Tactical Command

Hive Fleet Leviathan v5.0 [not NetEA]
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Author:  GlynG [ Wed Jun 05, 2013 2:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hive Fleet Leviathan v3.0

Excellent :) I hope Dave / the Net-ERC step back and let things carry on anyway. I'd noticed Dave dropping newer elements from the Net-EA tyranid list so the old idea of sharing elements between an 'old' and 'new' tyranids has been abandoned. I hope we can help discuss and develop the list here, regardless of not officially/politically being under the Net-EA banner. Good that the supplement is on again :)

OT but relevent: did you ever get further with your online gaming system that could be used to play epic online? I plan on building and gaming with Imperial armies (SM, Krieg, TL) for the next year or two and it'll be a long while till I get to building my army of modern tyranid models, but I'd be keen to play and test the list if I could online (once I get a laptop again, I've been waiting for the recently released Haswell and need to save up for one).

Author:  zombocom [ Wed Jun 05, 2013 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hive Fleet Leviathan v3.0

Apologist wrote:
Will the development still occur here? Will our playtesting help?

Absolutely, on both counts.

GlynG wrote:
I'd noticed Dave dropping newer elements from the Net-EA tyranid list so the old idea of sharing elements between an 'old' and 'new' tyranids has been abandoned.

Dave changing several stats in the 'old' list without considering how it affects the 'new' list was one of the reasons for the split.

GlynG wrote:
I hope we can help discuss and develop the list here, regardless of not officially/politically being under the Net-EA banner. Good that the supplement is on again :)

Absolutely. I'm going to be opening a new thread for the Epic: Hive development soon, to reflect these changes and to call for help in the areas I need it.

GlynG wrote:
OT but relevent: did you ever get further with your online gaming system that could be used to play epic online? I plan on building and gaming with Imperial armies (SM, Krieg, TL) for the next year or two and it'll be a long while till I get to building my army of modern tyranid models, but I'd be keen to play and test the list if I could online (once I get a laptop again, I've been waiting for the recently released Haswell and need to save up for one).

I've not got any further with it, but it's perfectly possible to play games with, and if I write a guide pretty much anyone can make add-on army packs for it too.

It's still not in a publicly releasable state, as there are several boring, behind the scenes issues, but I'd be delighted if anyone wanted to try out a game or two with me. I've also been mulling over making a kickstarter to fund getting it finished, as it'll need programming input from someone other than me in order to deal with the issues, but there's no reason it couldn't eventually be released with generic unit packs and instructions on how to add your own armies.

Author:  Alf O'Mega [ Wed Jun 05, 2013 5:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Hive Fleet Leviathan v3.0

The gaming system sounds interesting... What's it programmed in? Heavy, like java, or less heavy like node.js? I played java blood bowl every lunchtime for a while at one place I worked - good times!

Author:  Dave [ Wed Jun 05, 2013 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hive Fleet Leviathan v3.0

zombocom wrote:
Dave changing several stats in the 'old' list without considering how it affects the 'new' list was one of the reasons for the split.

I'm assuming you're talking about the three AA changes on Gargoyles, Zoanthropes and the Dom? Because those were the only stat changes to 10.1

In the six months 10.0 had been out you contributed nothing but unmitigated opinions and demands that stats had to be "X". No playtesting, no pics, no breakdowns, nothing. You also weren't responding to PMs and weren't posting on the forums for a good portion of that time.

I put 10.1 out and it continued along the same line. You're a list author, you should be giving me some games and data I can use, not pouting and claiming I wronged you when I changed something.

Author:  Apologist [ Wed Jun 05, 2013 6:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hive Fleet Leviathan v3.0

Forum argy-bargy aside (and I don't mean to belittle any ongoing issues, but am - respectfully -more interested in productive stuff I can help with) what are the main things that need playtesting for Leviathan? Are generalist lists still useful? I'd prefer to playtest balanced games rather than stress-test extreme cases.

Author:  GlynG [ Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hive Fleet Leviathan v3.0

zombocom wrote:
I've not got any further with it, but it's perfectly possible to play games with, and if I write a guide pretty much anyone can make add-on army packs for it too.

It's still not in a publicly releasable state, as there are several boring, behind the scenes issues, but I'd be delighted if anyone wanted to try out a game or two with me. I've also been mulling over making a kickstarter to fund getting it finished, as it'll need programming input from someone other than me in order to deal with the issues, but there's no reason it couldn't eventually be released with generic unit packs and instructions on how to add your own armies.

Sounds promising :) I'm not sure if you saw it but I posted over in another thread recently cursing at people not not helping and asking Ben to mention to you I'm willing to help most evenings my time. Let me know a good time with you.

I'd contribute to a kickstarter for it, but it might be worth sticking a thread up asking for people with the skills incase anyone here could help program it?

Author:  zombocom [ Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hive Fleet Leviathan v3.0

Alf O'Mega wrote:
The gaming system sounds interesting... What's it programmed in? Heavy, like java, or less heavy like node.js? I played java blood bowl every lunchtime for a while at one place I worked - good times!

