstarters plodded glacially along.


My city boards were warping a bit, so I picked up some MDF and glued them down.



Another 18 months, and finally the first of my New Tyrannis buildings arrived.

UNSC Doctrine Centre

Starling Corp Building

Turnista Tower + Lang Residential Building 1 (also visible, some battle damage to the smaller buildings at the front, from when a shelf collapsed)

Lang Residential Building 2

Author:  Sable Wyvern [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Epic Thread of 6mm Terrain Construction

UNSC Doctrine centre has been mounted on it's baseboard. Included is a pic in the middle of some other blocks to give a better idea of it's impressive size.

Messing around with some ideas for the Turnista tower at the moment. I've pulled out a fountain that was part of a dungeon dressing kickstarter, and it should convert nicely from a small 25mm fountain to an impressive 6mm major feature to sit out the front of the building.





Well, this isn't what I was originally envisaging for this block, but I think I like the way it's turned out.

The fountain

Turnista Tower Block



The raised plant beds are going to get some plants added a bit later.

Author:  Sable Wyvern [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Epic Thread of 6mm Terrain Construction

Shrubberies have been added.




And I wanted to get sense of how the skyline is looking once it's all added to the table. I have to say, it exceeded my expectations. And there's still quite a bit to add.





Author:  Sable Wyvern [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Epic Thread of 6mm Terrain Construction

And, we're up to date.

I'm on a temporary pause as I wait for the rest of my Neo Tyrannis buildings to arrive ... hopefully, one day, but it's been the most disappointing and frustrating Kickstarter I've bee involved in. At this stage, I'm not entirely convinced I'll ever see the rest.

I did have a go at doing another hill, but the polystyrene I had lying around was too thick (which, I recalled, is why I hadn't already used it). I picked up some of a more appropriate size on eBay ... but I was sent the thicker stuff in error, and haven't got around to reordering (the return process was painless, at least).

I do have some rural buildings from GC Mini lying around, which I might do something with eventually. Need to get some more MDF to sit them on, and I can make a small, outlying village.

I also have a bunch of 3D printer files for buildings, so if I eventually give up on Neo Tyrannis, I will have something to fill the gaps.

In the meanwhile, in anticipation of finally getting my Polyversal minis, I picked up a few (quite a few) extra minis to fill out my forces, and I've done quite a bit of painting. But that's all pretty much done now too.

Author:  ForgottenLore [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Epic Thread of 6mm Terrain Construction

All of the neo-tyrannis buildings should have been delivered by now. I got the last of mine (full set) sometime last year, and I was one of the last ones. (Unless this is all just copy pasted from old posts somewhere else, and you did finally get yours?).

Where did the small buildings for your office block come from? Stylistically, they fit really well with the neo-tyrannis big buildings.

Author:  Sable Wyvern [ Thu Apr 23, 2020 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Epic Thread of 6mm Terrain Construction

All the smaller buildings are from Gamecraft Minis.

Unfortunately, the last post is current. I agree they all should have been delivered by now, but they certainly haven't. Chris has stopped making any public statements, so it's impossible to know what's actually going on. I assume most backers have their stuff, or there would be more complaints.

Last update I got is that the rest of my order is done, but he doesn't want to send it because he's afraid it will get lost. He was meant to speak with the post office about it on Monday but, as usual, he never got back to me, and probably won't until I complain in the public comments section.

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