Tactical Command

What Changes To Net Epic Could You Stomach?
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Author:  Matty_C [ Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What Changes To Net Epic Could You Stomach?

Thanks for the informed replies everyone. I do appreciate it.
I assumed this thread was for platinum (based on its location) and didn't realise it was for gold as well.
I have quite a few radical changes we would like to try out, but I'm certain gold isn't the place for them. :)

Author:  OmniJackal [ Sun Mar 06, 2016 7:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What Changes To Net Epic Could You Stomach?

For platinum I'd want changes to base to hit for some things. I've noticed that marines hit on 5+ with 50cm range and Tau fire warriors hit on 4+ with 50cm range. I'd bring the armies more in line with 40k stats and set marines as the control by which everything else is compared. So a marine should be 4+ hit with 25cm-50cm range while a tau fire warrior should be 5+ hit with 50cm-75cm range (pulse rifles out range bolters). This makes markerlights actually valuable for tau units.

Another change I would make would be to force organizations. A marine battle company is 6 stands each of tactical, assault, and devastator. If there are 2 stands per rhino, it can be assumed that each stand is a combat squad of 5 men. A battle company should therefor be 12 stands tactical in 6 rhinos, 4 stands assault, and 4 stands devastator in 2 rhinos. I'm basing this on the fact that a razorback carries only 1 stand, so a combat squad.

I'm liking the flexibility I'm seeing so far in the platinum posts regarding marines and such.

Looking around tho, I am seeing that most posts in these areas are necro posts with the last one being months and months ago so I am assuming that development of platinum is either slower than a snail or an afterthought.

Author:  MagnusIlluminus [ Sun Mar 06, 2016 7:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What Changes To Net Epic Could You Stomach?

Correct, development on Platinum has slowed to a crawl at the moment. Well, posting on it anyway. People may be working on it and just not posting.

Author:  primarch [ Mon Mar 07, 2016 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What Changes To Net Epic Could You Stomach?


Platinum's "slowness" is entirely my own doing.

Last year I was named medical director to my site and my responsibilities have increased.

I'm trying to free up some time to get this reignited, hopefully by summer.


Author:  OmniJackal [ Tue Mar 08, 2016 4:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What Changes To Net Epic Could You Stomach?

All good man. Life comes first.

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