The engine is programmed in C (not by me), and the gamecode is in a scripting language used by the engine. It's certainly on the heavy side, being 3D.

Dave wrote:
You're a list author, you should be giving me some games and data I can use, not pouting and claiming I wronged you when I changed something.

I'm not getting drawn into old arguments. You're free to do whatever you want with NetEA Tyranids, and I'm going to do what I want with my supplement.

GlynG wrote:
Sounds promising :) I'm not sure if you saw it but I posted over in another thread recently cursing at people not not helping and asking Ben to mention to you I'm willing to help most evenings my time. Let me know a good time with you.

Shrug. I put a lot of time and effort into Tabletop and almost noone was willing to try it out. Either people has issues with me (certain true and fair enough in some cases :p) or they weren't interested in the concept.

Personally I think the idea has a lot or merit; I've tried using vassal and it's horrible, yet it's successful simply because there's no competition.

I'd contribute to a kickstarter for it, but it might be worth sticking a thread up asking for people with the skills incase anyone here could help program it?

Very unlikely; it requires specific skills in a proprietary programming language that I'd estimate fewer than 10 people know well enough.

Yeah, exactly...

Basically I'd likely have to put in the time to learn the required skills myself, and that's why I'd need a kickstarter to fund the time it'd take.

But anyway, this is all rather off topic.

Author:  Alf O'Mega [ Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hive Fleet Leviathan v3.0

3D? Nice - now I'm really interested...

But back OT - I'm certainly only really interested in modern style nids, even if it's just for the conversion possibilities. I won't have a force together for a couple of months but should have some tau ready a bit before that. I should certainly be in a position to play test these two forces by the end of summer. It's a way off but tau should be a relatively tough opponent for tyranids due to lots of skimmers and fliers right? Could be a useful stress test of sorts.

I've not played epic for a while so I could be talking out of my behind...

Author:  Jaggedtoothgrin [ Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hive Fleet Leviathan v3.0

As before, i'd offer to try it out, but i highly doubt my computer would be able to handle it

Author:  zombocom [ Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hive Fleet Leviathan v3.0

See http://www.tacticalwargames.net/taccmd/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=25308 for the latest development on Tabletop.

Author:  GlynG [ Sun Jun 23, 2013 2:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hive Fleet Leviathan v3.0

I was just browsing the 40k Tyranid Codex while putting together some Carnifexes and I realise there's an error in Leviathan.

You have a 'Boomfex' Carnifex armed with a Large Venom Cannon (should be called Heavy Venom Cannon to be pedantic) and a Stranglethorn Cannon but this isn't a legal combination for a Carnifex. A Carnifex can only have a single one of either of these two heavier weapons, not both at the same time. One of either and twin-linked Deathspitters or Devourers would be legal if you want to stick with it being a dedicated shooty Carnifex.

Author:  zombocom [ Tue Jul 23, 2013 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hive Fleet Leviathan v3.0

That's annoying since I have a few of those modelled and painted up...

Author:  atension [ Wed Sep 18, 2013 1:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hive Fleet Leviathan v3.0

Just curious if there have been any play testing done on this list. I really like the allowances for dynamic composition just as a tyranid army should. Seriously considering building a force to play it. Never really was a fan of the slug tanks.

Author:  GlynG [ Wed Sep 18, 2013 3:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hive Fleet Leviathan v3.0

zombocom wrote:
That's annoying since I have a few of those modelled and painted up...

It's a shame, but if it's an illegal combination you should change in the list. You could probably rip off one of the sets of weapon arms and replace it. I would suggest statting it with a Heavy Venom Cannon and twin Deathspitters, leaving CC and disrupt for the other 'fex types. Wait till the new Tyranid codex comes out (later this year I think is rumoured?) though as it's always possible the weapon options might be changed again.

atension wrote:
Just curious if there have been any play testing done on this list. I really like the allowances for dynamic composition just as a tyranid army should. Seriously considering building a force to play it. Never really was a fan of the slug tanks.

Not yet, but I plan to. I hope to start painting an army of modern tyranids today and I put together an army pack for Hiivefleet Leviathan for Tabletop to play Epic with them online. I want to play a modern tyranid army and plan to test it, but I'm a bit concerned the list is undercosted at the moment.

I'd like to see the spawning idea recently gone for in the Onachus list taken up here too. Basically, rather than rolling +D3 spawning if unbroken and enemy not within 30cm you spawn 1 per synapse creature (Tervigon could count for D3) in the list and half it (rounding up) if enemy are within 30 or broken. No spawning allowed at all if both enemy within 30 and broken. The effect tones down spawning a bit and is similar but it means that swarms with larger amounts of synapse creatures spawn more than formations with only 1. It makes sense that broken tyranids and newly spawned ones would be drawn towards greater combinations of synapse creatures.

Author:  Ulrik [ Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hive Fleet Leviathan v3.0

When was it made illegal? There's been a few Tyranid codexes the last years?

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