Tactical Command

Rules for all the Leman Russ variants?
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Author:  malika2 [ Sat Jan 21, 2017 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Rules for all the Leman Russ variants?

Hi everybody,

I'm looking for rules for the less common Leman Russ variants. I've found some for the normal one, the Demolisher, Vanquisher, Executioner, and Exterminator. But what about the others, such as the Annihilator, Punisher, Eradicator, and Incinerator. Are there rules (probably fan-made) out there for Epic 40k, and where can I find them?

Thanks in advance!

Author:  brother_bethor [ Sat Jan 21, 2017 9:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for all the Leman Russ variants?

In Epic 40,000 magazine #2 are rules for Vanquisher, Executioner & Conqueror variants only. But in there is another article: Vehicle Variants by Jervis Johnson which adds couple more special abilities like anti-personnel, assault or shootier. There are no point costs for them however. The LR variants mentioned above were created with these rules and they cost the same as "vanilla" LRuss. If GW published more E40k magazines with new variants, I don't know.

Author:  malika2 [ Thu Jan 26, 2017 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for all the Leman Russ variants?

I'm currently working on proxies for the Punisher (big gatling cannon turret), the Conqueror ('light' battlecannon), Eradicator (Nova cannon), and Incinerator (volkite weapon). And I need to figure out what kind of sponsons and hull weapons to give them.

Now for the Incinerator proxy I'm planning on giving it a pulse laser hull weapon and heavy machine guns on the sponsons (which are removable anyways). However, for the Punisher, Conqueror and Eradicator proxies I'm a bit in doubt as to what to give them. Any suggestions?

Author:  brother_bethor [ Fri Jan 27, 2017 6:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for all the Leman Russ variants?

I'm sorry but I can't help with that, because I don't play the Imperial Guard (for me Astra Militarum doesn't exist ;) so I really don't know what is standard (or best) loadout with these LR variants.

Author:  Thinking Stone [ Sun Apr 23, 2017 5:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for all the Leman Russ variants?

While this is a bit late, @malika2, I don't think the Epic 40K rules would have been much help for secondary weapons in any case: part of the abstraction of E40K is that you can lump all of the weapons into one Firepower statistic, and you only need something special for the really killy stuff (like quad/twin lascannon sponsons, deathstrike missiles, pulsars etc.).

As an example, in the core rules, not even Predator Annihilators (lascannons) and Predator Destructors (autocannon and heavy bolter sponsons) were differentiated: Predators simply had Firepower 2. (Though I secretly wonder why the Land Raider was so loved by the designers: with its two anti-tank shots, it was the most heavily-gunned non-war engine in the game!)

Author:  moredakka [ Sun Apr 23, 2017 7:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for all the Leman Russ variants?

This is one area of E40k that did need tweaking in my opinion, vehicle variants do need differentiating even if it's only things like predator annihilator anti tank specialisation, predator destructor basic tank etc.

It would be nice to have some ability to tweak formations with specialist vehicle weapons loadouts even if it's only tweaking firepower or abilities due to such weapons.

Something i'm considering playing with anyway.

Author:  Blip [ Sun Apr 23, 2017 3:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for all the Leman Russ variants?

I know i had i had a set of custom vehicle design rules for Epic40k which included example stats for all the FW variants produced at the time - I think (looking at the index) it was "Vehicle Variants" in Epic40,000 Mag 2, pg 10.

I assume this doesn't cover them all MD?

Author:  jimmyzimms [ Sun Apr 23, 2017 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for all the Leman Russ variants?

Thinking Stone wrote:
(Though I secretly wonder why the Land Raider was so loved by the designers: with its two anti-tank shots, it was the most heavily-gunned non-war engine in the game!)

Actually probably the only version of epic (since their inclusion in 1st edtion via White warf) that captures just how good Land Raiders are supposed to be in battle. The're way underwhelming in EA (not worthless but nothing special) and if memory serves 2nd as well.

Author:  Kyrt [ Sun Apr 23, 2017 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for all the Leman Russ variants?

Vehicpe variant ruleshttp://cloud.tapatalk.com/s/58fcf070f137a/Vehicle%20Variants%20Rules.pdf

Author:  jimmyzimms [ Sun Apr 23, 2017 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for all the Leman Russ variants?

Nice one kyrt. wasn't there a thread trying to capture and collate all these rules?

Author:  Blip [ Sun Apr 23, 2017 9:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for all the Leman Russ variants?

Thanks Kyrt.

Though it has reminded me of one of the things which always bugged me most about the E40k rules - Stat lines = "same as basic troop" except this special rule which modifies the stat line :{[] I'm sure back in the day i re-wrote a ref sheet for marines with all the special modifications incorporated. :)

Author:  moredakka [ Sun Apr 23, 2017 10:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for all the Leman Russ variants?

Yes I hated that as well it was just GW being lazy not printing the modified stats I mean no one would actually write "same as basic troops" plus whatever on their stat sheets would they? I just worked out the actual stats and wrote them on my sheets.

Although in the end because I played the game so much I could remember the stats without needing to refer to the sheets in a lot of cases.

Did I mention I love this game. :)

Author:  Kyrt [ Sun Apr 23, 2017 11:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for all the Leman Russ variants?

Possibly Jimmy there was another thread with rules collated, I lose track. Pretty sure i have uploaded a lot more than this before though, and probably more than once :)

Author:  moredakka [ Mon Apr 24, 2017 7:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for all the Leman Russ variants?

I did compile a lot of links in the sticky at the top of the E40k page but haven't updated it in a long time due to vanguard taking up all my time. The thread was supposed to be the one stop shop for all E40k updates, fan rules, army list links etc but was never fully completed.

Author:  Thinking Stone [ Mon Apr 24, 2017 12:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rules for all the Leman Russ variants?

On the topic of über-Raiders: they must have some pretty excellent STCs for those sponsons, I always thought a dedicated anti-tank turret on a Predator looked more impressive :P Of course, Predator autocannons were bit scarier in WH40K 2E! Thank ye for the pages too, @Kyrt!

I actually quite like the simplicity of a system where you can say 'basic troops + (special rule)': it has a certain elegance that's very appealing. Representing all the Chaos Space Marine God-dedications and differentiating a few of the Eldar Aspects are probably the two poorest coverages, I guess (but even so, it seems like only Banshees or Dragons really miss out!).

If you did want more complexity, though, I think the way to go would be to modify things in the direction of EA: it would be easy to replace the E40K Close Combat with EA-style combat, allowing things like power swords to be represented as something different. Distinguishing between AP and AT firepower could be done quite easily too, whilst retaining the use of the Firepower chart method. E40K really is a remarkable engine for customisation!

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